Reminder a person kidnapped American McGee's sister and possibly murdered her

Reminder a person kidnapped American McGee's sister and possibly murdered her.

The most recent update on the SaveMercy page is that their family is awaiting forensic evidence to see if an unidentifiable deceased female could be her.

This entire event, from the start to current developments has received minimal to zero coverage by sites such as Kotaku or Polygon.

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Video Games

For example, here is Kotaku's coverage

Just a paragraph of text. No picture to even make it a full article, this paragraph sits between two actual articles and is passed over by most people - in addition to using wording that insinuates this is just what American McGee is "saying".

He is a video game developer. A pretty iconic one too.

His name is American McGee? I thought that was the name of the company.

There's no coverage because he mentions GG

That's because a literal SJW is the one behind her disappearance because he supported GG. None of these corrupt, garbage sites are willing to stand with him because of that.

maybe they feared tabloid accusations for exploiting the situation for clickyclicks

But shouldn't they care more about a woman who was kidnapped and possibly murdered?

His mom was a bit of a nut.

The motherfucker worked on Doom 1 and 2 and made some damn nice levels.

Eh its more likely to do with her colourful personal history, but yeah gaming press won't cover because of their agenda.

Money is more important to these "video game journalism" websites.
They make news about a missing woman and it will just lose them readers.

The Kotaku coverage is so gross. Not even reporting as if it happened, just "American McGee CLAIMS his sister may have been kidnapped"

Should they? Absolutely. But they don't because they're awful human garbage who only care about their agenda and pointless ideology war. All they see is someone who disagrees with them and so he's an enemy and they're glad bad things are happening to him. It's sociopathic, childish, vindictive behavior.

The Gaming media is filled with SJWs, user. SJWs, and modern liberals in general, are EXTREMELY hypocritical.

They don't care how many women are kidnapped, raped, or murdered if they're related to, or are GG supporters

This is why Kotaku, Polygon, SJWs, and their apologists are literal scum

>zero coverage by sites such as Kotaku or Polygon

That is because they are retards and have minimal, if not absent, empathy.

And if something/someone lacks empathy...

These people are nutjobs. It took me a while to realize but I now realize these people are geniune sociopaths who are so fed with their leftist agenda that they can't even sympathize with another human being.

Kotaku, Polygon, Destructoid, NeoGaf and so on. Full of geniune nutjobs. You must realize that to become a gaming journalist, you already admit that you're a failure so you do what you can to gain some access into special little Internet clubs.

>feared tabloid accusations

lol nice meme

parents were hippies probably



>And if something/someone lacks empathy...

Go ahead and finish your thought.

Just because you're too underage to know who he is doesn't mean it's not videogames.

You know how many gamedevs there are in this world? Plenty. I imagine there's quite a lot of gamedevs who've had shit happen to them in their life. OH SHIT THEY HAVEN'T BEEN COVERED BY POLYGON AS WELL, WHAT A CONSPIRACY

>Video game discussion must be 100% video games, no devs, no famous players, no jokes, no culture, no unofficial games

You are the worst kind of person.

But American McGee's sister being kidnapped was covered. Just very sparsely.

Because the suspect was a known and vocal anti-GamerGate person who was harassing American McGee publicly on his twitter, threatening him and his sister.

But you know that, so why are you being willfully obtuse?

>1 year passed

shes already dead

>twitter threats are suddenly serious business when it's done against MY side

fucking hypocrites

Socjus as a whole is a farce. It was never about equality or righting social wrongs. It has always been, and will always be, about trolling, harassing, and shitting on people they don't like for whatever reasons they can concoct to hate them.

If it were about social justice, video games and media would be the absolute bottom on their priority list, and they'd be going after real world bullshit (foreign sex trade, institutionalized mistreatment of women in the middle east, etc). But they don't actuall care about that, or at the very least they give lip service and little else.

And just like every radical movement its been hijacked by people, except these people are looking to profit from the hate and vitrol they spew. Anita, Zoe, et al are all shameless profiteers taking advantage of the easy controversy this shit causes.

Oh no one is questioning that. The only question is how will socjus spin this to pin the blame on GG?

>GG falseflagged as an anti GG to make us look bad!

The most recent update from the family is their still awaiting the results from a forensic report to see if the remains are her. The body they found and believed to be her is so badly damaged it's not possible to tell from simply looking.

sounds like a real horror story

>twitter threats are suddenly serious business when the person making the threats actually follows through on them

I'll repeat the question, why are you being willfully obtuse?

There's a small chance she's still alive being kept in someone's rape dungeon, but yes, most likely she is. You're fucking terrible for including that image in your post though. Genuinely fucked in the head user.

>twitter threats are suddenly serious business
>serious business

Yep, it is if those threats become something more serious in real life. Like murder or arson.
And it applies to both sides.

You imbecile.

>>GG falseflagged as an anti GG to make us look bad!
That's already what people on SomethingAwful were doing, before they made talking about her a bannable offense.

Zoe Quinn literally sabotaged an anti harassment website because it wasn't about her.

American McGee has such a tough life.
If I remember right he was born to a dyke hippie who ditched him when he was like five.

Chances are he received many threats from many people, even before appearing in GG (because that's what happens to semi-famous people). Obviously you fags are going to link whatever you can to le socjus even though there's 0 evidence

Sister (who has quite a history) was nogged by some nig

Man reading shit like that always puts me on the verge of tears, this is so fucking sad.

I can't wait for the NeoGAF thread.

Why aren't the police even trying?

Well, it is a little different when the person being threatened actually ends up disappearing.

With that said, there's still no proof the perpetrator was related in any way to gamergate, and the people who obsess about the gamergate aspect of this over the fact that a sister and mother of three is most likely dead are disgusting.

I still don't get how Gawker can still afford the shills.


The same way Sup Forums can afford such quality moderation.

>Saying "You suck" to someone on twitter is somehow on the same level of kidnapping

Never go full retard.

>After a former boyfriend of Quinn wrote a lengthy disparaging blog post about her, others falsely accused her of entering a relationship with a journalist in exchange for positive coverage
>falsely accused

That can't possibly be real.

I don't want to believe that's real.

Gamergate as fuck in here

Because the person publicly mentioned being in Dallas (where she went missing) and her name whilst making the threat, and then it happened.

They found a body after going after the poster who was making the threats, they're just not sure it's her with the state the corpse was in.

As for why the results are taking so long, forensic backlogs are infamously huge.

Are there any standards for printed video game media, as opposed to purely online publishings?

Are VG mags cancerous nowadays as well? I just want my snarky favourite reviewers back.

There won't be any. The mods will nuke it and ban anyone who expressed remorse. NeoFag mods are geniune mental cases. Several of them even admit they have mental problems.

Nigger are you serious

That fucking kickstarter project was literally 1984 and broke every privacy law in existence

It doesn't matter if you're left or right, that project HAS to be torpedoed down

>and the people who obsess about the gamergate aspect of this over the fact that a sister and mother of three is most likely dead are disgusting.
Holy fucking shit, what an absolutely Reddit comment.

Remember the reality when somebody uses an anime girl avatar

>I don't want to believe that's real.
I believe it's real

I just don't think it's sincere

>Redditors will call that faggot a 'she'

This just reminds me of the time Wu went crazy trying to convince wikipedia Samus was trans.

wait, are gamergate the good guys or the bad guys? i don't know anymore

>there's still no proof the perpetrator was related in any way to gamergate

The posts on the persons profile towards American were public until the account was closed after investigation. They were specifically called American a piece of shit for supporting GamerGate, and had other posts corroborating the same sentiment.

Investigating said person lead to a body.

What's sad is the only reporting on this in outlets related to the industry is one small article on Kotaku where it's worded as American McGee "claiming" it happened.

Literally all of the news of these events are coming from McGee's own Facebook, because actual video game journal sites are refusing to even acknowledge it happened beyond that American McGee "said it may have happened".

American McGee must've lived a tough life.

Taken from his Wiki page:
>One day when American was sixteen, he came home from school only to find the house empty and abandoned. The only things left were his bed, his books, his clothes and his Commodore 64 computer. His mother had sold the house to pay for two plane tickets and the fee for her girlfriend's sex change operation.

It's one of the shittiest things I've ever read if it's real


Any sensible person is pro GG.

>Investigating said person lead to a body.


>maybe they feared tabloid accusations for exploiting the situation for clickyclicks
>Passing up clickbait opportunities

>>falsely accused
>admitted by herself in publicized logs


It's his sister. She is not a developer.


>Any sensible person is pro GG.

But Sup Forums is so retarded that they think being pro something=being fanatical about something

>Saying fantastical shit like "Go climb a wall of dicks you candle sniffing fuckfence." is as bad as "WOW I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS SPOUT [THIS OPINION], Don't let me see you or [family member] in [area] or else you might be having 'troubles.":^)"

Socialists gonna socialist.

Looks like (8)chan's invading again. Your boards too slow you fuckers, so you come here and plague us?


that's my point. some sjw or quinn edited the page lol.

>Sup Forums is one person

There's only about 4 videogame magazines and they're all owned by companies with clear self-interests. Playstation Magazine is owned by Sony, XBOX Magazine is owned by Microsoft, Game Informer is owned by Gamestop and Famitsu is a subsidiary of Nintendo.

should have posted the full version

>Being the only child, McGee had a number of stepfathers when growing up until his mother finally settled on a transgender woman. One day when American was sixteen, he came home from school only to find the house empty and abandoned. The only things left were his bed, his books, his clothes and his Commodore 64 computer. His mother had sold the house to pay for two plane tickets and the fee for her girlfriend's sex change operation. American was on his own. He packed up his computer, dropped out of high school and took a variety of odd jobs, finally settling on a Volkswagen repair shop.

Doesn't anyone think it's weird seeing this whole gamergate bullshit being considered as the reason for someone's disappearance and possible murder? It sounds like a joke. I can even imagine McGee having to explain to the police what gamergate even is.
Still, it's a fucked up situation. Hope there'll be some semblance of a happy ending to this.

Shut the fuck up retard.

>leftist agenda

I don't care about the kickstarter being shit, it's just annoying to see Zoe Quinn throw a tantrum because she isn't the heroine of the internet, and harass people while pretending to fight against harassment.

Good guys.

Anything pisses off sjws and neo-Sup Forums will always be the good guys

unless you're just bewildered like I am and you werent challenging me. then im just a huge faggot and you can ignore my post.

Only after you and your horde of ledditors go back to where you belong.

Thread might have been alright if you weren't BLARGH THE MEDIA, ZOE, SJW! within three posts.

ZQ and Wu went on a vandalism spree in that article and mods aided and abetted, now it's protected and only mods can make edits and they're all beta nu-male allies of socjus, so you will never get an accurate account of the whole debacle from Wikipedia.

Literally only the facebook pages for her and American's own.

>He also mentions that his inspiration for the macabre tone of Alice comes from his disturbing, dysfunctional childhood. For instance, on McGee's 13th birthday, his father, whom he had just met for the first time, was "stinking drunk" and assaulted the young McGee by attempting to gouge his eyes out with the intent of either killing or molesting him. McGee escaped this event by suggesting they "take both of their cars" to a bar and get drunk. Luckily, the father agreed. Shortly afterwards his father was involved in a car accident. "They got no more than 100 feet away when American's dad crashed into a telephone pole."

Okay seriously what the fuck are one of you editing the wikipedia page to make him have the most sob story of a life ever?

that's fucking hilarious

A developer's sister who was kidnapped because of gaming journalism stances.

Fucking idiot.

skimming through the shit

the person who did the kickstarter was new to the internet
privacy thing might be one thing but the whole ordeal involving the relationship of the person and zoe made it a fun read

>It is very important to note that Zoe Quinn told me that Gamergate would try to end my Kickstarter campaign.

see mang who cares about broken privacy laws

The wiki page was always their side of the story. There used to be edit wars waged but eventually they got the necessary excuses to have them all banned/barred. They've got it locked down now.