Well Sup Forums?
What's your excuse?
Well Sup Forums?
What's your excuse?
Other urls found in this thread:
go to pol
>playing doom
>staying in the EU
>Go out and tell people they face doom if they're not in EU!
What does this even mean? Go yell at people for not living in EU?
I really don't understand what i'm seeing.
That's right kids and remember to join NATO because if you aren't with us you are against us and probably a commie!
>Giving up your democracy cos self-interested politicians and huge mega-corporations tell you to.
Sounds good, f a m.
This. I don't get it.
dumb America posters
Fucking retards
But EU has ruined Europe and will mean the death of native Europeans
Britain is set to vote on whether to be part of the EU. It's a don't-forget-to-vote tweet.
is doom cracked yet?
I don't think about you at all.
I believe this is a reference.
Then why'd you respond?
>dad is telling me to vote stay but I don't really care about it
Huh. Only good thing I can see is EU stopes forcing us to be Germany, but refugee shot always happened with Britain.
>Britain is set to vote on whether to be part of the EU
I don't give a fuck as long as I get to keep getting those dope ass italian and franco-belgian comics.
Just vote out.
What's the worst that can happen?
as long as I get to keep getting those dope ass italian and franco-belgian comics.
How would it stop you from getting those?
I dunno, imports?
If your not going to bomb us who gives a shit
>choosing to leave the EU and doom your country to economic ruin
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
>staying in the EU
I hope the pain will end soon
>choosing to leave the EU and doom your country to economic ruin
Like Norway and Switzerland, right?
Regardless, even if that were the case, it then becomes a question of "how much are you willing to sell your democracy for"?
>you can't function economically without the EU
wew, someone call Switzerland and tell them the bad news
What the fuck is the EU?
It's not like it turns into Best Korea. Even if doomsayers tell you so.
I hope Britain can leave the EU.
>Best Korea
EU here. Please leave brits.
My country is EU candidate, I hope the whole EU meme is over before they accept us
>being this uniformed on a long existing org
European Union.
I dunno really.
Torries increase their dickery?
This. But as usual all the neo-hippy students will vote to stay in.