Grandma dies

>Grandma dies
>Dad forces me to attend her funeral
>Don't care about her
>Have never met my extended family
>Bring my PSVita with me
>Get to Florida
>Day of the funeral
>At the memorial for grandma
>Everyone stands around talking
>Sit nervously by myself
>Shift in my chair and start to sweat
>Dad left my side to talk to his family members
>Think no one is watching me
>Pull my vita out of my pocket
>Quietly huddle over it and load up Marvel vs Capcom 3
>"Wow, user you sure are quiet!"
>Uncle or cousin or whatever the fuck walks over to me and starts talking to me
>Flick my head up
>Asks me how long it took to get there
>Sputter out 8 hours
>It was a 14 hour drive
>He notices me on my console and pulls a flash of a grimace
>Tears start to well up in my eyes
>Dad walks over to me and tells me to put the toy away and come take pictures with the "family"
>At this point everyone in the room is staring at me
>My heart races and I realize what a bad idea playing video games at a time like this was
>Start to cry in my chair
>Get up and go hide in the bathroom for the rest of the funeral
>Entire extended family is staring at me as I walk out, dead eyed and some even smiling
>Dad screams at the top of his lungs at me in the car
>Just keep crying and can't stop
>We have to skip the after party because of my behavior

I hate my dad for dragging me to stupid shit like that.

I didn't belong there.

Have video games ever gotten you guys in trouble?

Where do I unsubscribe from this blog?

Not that I can think of but I'm interested to hear more stories from others

are you 5

Wow you have a shit family

>playing videogames
>in a funeral

In what moment did you think that was a good idea

>after party
what the fuck

Your dad's shit, but holy fucking shit man you couldn't fucking put away the Vita for one fucking day? Get some fucking self respect, man.

I'm 19.
I've been this way since I was 13.
I thought time would make me better at life, but nothing has changed.

I'm still very scared of other people.

>after party
The fuck? Is this an American thing?

Stale pasta is stale

Funerals are like family reunions these days.

You just have to be less stupid.

"This is my way of coping. Would you rather I became a fucking alcoholic?" Works every time desu

>Mourn the person who died
>After Party
>Celebrate their death/life

Are you moviebob

Guessing he meant the wake.

who would let their cat with wipes their paws in their shit touch the food on the table

Nice blog

This fucking sub I swear.

>>Dad walks over to me and tells me to put the toy away and come take pictures with the "family"
>Pictures at a Funeral

America Every one

No I'm pretty sure you've been autistic since birth.


my grandma is going to die soon and i am probably not going to the funeral just to avoid my family
they're that bad

>video games in public
>video games at a fucking funeral during the fucking funeral
>crying over shit like this
jesus christ user, what happened to you that made you stay 6 forever?

This sounds like pasta

You didn't pressed F to pay respects

Just as much as it's a dick move to ignore what's going on at a funeral it's a dick move to enforce your standards of civility on someone else at a death ceremony, especially if you dragged them there in the first place and they really didn't want to go. I thought the point of meeting up was to have some genuine moments of connection about whoever died, not some formal ballroom like ceremony.

psvita doesn't have an f button
pc master race wins again

I guess a funeral is the right place for a console as dead as a vita


fucking kek

That's what you get for choosing MvC3 instead of 2.

A family full of disappointment.

Underage b&

You learned a valuable lesson about not acting like a total sperg in public settings.

>Playing your handheld at a funeral anywhere besides a bathroom


c'mon son

It's a thing here in eastern yurop, too.

>didn't mention spaghetti


>come take pictures with the "family"
>at a funeral


nor have advanced warfare
console cucks got told again

Yeah? It's an occasion where people who otherwise wouldn't meet are together and some feel the need to record it with a photo while the opportunity is there.

>come take pictures with the "family"
lmao what the fuck is this

your dad sounds like a cunt but you're still an autist for bringing a console to a funeral

>have to sit there for hours on end staring at the wall because everyone else is forcing themselves to try and look "appropriate"
Fuck that

>Where do I unsubscribe from this blog?
You're so clever. How about you hide threads you don't like?

This reminds me of Moviebob's book where he talked about skipping his grandmother's funeral because he wanted to play Super Mario Bros. 3.

You're just like Moviebob, OP.

lol epic joke dude

>at my grandmothers funeral
>sitting inbetween my parents
>turn to my grieving mother and and ask " What do you think the average IQ of this room is?"
>she looks at me sadly
>"please user, not now. I can't listen to you call me an idiot all day again. I just want to mourn the loss of my mother"
>"If the only thing making you grieve is the expectation of divine reward then you are a piece of shit"
>she starts to cry
>"What's that say about life? Huh? You gotta get together, tell yourself stories that violate every law in the universe just to be sad over a dead body? Nah?"
>my father becomes angry
>he tries to lift me up but I weigh 230lbs
>instead he drags me out of the church by my cape and tells me not to come back until I grow up
>It becomes clear that religion rewrote pathways in his brain and dulled his critical thinking
*drags cigarette"
People... They're so goddamn frail they'd rather put a coin in the wishing well than buy a hot pocket

usually we want to record good moments with a photo. who would want to look at a family pic taken a at funeral?


stopped reading there

underrated post

When you say stuff like this it makes me want to fuck you


the video games will be there, experience things while you can

t. a sperg who is lightening up slowly

Someone might die between now and the next gathering. For the sake of posterity it's best done when the occasion offers itself rather than an ideal time.

>who would want to
I don't know. I'm not one for picture taking in general. Some people do it and they don't really need to justify their reasoning.

>playing a fucking video game at a wake
Your dad had every right to scream at you. How you lack so much tact and self awareness?

>playing games on public
>playing games on a funeral

Looks like we got a future walmart cashier right here

One more to join the Sup Forums cashier brigade

I would let kot to bless my food anytime he wants.

three lines too early user

You are such a pussy. If you didn't know her, why should you feel bad? I would have played vidya if I wanted to. It's not like you need people you never see to like you. If it ruined their day they haven't got much going on and it just doesn't matter. Your dad sounds like a whiny bitch. I would ignore his shit and get out when you can. Normie fags are so god damn annoying.

1/10 replied cuz bored

I don't know.
I've always been like this.
My dad never let me swing a hammer because he was scared it would fly out of my hands.

>even your father thinks you are a retarded autist

Well, user, time to kill yourself




>threw out all my furniture except my bed
>rented a few psychology and philosophy books at the library
>mom comes into my room and asks what I want for dinner
>tell her "I don't eat".
>she says "But you'll get hungry user, are you trying to lose weight to impress some girl? I think you look fine the way you are." (I'm 235lbs)
>I look out the window and whisper "I have seen the finale of thousands of lives, mom. Each one is so sure of their realness, that their sensory experience constituted a unique individual with purpose, meaning, so certain that they were more than a biological puppet, when truth wills out, and everybody sees once the strings are cut."
>"Did you read this in one of your books, user? That sound kinda morbid but at least you're not reading comic books anymore. Are you sure you don't want a hot pocket?"
>"A hot pocket indeed, mom. A hot pocket indeed."

You literally have autism. I'm not using that word as a general insult, I mean you actually have the disorder.

Do you have other cringey stories like this your life sounds like it would be full of them


Why tho?

What are you, 10 years old?!
Pay your respects to your fucking grandmother, even if you didn't really know her, you autistic fuck.

I found another one of OP's stories


That's a big baguette.

He probably meant the wake


you should kill yourself
regards - Sup Forums

was the funeral for your grandma or for your vita?

For you.

One time I was in the 7th grade taking a test, and I woke up and vomited all over my desk.

I could barely walk when I woke up and kept vomiting as girls around me started screeching "EWWWWWWW". I slobbered out an "I'm sorrY" and vomited on the floor all the way to nurses office.

I was heavily bullied at that time; I don't know why I was never attacked for this.

To bad your parents didn't hide you before you were born.

Attacking someone known for vomiting is a gamble.

amnesiacs and necrophiliacs

What were you bullied for that can be worse than this?

Why did you vomit, like, bad food or just sudden urge to do so?


Why were you asleep?


I don't know. I just woke up and started puking.

From one family vidyautist to another, just leave handhelds at home. You're going to need to learn how to interact with people eventually, user. Never gonna happen while you're looking down at a screen.

It gets better.
Also your dad sounds like a cunt.

>15 years old
>autistic as fuck
>family gathering in my parent's house
>people arrived
>there are many family members that i don't even know
>set the dinner table with my sisters
>old man staring at me probably trying to remember who i am and who's my father
>"what's yer name young man!"
>"i-i-it's a-user"
>he gives a lecture about how young people need to socialize more and meet family members
>"come join us user. set next to your uncle!"
>n-no thanks. it's my birthday today hah ha!
>silence. and then laughter
>go to my room and play video games
>hear dad gives excuses that I like to spend my birthday with my friends
>it wasn't my birthday
>I didn't have friends

My teen years were hell. Every second was full of embarrassment.

maybe if your dad raised you proprely you wouldnt be such a pussy

This is current day Sup Forums. This is just fucking pathetic.

I ain't even mocking you right now I'm genuinely interested, like, were you ever diagnosed with any mental disorder?

Not only are you underage, you're immature, snotty, bratty, entitled, and socially autistic. Die.

Holy shit op you are autistic. Some of the fault is on your parents for even letting you bring the vita with you, and not teaching you how to act in public, let alone a funeral. Think of it this way, your mom dies and your kid is acting like a disrespectful little weirdo and crying in the bathroom, because that is what your dad had to deal with when he was yelling at you. An being yelled at is nothing to cry about. You may have felt bad for that 14 hour drive, but your dad has felt like that your entire life.

Props to cool dad for backing your total autism and saving your ass

I don't ever want to go get diagnosed with something so I'll never go get a diagnosis. I don't need one.

>tfw you're not a teenager anymore
feels good

See, the problem with you autists is that you never learned the art of invisibility. Like a lot of you spergs, I'm worthless in social situations, though maybe not to such a severe degree. Most people assume I'm mute because I literally do not talk, ever.

But when forced to be around groups or family, I activate unobtrusive mode. Avoiding line of sight, or fading into the background when forced into line of sight. It works well.

I was socially autistic until I got a job at age 21 and I quickly learned to hold a conversation. Until then, I just got by at family functions by hanging near my dad and talking to people and segwaying to people my age as they came and went.

It takes almost zero effort. Just respond in the most natural manner possible. also for women you just respond yeah, no, or wow most of time at random intervals and they never notice you spaced out 3 minutes ago

Does seeing this image ever bother anyone else? Like jesus, declaw your fucking cats people.

his dad was even more autistic, just better at hiding it

You literally have a fucking mental ilness