Am I a terrible father for convincing my wife to name our soon to be born daughter

Am I a terrible father for convincing my wife to name our soon to be born daughter



Why? Jacqli is best girl.

I agree, but it's a very uncommon spelling for a name.

>Not MIR
U dun goofed.

People wont think twice about it. It's a normal enough sounding name.

>Theyre the same person....

Sounds fucking awful, but depends on your country.

Cocona, Shurelia, Aurica, Misha, etcetc, they all have weird names.

You mean your wife's son

Mir is perfect.


I'm White (pale as a ghost) and the mother is Asian. 100% chance of having black hair. 50% of having green or blue eyes.

Why would you even do that?

Just make it Jacqueline and call her Jacqli anyway.

Depends if you molest her later in life.

my wife to name *her soon to be born daughter


>Not Tyria

I still have to play to ar tonelico 2 but I heard some weird shit about the localization.

Bad choice OP


Horrible choice.

This is the best option.

Otherwise have fun watching her spend money in therapy after being shitted through the porn gauntlet.

"Comin' up on center stage, it's JACQLI! Fellas keep your hands away from the dancers until they're off stage!"

I would look forward to seeing her in porn.


That's the best girl!

Someone post a Misha please



0% chance of green or blue eyes. Asians don't carry the recessive alleles.

No, if your wife is full Asian your children will have brown eyes unless there's a miracle, but they can have light colored hair.
And don't name your daughter that, she's going to google it as a teen and hate you for it.

Assuming you're telling the truth (which is unlikely), how the fuck do weebs manage to reproduce?

>weebs are marrying now

What an awful future awaits us

Maybe hazel eyes or Amber are a possibility? I swear I've sen hafu qts with that.

>another atelier about to get announced
>still no news about new ar tonelico or surge concerto game

Fuck everything

Who is your daughter's father by the way?

I know right, fucking filthy traitors

She'll hate him for being a mongrel anyway.

Aw, that's too bad.

Now, bring me more sluts.

I have green eyes, my mother has green and father has blue. Genetic tests show a 50/50 chance for brown because of my genetics.

Eh if they settle for 3D they deserve whats coming to them

No, Im going to name my daughter Umaru

No, your daughter has a 50% chance of carrying the recessive blue eyes gene, so her children can have light colored eyes if she has them with another person carrying the gene.
She will have dark eyes.

I put my penis in her vagina.

This thread keeps getting worse and worse

You can put penis in vagina without ruining your life with marriage, you know

Nice watch, weird to see a settled down weeaboo

We will reach the bottom when someone post aurica.

>not giving her a name fit for a millennial slut

Yeah, name her after something you fap a lot to.

Can't get lower than this.

Not really, user. I can like anime and fap to Miku on the side and still be a well adjusted normal human being.

I'm also going to Japan for the third time next May. I do love me some Japanese whores on the side.


Should have name her Ion.

You are not well adjusted, you are a fucking idiot for marrying at all.

Why do you need to get married though? Because society says so?

>3D lover
>cheating on his wife

Scumbag in so many ways, you are not one of us, leave.

>Not naming your daughter Reimu like based user
You'll never be as much a hero.


Different poster, not OP.

You cant know how your kids will look like while taking into account the genes of only one parent, tard.

Nevermind, it's the current year, must be an open relationship.

You still like 3D whores
Get out

>Not OP btw

It's not cheating when she approves of it.

Mostly because we were together for years, had no issues, had our fun on the side but always stayed together. Shit just works for us, sorry you or the people you've been with are shit.

You're a terrible father period.

Watch is gaudy as fuck. I can tell you're a douchebag just looking at that.

>This guy gets it.
Shits pretty common these days, though this is Sup Forums and I forget most are

From someone who has no idea who this is, it sounds like a ghetto rat name. I would read it as Jack Qlee.

I was always fond of Xiaochtle myself

Normalfags are so disgusting

I'd name a daughter of mine Estelle.

Finally see Ar tonelico thread and it turns into this. How fun.

>Literally a cuckold

Enjoy your aids and taking care of your wife´s son

Wife bought it for me, she has those kinda tastes, loves gold.

Depends what part of asia the mother is from. In Siberia, mongolia, and parts of the near east there are recessive blue/green eye genes.

Also, there's such a thing as codominance and incomplete dominance. It's not all punnett squares, retards.

It's pure degeneracy, we are taking the path of Rome.
kill urself my man

Blame worst girl luca

Can you email me when your daughter turns 14 please.

Your wife is the douchebag in that case.

>white father
>asian mother

You do know you're going to have to work overtime as a dad to make sure your kids don't grow up to be neurotic self-loathing eurasians. Assuming this isn't just bait.

t. friend of a hafu

Sorry bro, I'm keeping her for myself. Why do you think I'm naming her after my waifu?

Is fighting the only way to earn DP?

99% chance of brown eyes

This weeb obviously married an East Asian, no point getting his hopes up thinking he has a 50% chance of a qt mixed race kid when it'll really be a gook with a pointier nose.

True, considering he is an ar tonelico fag.

That said, there's still codominance. And that governs eyes to a great extent.

Yes it is. If you want better thread to ask, go to Gust thread in /jp/. This one is awful.

If things get bad I'll ship the failures overseas to live with her parents.

Of all the series you pick Ar tonelico to talk about your normalfag shit.
Guess even perfect waifus couldn't save you.

They'll be treated worse then overhere by the local asians.


Any good places to grind?


sounds like a nigger name so yes

Falling for the "degeneracy killed Rome" meme is the surest way to show you know fuck all about history. It would hardly be a good argument even if it wasn't for the fact that Rome really started declining around the same time its Christian authorities started prosecuting pederasty.

Them racist Christian bigots killed Rome
*tips fedora*


>getting this butthurt that history doesn't fit your narrative

Should've named your daughter Reimu like that one /jp/ user.