Am i wrong to think Vehicles in Battlefield are overpowered?

Am i wrong to think Vehicles in Battlefield are overpowered?

I just want to play on a server without tanks. Cant find any though...

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I only use vehicles to get around, other than that I find them hilarious easy to sit in and killwhore. Makes the game a massive bore.

infantry mode setting, unlock region because they are rare. in server settings.

and yes vehicles are OP as fuck if you can use them right. but then you can snipe jets if you are good enough so its down to interpretation, and map.

>Vehicles in Battlefield are overpowered

I'm so glad i switched to ARMA if this is what people think of battlefield nowadays.


I can understand flying a helicopter around and getting kills to be at least somewhat challenging , bu ti really dont like how unbalanced tanks are.

Probably but mostly depends on the player sitting on them. Still, I love the taste of tankshitters tears after a good dose of C4.

Yeah, they are. Wish there were maps with no armored vehicles and no engineers repairing choppers mid-flight. That shit's gay but it did force me to master the rpg

Am I wrong to think guns are overpowered?

I want to play on a sever without guns but I can't find any.

>Hadn't played in almost a year
>Get back into it
>Go support, slam a UCAV right into the asshole of an M1
>30 damage

The fuck is the point of these things now? they are tough to control, can't be used on anything

search for knife only.

implying I didn't know you were trying to be clever.

Maybe its just the samefag talking to himself.

OP here

the only map i can seem to find that doesnt have tanks is Operation Locker. Just got the game yesterday though so still getting used to it.

Play Call of Duty instead if you're not happy with vehicles you faggot.

In advanced options choose "infantry only" or "limited vehicles"

I really love this game for the sound.

call of duty doesnt do it for me. Its a better speed than call of duty also. Im not always getting killed from behind, just some wanker in a tank.

No they are not since there is only a limited amount of tanks on each map and, more important, kills aren't the objectives.

>Mfw enemy LAV sniping from behind scoring 22:0
>Mfw we still win because it's a rush map and we are defending

Why don't you just use some anti tank gear? The standard tier 1 anti tank weapon has auto aim.

Literally no excuse.

Am I wrong to think knifes, guns and vehicles are overpowered?

I want to play on a sever without knifes, guns and vehicles but I can't find any.

Been playing BF4 since release and never knew this was a thing. Hopefully there are some servers with a decent ping from AUS

One hit kill on infantry

Because it takes minimum 4 shots to kill them. meanwhile, even if you're behind a rock or a wall, they just have to shoot beside it or through it to kill you instantly.

Search for grenade only.

Well played

>Facing a 60 tons war machine made out of steel alone in the open.

Just like in real life.

>behind a wall
>in the open

Pick one faggot

No current in service tank is still moving after 3 hits with an RPG

You think a rock or a wall (even a concrete one) will protect you from a tungsten round let alone a HE?

Armored vehicles are dangerous, but they are expensive. Human lives and explosives are cheap.

>"Just got the game yesterday though so still getting used to it."
>already thinks he knows what's op or not

Vehicles are only op if your team is shit.
If you want to help out your team, go engy, which is probably going to be your most used class, so focus on upgrading that.

Harass tanks with the SMAW until you're confident enough to judge distances with the RPG.
They will most likely reverse and get the fuck out of there, but the important thing is, they are out of the area.

Yeah, I've seen people who can get 50-0 in the tank.
But they are always shithead clan members who care more about their killstreaks than helping their team. They don't move on points and only go for the easy kills out in the open.
As long as your there and bitch slapping them with the RPG as soon as they get close, they will just run away and leave your team alone.

What? I'm pretty sure every modern tank can take plenty of shots as long as they hit it frontal.
>Modern tanks
>Getting hit by missiles at all

I picked up BF4 again after a year long hiatus. Have they nerfed the little bird? I used to roll with my friend (support pilot with reload aura) and me as engi rocking repeair tool and anti air missles. we we're unkillable flying deathmachines and it was the greatest fun we ever had playing this game. Trying it out some days ago though and I wasn't able to shoot rockets while sitting as passenger in the little bird anymore. Did EA really listen to the whiners and remove this fun vehicle combination?

Rocks are usually in the open. And why do you stand next to doors while a tank is aiming at you?


>Noob friendly server.

>playing with people who are rank 112

>play rush on offense
>dude spawns in LAV, literally "rushes" to the first target
>exits vehicle to go and plant C4
>gets killed
>our LAV gets stolen
>we now have two LAVs against us


Well, I know at least Australian tanks (M1A1) have no reason they wouldn't be hit by an RPG. Which is far more likely than any other kind of missile in current conflicts.
The bushmasters do a great job of delfecting mines and small arms from the side but even .50 cal have pierced sides.
Never been in or worked with the LAVs so I don't know much about what they can take but It'd be far less than a tank.

Why does hitreg in BF4 feel awful compared to BF3?

I used to win every single 1v1 firefight in BF3 but I'm fucking useless in BF4. I feel like i get about 6 hitmarkers, die and their HP reads about 50.

It just feels slower and a lot more unresponsive.

I'm pretty sure they made it so you can't fire stingers or javelins as a passenger in a vehicle.
Also, they really slowed down the repair rate when repairing from a vehicle.
So yeah, that combo is pretty much dead.

At least these changes stopped the unstoppable attack boats in paracel

>I play Battlefield for the Infantry combat

So this is what has come to

>Seine crossing
>Defending team puts spawn beacons next to the first assault check point and steal the attackers LAV

So never attack tanks?

This is why i stopped playing bf 2bh

Thats all the end game is...some max level taking his vehicle of choice, getting infinite kills and going out of range/target when hes about to be attacked. What? You mean he actually does get damaged? No problem, he has an army of assfuckers right on him ready and eager to repair the vehicle to 100 health

Call of duty was always better than this shit, never again

Yes and no, they're really annoying in the hands of a good driver/pilot, but they can be taken down or avoided with good map awareness and movement.

I personally prefer infantry combat so I stick to servers that play Locker, Propaganda and the likes. Or you can try to find "Infantry Only" servers.

There is a lot more spread and the weapon dmg falls of pretty hard over a small distance.

But infantry combat is the biggest part of the game.

They aren't. If someone/s on the other team is dominating in a vehicle/s, its entirely on your team. All it fucking takes is for the majority to switch to engie and swamp him with rockets then switch back. I don't understand why so many dumbshit players in this game are allergic to redeploying and/or switching classes to perform a role.

Weapons don't drop off damage more than in BF3 and the higher spread is only true for high rpm close quarters weapons.

Unless he is doing something retarded like heavy barrel ergo grip AEK trying to engage people at 80 meters, he shouldn't be losing firefights like that.

I find it very hard to lose 1v1s and even 1v2s in BF4, you just need proper recoil control and aim.

Bf3 lead development for PC
Bf4 lead development for console.

This my answer, it is just a direction.

the netcode is still ass, I swear the server reads both actions and chooses who went first on the tick, had way too many one shot draws (ie both dead) on 4.

Only attack if you can run into cover and if the tank isn't facing you.

And don't pop out on the same spot if you continue to shoot the tank.

how can vehicles be overpowered? Its a teamshooter. You're supposed to focus on the objective by playing with your mates, and not about your stats.

And since all maps share the same amount of vehicles for both sides, or at least a balanced amount, everything is fine.

Combined arms is the biggest part of the game.

Regardless of what you think, even in 64 player on the biggest maps like Golmud you'll never have more than half of the team on vehicles. More than half of the team will be on infantry.

>just start playing this game recently because friend wants me to
>hes literally one of the best helicopter pilots in NA

>Am i wrong to think Vehicles in Battlefield are overpowered?

Don't know how many tank shells you can take to the face in real life, buddy. But yeah, vehicles in Battlefield will fuck your shit up, best stay with your squad so you can do some damage back.

>I just want to play on a server without tanks. Cant find any though...

BF4's server browser has some of the most autistic filter options I've ever seen, if you can't find any servers without vehicles you aren't using it right.

It's a team player game.

This is the problem of new battlefags, they all want to rock on their own, like this shit is somehow an cod or doom.

I've been playing FPS for a long time, my aim might have gotten a little shitter, but I still think it's pretty good. I mean BF3 isn't THAT old and I used to rape on it. So far for me, the only thing BF4 does better than 3 is air vehicles and anti-air missles and the addition of boats(which I have no problems with really). Vehicles feel unstoppable, bullets feel like they travel slower resulting in having to compensate to retarded levels of guessing trajectory.

Snipers feel the same I guess but AR's, carbines, pistols all feel way way worse.

But why do the firefights feel so sluggish in bf4?

I remember killing people left and right with the G3 and in Bf4 the scar H doesn't compare at all.

In a reverse-epiphany I bought hardline the other day. holy crap, that game is so, so fucking bad. I don't even know what to tell you.

>weapon handling is shit
>weapon damage is too damn high
>conquest is a joke
>invincible cars with mounted MGs fuck shit up
>flying death machines with no way to shoot them down
>engineer wields a fucking noobtube

why are there even servers still up for this literal horse shit?

I didn't bother with battlefield 4 beyond the beta since i was pretty fed up with the third game. Does tank still have the shotgun round unlock? I found it very fun for something that probably breaks the Geneva convention.

That's because the map doesn't have enough vehicles to allow for more than half of the team to be in them.

Meh, I like gunplay in BF4 a lot more. The game is actually harder than 3, and I like that.
I don't exactly understand your complaint, you shouldn't be engaging people at extreme ranges with a carbine anyway so the spread and bullet speed are understandable.

In BF4 you can not use your weapons outside their intended ranges unless you have a very specific attachment combo and good burst fire control. They did it to make weapons like the M16A3 not king at everything like in BF3. For a while, the same thing happened in BF4 where you could kill people at sniper range with an AEK with an angled grip. So why use any other assault rifle?

Despite what BF2 fags want you to believe, Bad Company 2 was actually the single best Battlefield game of all time

The worst think about pistols is that tac lights don't suppress the target anymore.

>Tfw jumping out of your cover, heavily wounded, aiming with your M9 Taclight straight down the hallway and killing 3 enemies with one magazine.

You need to get good with the SCARH. It's a rape machine in BF4. You just haven't gotten used to it yet.

I know, I also had trouble when I switched from BF3 to BF4 after using the G3 a lot. But really the SCARH is actually even better than the G3, it has a faster reload and better recoil pattern.

Put an ergo grip and no barrel attachment on that shit and just get good with it.

If you were really good with the G3 you can be really good with the SCARH.

The thing is that not a single map has enough vehicles to allow. Not Golmud, not Altai Range. None of the maps have that many vehicles.

It was only in modded servers in the previous games when you could have all out vehicle only warfare.

I think 3 was better in every way, including sound. The base maps in 3 were way better and the guns felt...i dont know how to say it. Felt better to aim, move, shoot. Kills were easy to give and receieve, most deaths felt fair. I stopped playing 4 after a month because i always died from some queer hiding miles away in a vehicle and if i was ever in a battle, i would put 10 shots in someone and theyd do nothing but turn around and kill me in 2 shots. Glad bf3 still has a decent population left

But now all assault rifles are the same, not including the scar-h and the aek.

This. Even the campaign was excellent

I'd be fine with them if they didn't have a billion gimmicks like motion sensor and deflecting rockets

I have tried using a lot of combinations of AR, Carbine, LMG, Snipers and PDW.

It seems that ARs are pointless now and LMGs win every time. PDWs are pretty good too which completely overshadow carbines. I'm not trying to snipe niggaz with AR's either, it's like close/medium range and I still struggle with them and carbines.

I don't know what it is. I experiment with attachments and stuff and I still can't find the right combos.

Here are my BF3 stats. I mostly played CQL, CQ and Rush as they're my favourite game modes. I play the same modes in BF4 but I'm awful at it and I can't quite put my finger on it.




Other than that vehicles counter vehicles. When I play tank I try to support infantry as much as possible, while keeping tanks at bay (Hitting them once makes them run for their money, plus a well timed active shield may even the odds if you are outnumbered.)

>The thing is that not a single map has enough vehicles to allow. Not Golmud, not Altai Range. None of the maps have that many vehicles.

Which is a good thing in my opinion, DICE has found a healthy balance between the amount of infantry and vehicle units in their game. Sure, it would be fun to have a vehicle-centered game-mode such as a tank only server with different objectives, I agree. But for conquest it would just be a mess if more than half of the team occupied vehicles.

Pilot here, love Controlling the battlefield with being absolutely invincible. Haven't lost a Dogfighter in the last 200 hours and can even takeout most of the antiairs with ease.

I love it.

bad company was a mistake
>we want the cod audience

most of the time i cant even see where I'm being shot from

What's up with no hardcore servers on PS4? It's the only game mode where I can nail some kills with spray and pray, but the server list won't show any.

>See elder tier pilot in the sky raping our team
>Half of the team leaves

playing bf2 again I've noticed more teamwork in that compared to bf3/4. shame the netcode is so terrible

Oh yeah, that too. It's instinct for me to always try to keep moving in an FPS, never stick around and camp cause it makes you a sitting duck, but in BF4 it feels like the complete opposite.

my bf4 stats in comparison to bf3 really suck.

Now that you say it, that happens a lot. Linda frustrating when you run out of targets.

>you are now fighting against him

ARs dominate in medium range (50m to 250m). I happen to kill badly positioned snipers with few hits, especially since aiming at that flashing point of their's leads you to aim straight at their head. Carbines are closing the gap between PDW and AR, so it's like 10m to 150m.
LMGs are in about the same range class as ARs, but their immobility gives them a disadvantage in close quarters, except if you manage to sit down at a good chokepoint with a bipod. Other than that those things are the bane of any infantry unit.
Snipers are quite obvious. Longer range than DMR, requires quite some practice. Close quarters is near impossible with those, even with close quarters sights (except on hardcore).
DMRs aka. wasps have a slightly higher range than AR but less than snipers. Three hits suffice to kill a target which is quite ridiculous (or on hardcore even 1 hit) and makes it even reliable on close quarters.
Shotguns are obvious, as long as you don't put Slug ammunition into your shotgun you're blasting everything with a single shot in close quarters into oblivion. Slug increases the range to Carbine range, headshots do one shot and sometimes a body shot does too.
PDWs are obvious too. Use in close-range

>implying Bad Company won over the CoD audience
Bad Company was a marginal success but did little to include Call of Duty fans to the franchise. The real turning point was when CoD players started to realize their franchise was becoming a lazy rehash with MW3 and began switching over to Battlefield 3.

i skipped the smaw and went straight for the rpg, but he's right
the mechanic/anti-tank specializations are your friends, and so is shooting the tank directly from the rear

Teach me how I can play BF2 again, senpai. How can I find active servers?

Yeah they are overpowered in 3 and 4 because there's way too much healing and shit they can get. Jets in particular can just stay in the air forever even if they have 5 guys locking on and shooting at them. Even if they get hit they just fly out of the map for 20 seconds and they're back to full HP.

>dont like how unbalanced tanks are.

If you're not a complete scrub, so long as you have some kind of explosive weapon, tanks are a doddle.
If you are somewhat of a scrub, just fucking run away, tanks are slow to manuever and easy to avoid.

My sniper loadout always has C4 so I can drop from my cover, plant one on the tail of a passing tank, and do a badass explosion walk away.
there you go boss

You just need to get used to the game.
It takes a while to get adjusted from BF3 to BF4.

Also in BF4 mobility is more important than in BF3. In fact the current meta is to outshoot your enemies with better movement and overwhelming firepower like AEK/ACE23 zouzou jump and other movement techniques.

You're probably just used to the BF3 playstyle, that is very different to the successful BF4 playstile.

My most used weapon is the ACE 23. I'm very good with it but I think if I'd spend my time on a harder hitting weapon, I could be even better. What's the one universal god tier AR in this game?

The Ace 23.

>tfw can only play with IR and IRNV scopes because I cant see shit
I hate it so much that you cant turn off these annoying flashing light effects completely.

its the worst and bf1 is going to have it as well no doubt

Jets are actually well balanced if you use them correctly. Fighters deal shit-damage to ground vehicles and can actually not take them out with one strafe. But they have a much smaller turn radius and can manage their speed much better. Even an idiot can take down the bomber that's raping your team if he has basic knowledge of air-air combat. Sitting in the bomber you can do nothing but fly loopings and hope the fighter is overshooting it's turn so you can get behind and rape him but that never happens unless you're playing against a mentally handicapped one-armed blind guy that only uses the jet to boost himself on some glitchy Spot where he can snipe with the 40x scope.


>Am i wrong to think Vehicles in Battlefield are overpowered?
Yes, if you are doing well in a vehicle the other team are bad.

>tanks are overpowered
>the attack heli fucks their shit up
>jets fuck their shit up
>even light tanks can destroy one if it just catches a tank driver off guard and hits hard from behind
>a tank shell cannot even destroy an EOD bot
>a tank shell cannot even destroya heli in one shot after recent patches
>a tank shell cannot even destroy a car driving up to it with c4 on the front it just disables it and the guy driving survives 50% of the time, allowing them to get out and run up to you
>a tank shell cannot even kill infantry unless dead-on/nearly dead-on

Tanks are almost the weakest vehicle in the game.
Meanwhile I've seen attack helis and littlebirds dominate entire games, single handedly, without any backup/support from the rest of their team.

they are there on purpose, so people don't use thermal sights constantly

How will weapon customization in BF1 look like?