Tfw fell for the "stay on windows 7" meme

>tfw fell for the "stay on windows 7" meme

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unless you understand what using linux means.

just upgrade and stop listening to autism. read it sure, dont listen to it though.

What's wrong with that ?

There's nothing wrong with windows 7 though, and if you've reserved your copy of 10 then you don't have anything to really worry about anyways and can just wait until they remove all the tracking and spyware shit

>E3 2015
>Microsoft starting to say the whole "windows 10 exclusive" thing
>w7 fags go around saying "lol who cares, no good games"
>almost a year pass
>moie and more w10 exclusives on the horizon
>will be even more by next year

asides from new computer games, what possible reason could there possibly be to upgrade to W10?

>have declined W10 at least 50 times by now
>it's still prompting me to upgrade

Why would I have hit no all those times if I wasn't sure what to do.

>Quantum Break

Wow, it's fucking nothing.

You know you ca N get rid of the prompt right

google the fix. there's a way to permanently turn off those notifications. i'll be enjoying W7 until the end of my current computer's lifespan

8.1 is great.

>not a retarded normie
>disabled Windows updates years ago
I can't fucking fathom why anyone would want a computer that turns itself off every night for mandatory updates, let alone spams you with prompts to upgrade.

>more and more w10 exclusives

and none of them good.

run > msconfig > windows update > off

I will probably eventually get a windows 10 laptop for vidya but I will also turn this one into a linux box because fuck the botnet.

>Tried to stay on Windows 7
>Played Battlefield 4
>Pic Related
>Genuinely unplayable
>Hours of troubleshooting
>Download Windows 8
>Runs perfectly
I was genuinely upset

>moie and more w10 exclusives on the horizon

lol who cares, no good games

>Built PC with windows 7 premium
>Explicitly choose the option that updates should be installed with my consent
>Playing an online game of civ 5 with some friends
>Suddenly PC is turning off
>Installing updates
>Installing windows 10 patch
>What the fuck
>20 minutes later
>Sit through a literal 10 minute introduction to windows 10
>A fucking UI cutscene
>Revert changes back immediately
What the fucking fuck microsoft? Keep that shit up and I swear I'll go back to linux.

almost feel like consoles
>"haha shit game anyway"
>gets ported

win10 sucks
It's just an unoptimized unstable pile of garbage, i can't even shitpost on Sup Forums without my browser freezing every few seconds.

>falling for dx12 meme
>what is vulkan


But new games will force you to upgrade eventually.

spotted the no ssd fag

>Windows 7 is almost ten years old
What the fuck? I'm genuinely alarmed.
It's not that out of date is it?

Fuck, 7 was a perfect OS to me.

Keep crying shill, noone cares about win10 exclusives. Hell, most games released today still work on XP. Win10 adoption rate is plummetting and will be completely dead once it stops being free in July.

>tfw you didn't fall for the dumb wojak meme

Right now i'm using a laptop. It runs perfectly on win 8.1 but it has terribad performance on win 10.
It's not for games though, i use it for work.

>$0.10 has been deposited into your Microsoft account

>win10 sucks
>It's just an unoptimized unstable pile of garbage, i can't even shitpost on Sup Forums without my browser freezing every few seconds.

I too think it's bad, but I don't have any problems with it mechanically. It's bad cause of all the bloat you get with it. At least I got Killer Instinct, that sorta made up for it. Already put in 36hrs into the game and Haven't Spent A Penny. It's great senpai.

>Install torrents through a proxy
>Offline install and play said games
>My win 7 automatically updated to win 10 a few days ago
>My broadband provider sent CaD orders in the mail today
T-thanks microsoft.

>mfw running a fresh 7 SP1 with auto updates turned off since January

With all the Windows 10 exclusives coming, there is LITERALLY no reason to not upgrade right now"); re

Linux means a world of pain, spending ages to make the simple programmes work & wearing a tin foil hat & pissing in a plastic bottle in a bedroom at mummys house


The thing that kills me about Windows 10 is that Microsoft was on such a good path with Dotnet. Open specification, half-hearted support for the cross-platform runtime Mono, bytecode language that makes it easy to write new front-end languages. It was like they had turned over a new leaf, then they have to go and throw all that away with a hamfisted adoption scheme for their shitty new OS.

>buying windows

You did this to yourself.
Also in what kind of a shithole country do they send CaD letters for torrenting?

my point exactly

i literally was using XP until december of 2015 when i switched to w7
im not even joking

ironically, I have more trouble doing simple things on windows

linux has all those basic tools for every needs, windows need you to go out of your way to find something suitable and it's often just bloatware

Install MinGW/msys.

>not using linux

enjoy your malware

>instead you fell for the even worse anime meme

Does old Billy still have a say in how the company operates?

The way he uses his money makes him seem like a nice guy, but it's irrelevant if all this shit is done under his watch.

Win 7 fags are the worse, fucking slow as shit. Get with the times grandpa

They want the install base 98 and XP brought in, a lot of computers in businesses still run XP because it's efficient enough for the simple tasks it's used for. Also as an attempt to apologise for 9.

win7fags are literally the same as consolefags

just holding back everyone

If you hate it so much you can easily upgrade you fucking retard.

6/10 bait made me reply.

M$ marketing thread.
Nobody wants NSA OS

I don't watch TV anymore.

Why not? I trust Microsoft with my information and their good care to handle security.

I know my children are safe from hackers and pedophiles with Windows 10.

>upgrade to Win10 for the free license
>reinstall Windows 7
>set for the future without upgrading to Windows: Spyware Edition until it's absolutely necessary

I fell for the meme and installed W10 and it was so fucking horrendous I had to roll back to 7
There is a slim chance that they've fixed everything in the last months but I seriously doubt it.

And there's still not a single reason to even upgrade to W10 yet aside from a few of Microsoft's shitty games

By the time you need something newer than 7, 11 will be out.

>being this assmad that windows 10 failed almost as bad as Windows 8

>Bought Quantum Break
>Got a windows 10 code for it for free
>Don't use windows 10
Don't even know what to do with it desu senpai

I'm more convinced that they want to create an "app ecosystem," which they also wanted with 8/8.1 but that was a catastrophe. But there's a problem with that, that they need adoption of an RT/whatever-based system to attract developers but they need developers to make an ecosystem to attract users. So they tried to short-circuit the chickens and eggs with this totally insane scheme.

Isn't the plan for Windows 10 to be their last OS for the foreseeable future?

Yeah, that plan is laughable at best.

Sell it to the Russians for $1.

What makes you say that?

They saw the success Apple had and tried to knock it off and sell it to users, without applying the logic that people who already have one product don't want a knockoff of that product. MS used to actually lead and innovate, but now they're on damage control for crappy gimmicks.

depends on what they plan to do

if their goal is an app ecosystem, then replacing the OS will just hurt their user base and app sales

instead there'll probably be massive upgrades that will pretend to still be windows 10 when it changed almost everything

person just likes typing laughable

They'll crack once it's 2020 and windows 10 still hasn't been installed on 1 billion devices like they thought it would
What's with Microsoft and that number? They thought they would sell a billion xbones too.

People will always find ways to make software better. Although we're reaching the point of diminishing returns. Hardware's another story entirely.

Some games don't work with Windows 7, like Mad Max I believe.

Not that user, but the older a house gets, the more cracks appear in it. If it's gotten old enough that you notice cracks in the foundation, then all sorts of shit will begin to find ways in and eventually weaken it more.

Software is no different.

I'm on windows 7 right now, so I have until July 29th to upgrade for free. That being said, is there literally any reason to upgrade beyond the possible windows 10 exclusives to come?

Because it's a dependable source of revenue, if from nothing else.
Also because they'll eventually want to do more than minor changes, as they have been doing since the beginning of their fucking existence.

It's a big impressive number. Like Facebook saying they have 3 billion users or Java being run on billions of devices.

Yeah, well Apple or Android or Steam, pick your poison. It's pretty clear they regret missing the boat, and will sell the world for a third-class ticket.

Windows 7 will be 11 years old by then though, who wants to be stuck with an 11 year old OS?

The thing is. There is literally no reason not to upgrade.

You need to do the Win7Fix it sounds like.

Uninstall and Hide following updates:

Search CEIP in your startmenu and turn it off if you haven't already.

sc stop Diagtrack
sc delete Diagtrack

Task Scheduler Library:
Everything under "Application Experience"
Everything under "Autochk"
Everything under "Customer Experience Improvement Program"
Under "Disk Diagnostic" only the "Microsoft-Windows-DiskDiagnosticDataCollector"
Under "Maintenance" "WinSAT"
"Media Center" and click the "status" column, then select all non-disabled entries and disable them.

"Remote Registry" to "Disabled" instead of "Manual".

Paste these into the "hosts" file in C:/Windows/System32/Drivers/etc/
(open with notepad)

>access denied to hosts file editing
take ownership of the file:

3068708 telemetry
3022345 telemtery
2952664 telemetry
2990214 win 10 update compatibility check
3035583 get win 10 update app
971033 current OS activation checking
3021917 telemetry
3044374 win 10 update compatibility check

there might even drop support for it by then, or near

and assuming games didn't all move to vulkan, there'll be a lot of dx12-only games

me, probably

already ded api since only 3% of phones on the market can use it.

Microsoft won't have enough of their market share running W10 for them be able to force exclusivity for long.

All I've heard is complaints, even if some are minor. No reason to upgrade to an OS literally no one praises and has a high chance of acting up.

>he says this while posting on Sup Forums

I got a PC for gaming and almost never use it because W10 kept breaking all my programs. I turned off that shit in the registry but it just completely soured me on the thing, I put it in the closet and don't even care if it exists.

THAT is how shitty W10 is. This fucking computer might as well be a WiiU for all I care.

>not using 96
You deserve everything you get

He's still on the board and a massive shareholder, so I can't see how not

You do realize theres still a significant amount of people using XP right now, even more than people using Windows 8? New != better, people will always stick to what works.

What's the status of disabling telemetry bullshit in 10?

I usually don't give a shit about paranoid fucko crap but the amount of data 10 collects and the inability to turn any of it off permanently is not something I'm cool with.

all memes aside its a pretty good OS

>You do realize theres still a significant amount of people using XP right now
I'm well aware

Why do people even update windows?

What do you even need to update? other than .net and direct x libraries for games which you can download yourself and usually come with the games anyway.

It's impossible, it's baked in.
You'll have to run a strict firewall on your router if you don't want your OS constantly reporting your keystrokes to microsoft.

Windows 7 is 7 years old.

Can you give any reasons why? What makes it better than 7?

>boot up win10
>grab old windows game
>try installing it
>bunch of errors
>google, find patches, more errors, crashes
>never get it to work

>boot up linux
>grab old windows game
>check wine appdb in case need anything special
>set Wine to appropriate mode for the game (win98, winXP, win7, etc..)
>don't even need patches
>runs fine

Never had any problems running games in Windows 10 whatsoever. The telemetry bothers me so I blocked all their destinations on my router.

>picked some stupid user pics in W10 because it was funny
>realized there was no way to back to not having one
>had to use system restore to get rid of it

This OS is vomit, really if you want this you need a therapist to solve some deep issues you have with being truly happy.

They don't release newer versions of DirectX for older version of windows. (10 only for Vista and above, 11 only for 7 and above, 12 for 10 and above).

Will that even matter once vulkan gets going?

Fair enough, I suppose newer direct x is kind of a big deal, but I have yet to run into any games that require it.

Some developers may not use Vulkan.
That being said, I hope it really takes off.

Yeah, because believe it or not DirectX is much nicer to develop in than OpenGL.

Vulkan is a pretty drastic change from OpenGL though, isn't it?