I've been naturally depressed for 2 years and after playing this gave I think I've hit rock bottom

I've been naturally depressed for 2 years and after playing this gave I think I've hit rock bottom.

I really wish I was joking. I loved 64.

Where did it all go so wrong? Why was this garbage delayed? When will Nintendo fuck off with gimmick bullshit?

The gimmicks aren't the problem, it's that the rest of the game is mediocre.

>Where did it all go so wrong?
In japan around 1889 a company was formed based entirely on playing
>Why was this garbage delayed?
because is was garbage and they were hoping the fans excited for the game would die so they could fool new people without the old busted warning them they it's shit
>When will Nintendo fuck off with gimmick bullshit?
next year, with the death rattle being the NX and a new golden age of gaming when all those IPs finally get into the hands of competent developers that make games exclusively for the PC

>naturally depressed


the opposite of artificially depressed, dumb dumb


I liked the gameplay. It takes a bit to get the hang of it,but after that it was a blast.
I think the problem was that it was a retread of 64, and a worse one at that. Most lines were rehashed or butchered, less planets, less characters, etc. If it was a new story I probably would've been more interested.

>He thought this neo-nintendo game was going to be good
I knew it was going to suck quite literally the very first frame i saw at last years E3.

>he thinks gimmicks acceptable
>he thinks graphics have to suffer for gameplay
>he thinks Nintendo is allowed on Sup Forums

>Why was this garbage delayed?
because the controls were worse
think about that
fucking think about that

PC is a gimmick lol


Because a certain someone loves playing with experimental controls than actually trying to remove the barrier of control between the player and the action on screen.

Gyro aiming would've been ALRIGHT by itself as a plus, It worked for Splatoon, but not this mandatory extra gamepad screen aiming shit. Not this.

Oh boy, can't wait to see how innovative the NX's games are now theyre trying to make it a "new way to play"

And I absolutely WONDER whos going to be on the forefront of development when he gets his hand on the input device.

>I've been Naturally depressed

Then have Artificial Fun

Go sleep, Miyamoto. You are too senile to innovate

Keep this post in mind for the gimmick defense force. Nintendo's hired marketers are rabid.

All range mode and the new vehicles are the issue.

Controls are fine.

I still don't get why choose a fucking chicken instead of this

Because it was in SF2 and Miyamoto has some kind of obsession with it.

I don't get why it wasn't a fox. That wolf walker is mad cool.

Then they could use something like this instead, but again, Nintendo thought it was a good idea to save the Lylat system in a fucking chicken arwing