Is Warhammer the highest rated Total War game ever?

Is Warhammer the highest rated Total War game ever?

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yes it is

>1 unique poster

Anyways. What other factions would you guys like to see in Total war Warhammer?

I only started learning the lore recently because I'm going to play the game but Kislev sounds pretty cool. Their last leader rode a bear which I can see them putting in the game considering people ride pegasi and gryphons

Beastmen, Ogres and Lizardmen

i wanted to discuss man

>What is Total War: Shogun 2

It's not even that old.

Tomb Kings

Kinguin keys are out boys, preload

Obvious 100% will be in are Skaven, and Wood, Dark and High elves.
After that, I think Tomb Kings is a good fit

Lizardmen and Beastmen will be hard fits though, but I think the long term plan since its 3 games + DLC for each game that everything gets in.

Are they one in the same or seperate factions in the universe?

What race are you going to play first?


Also does anyone know why Chaos gets 3 legendary lords and everyone else only gets 2? Could they not find other "important" characters for those factions or something?

Every faction is getting another 1-2 legendary lords as free dlc


Dark Elves and High Elves.

Fuck Wood Elves.

They're all separate factions


So how much money Sega and Creative Assembly paid the reviewers for this shit game just like how they pay for Rome 2 and Attila?

>no lizardmen
>no ogres
>no Tomb Kings

Who cares

Rome 2 is sitting at 76 metacritic though. This is a whole 10 points higher at 86 and Attila is at 80

Attila was a much smoother launch than Shogun 2 and Rome 2. People just forgot about it because TW Warhammer was announced and Attila was a middle game between Rome 2 and this

Like I said in the last thread (and I still stand by) I hope this game is a raving success and ushers in a completely new fantasy-based mainline TW series.

If they play this one right, it could very well over-write TW as a historical series completely.

Well at least it will be free hopefully.

Does anyone know who the legendary lords will be for Bretonnia ? They seem like my favourite faction so far just from reading their lore.

I don't see another human faction coming out straight after Bretonnia though, will probably be elves or something.

Has the map of the in game world been shown yet? I'm still trying to wrap my head around where every race resides

I might be autistic but I'd have a hard time playing this game because characters having magical powers making them stronger feels like a weird gameplay feature.
i can identify as a lightly infantry man about to be slaughtered by heavy inf. but not in a fantasy wargame.
I don't know if I make sense but you might understand what I mean I guess

For someone who knows nothing about Creative Assembly, except that they made these big cool strategy games: is CA considered a AAA studio?

Where does this game fall in terms of A's?

I'll buy it during a sale, after all the dlc's are released and it's 75% off. Fuck ever buying a creative assembly game at launch again. I learned that with empire oh so long ago.

You have bought it... Right?

I don't think any RTS PC-only game could be considered AAA. It won't have the marketing for it.

Leoncur, the Bretonnian king is guaranteed. The other one is most likely gonna be the Fay Enchantress.

I don't preorder out of principal

What the fuck do you think I'm doing right, RIGHT, now?

Green Knight and the Fey Enchantress

CA is not an AAA studio but they're getting there, they're branching out and making other games now instead of just strategy stuff for PC.

I believe they're one of the biggest dev companies in the UK too.

This is literally the first game I've ever pre-ordered. Because I fucking LOVE Warthammer and I hate Age of Sigmar.

Nothing quite says "sound investment plan" like buying out of anger.

Starting with Orcs & Goblins I think

They were my first army when I played 40k

My first WHFB army was Lizardmen so...

meant for


No. The last couple Total War games burned me on release. I'll wait this time.

Can you play a full gobbo army?

So where is Kislev on that map?

Also who is that guy chilling down south on the tilean sea

Do the dwarves get Gotrek as a hero?

I don't think anything can stop you from doing so.

Not sure if would be as viable as a mixed army, but go for it



Anyone have suggestions for Warhammer fantasy reads to get a little background on the setting before diving into the game? I'm only familiar with 40k

>shallow TBS aspect and 'throw these units at these units' gameplay

ahh yes

Dwarf heroes are Ungrim Ironfist and Thorgrim Grudgebearer


As of now, only Thorgrim and Ungrim, they might add more heroes later.

That's when you go skiing with a hammer instead ski poles.

The Gotrek and Felix books are great.

Absolutely, check out 1d4chan

Go down to "Setting" and you can get a quick rundown of each army. Then if you see an army you like, click on their name and check out their story.

My favorite story is Dark Elves vs High Elves lore[/spoilers]

Too much optimism in these threads.

Let's talk negativity:

>"I will hate this game if _____ is not done correctly!"

If you know 40k then you won't have any trouble adapting to Fantasy, it's almost the same shit.

You can read up the little wiki here, there's also another one in the game where you can get more lore details about the units, factions and shit.

Skaven and elves are the most important faction left out

Gobbo armies are actually legit if you are fine with spiders. They'll fall apart super fast against stuff that cause terror but pretty much every late game goblin unit has poisoned weapons so a bunch of forest goblin spider riders could just kite a slower army to death after murdering all their light cavalry.

Lords and Agents/Heroes

New "race" is Bretonnia

>people unironically like elf races


The armybooks are great for the basic lore and unit backgrounds

I was watching an empire walkthrough and it had some event that lowered growth in his city because of Skaven kidnappings? Could be a hint that they'll bring them in eventually

Gotrek and Felix, Brunner the bounty Hunter, Matthias Thulmann series.

Lame and gay. I need to send Gotrek to wreck everything he comes across

For overall lore knowledge you are best off reading the Time of Legends books since that covers stuff like what is up with all the undead and how the elves split into 3 faction and how the empire was founded

No, there are far too many reviews that give it between 70-80 with such valid complaints as

>Elite units are locked behind advance infrastructure and technology


>getting a strong economy is difficult, making it difficult to field as many armies as you want.

for fuck's sake, they dumbed down econ just because people were too fucking stupid to figure out the Attila system.

Holy fuck this a neat link. Thanks user!

Skaven is one of the major faction so there is no doubt in my heart they will be in.

They're the most important race in WHFB..

Whether you like them aesthetically or not is subjective, but the creators had a hardon for elves so they're pretty important

Of course, Skaven are one of the biggest factions of importance, and they already confirmed more factions will be added.

Heh, "Oh no I can't make 3 big invincible superarmies, the game is not balanced right!"

Game journalism

How is the first one a legit complaint? Its been in every TW game

Gotta second the Armybooks

I've read a few of them just the fluff sections and they're fantastic

What are the skaven about? They follow chaos or more like orcs where they follow their own creepy god/s?

The thing is that those reviewers are a bit shite and you can see in any of the streams or gameplay videos people hitting 1500 income a turn by turn 10 and getting powerful midgame units just as fast.

Just make sure you read the 8th edition version of the armybooks

I don't think SEGA and CA have enough money to pay off gamespot desu

Great link user.

They follow their own god, who just so happens to be corrupted by Chaos (you'll find this is a very common theme in WHFB)

>what DLC do you want to buy, goyims

They have one god, Horned Rat, and fall under Chaos sorta. Its built up over many clans.

If you want Skaven shit, Vermintide is fun.

>>getting a strong economy is difficult, making it difficult to field as many armies as you want.
If you're talking about the RPS article, he was pretty well refuted by a guy in the comments who was saying that he was funding 5 armies in midgame without much problem as the greenskins.

You know, shitposting aside, DLC as a concept was pretty much MADE for this type of game. Small, cheap releases of armies and races seem like just the thing for this type of game.

He was being sarcastic, the complaints are the same "THEY DIDNT MAKE THIS GAME EASY ENOUGH, SHIT OUT OF TEN"

Please be a joke.

Game journalism is shit. Don't listen to them. If you want a good review of the game, go check youtube and a video from a channel with medium to small subscriber count.

I don't think they have to pay off anyone because most reviewers are too pleb and inexperienced to give you a valid opinion on strategies, especially in this day and age. They're probably fascinated by the IP and ARMIES CLASHING, MAN to give you any substantiated opinion.

Horned Rat is the Skaven god. He's a minor chaos god of pestilence. Other than that they snort dust made of chaos rocks and have technology based on those rocks.

They are kind of tied to Chaos, but not directly beneath the Chaos gods, as they have their own god.

They are basically a massive faction of diseased, conniving, backstabbing rat people.

In the opening of every campaign and the advisor is some old wizard looking motherfucker

Is he an actual character in the lore like a medivh or some shit? Because this seems straight lazy.

To be fair, it's the Greenskins, whose entire shtick is LOTS AND LOTS OF CHEAP BODIES TO PILE ON THE ENEMY


I fucking love bows. That forces me to like elves.

>New "race" is Bretonnia

Probably. They're already in the game and would be a first logical DLC race choice if Chaos didn't cause a shitstorm with that.

He's most likely the guy from the cinematic trailer

Sounds cool as shit

Who would be their beef cake unit? Rat people don't exactly scream strong and powerful.

Bretonnia crusader DLC when?

He's just a narrator. I don't believe he is meant to be considered a real living person. A human would get fucking stomped if he waltzed into an orc war camp.

>is CA considered a AAA studio?

Yeah pretty much. They're about one of the biggest developers in the UK alongside Rockstar North and they have the largest videogame mocap studio in Europe.

The only thing that makes them different from other AAA studios is that they generally don't spend 18 trillion on marketing


>Well at least it will be free hopefully.
Oh man, is this your first Total War game? You're in for such a surprise.


He's a lord of change

They have mutants

They are science rats and as such perform horrifying experiments on eachother

It was said, lizardmen dont live there, so there are no lizardmen, makes sense right?

Rat ogre

I'm imagining those dwaves in the far north like the wildings in game of thrones constantly shit talking everyone else about not knowing the "real" north

>tfw I learned orks are basically complex lichen lifeforms with latent psychic ability that, when in groups, causes reality to shift to suit what they believe

>mfw red goes faster BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE IT DOES

>mfw purple is stealthier BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE IT IS

Rat ogre is their big monster unit. They also have crazy hamster wheels that disintegrate everything around them with warp lightning.

If the leaks are true, and this is a big fucking spoiler by the way, he's Tzeentch just fucking with ya

>such valid complaints as Elite units are locked behind advance infrastructure and technology

Literally just complaining that late game things are late game. What the fuck.

I swear those two yellow reviews are basically the strategy game equivalent of the Polygon guy playing Doom.