So who will you be maining in Overwatch?

So who will you be maining in Overwatch?

Other urls found in this thread:

The hot one

>maining someone in a game where you're supposed to change your character based on the enemy composition



>with each subsequent pic of widow her ass gets slightly bigger until one day it consumes the entire universe

76 or bastion

they has a fair chance to kill pretty much anyone

Is it normal to want to shove my tongue down Widowmaker's asshole

Rate my list of mains.

No the OP is the original, the thread with her as the OP had a slightly larger ass

god i want to berry my face in her ass so firmly whoever could pull me out would be crowned king arthur
why cant i get a gf vee
lifes not worth it if i cant do these things

My waifu.

I had a couple really good plays with Tracer that made me want to get really good with her. I'm already good at widowmaker since it's tf2 sniping on easy-as-fuck mode. Then I want to get really good at Pharah and just nail some bastion niggers from afar.

I hope people get good at this game. The reason I played tf2 for as long as I did was because people were really good at that game, but from the beta it's like this game is babby's first pc fps.

Another reason I liked tf2 so much was that the story was fun for a long time before they ruined it, and even now the funny dialogue by itself makes whatever comics they push out worth reading. Overwatch looks like a pretty terrible story mixed with edgemaster characters and typical Blizzard writing (awful).

So I guess we'll see.

I don't "main" anyone. Probably because I'm not a retard, or a cancerous permavirgin weeaboo whyfoo faggot.

That said, I do need to work more on Genji, Tracer, and Lucio.

if i played the game id probably choose a random character every time like i do in tf2

Maining is such a fucking forced fighting game term, stop forcing that kind of competitive lingo into other games where it doesn't make sense.

Maining makes sense in a 1v1 situation because there aren't others you have to worry about like team mates, it's only yourself and the enemy.

I am sure everyone in the world will bitch but Symmetra for offense and defense.

No one, wasn't planning to buy it due to all the threads its getting.

If your answer is anything but Roadhog then its wrong

1st couple hours-Bastion to make all the noobs cry
Next few hours- Tracer to make all the noobs angry
After that- Junkrat to shit on all the noobs trying to main Bastion
Then whatever the team needs. Likely Reinhardt, Symmetra, Mercy, D.Va, Winston

She has her placement, but I feel she's a bit underwhelming at the moment. Especially on offense on payload.

Her biggest asset for offense at the moment besides her ultimate is easily the capability to shoot through Reinhardt's shields. Which only comes up in certain lineups.

>Everyone likes it so that makes me uninterested

Good job faggot

>actively bumping a thread you dislike.
lmaoing @ ur life retard

Kill yourself.

At least refuse to buy it due to other reasons.

stop beeing a shitter

Widowmaker. Getting kills with her is incredibly satisfying.

Go back to /vg/ already

soldier 76 is probably the best character int he game all around. so i'll be maining him

Don't convince him. That's just one less retarded weeaboo in the community. Don't need him.

Whoever are the most OP heros currently. Right now it seems to be Pharah, McCree, and Widowmaker if there are no changes since the open beta

Egyptian Unreal Tournament Samus

Mei is fat! FAT!

Overwatch is a pretty balanced game, with every hero having their uses and their counters.

Pharah is countered by anyone with good midrange damage (Soldier 76 for example). Every hero has their counter.

THICC like russian tank!

The dwarf
Jet set radio guy

the bong babbler

So what's the point of releasing a day early

>was totally into widow
>watched her overwatch short

Dropped. I am not into crazy.

Fuck crazy.

Futanari Sniper sama

Mercy when we need support
Reinhardt when we need a shield
Soldier or pharah when team needs damage.
DVA, junkrat, Roadhog if i feel fancy.


Wat? She's, if anything, awful right now. Her splash is non-existent, and her direct hits do little damage. Her ult exposes her as a wide open target as well.

You can say this about League of Legends.

>Playing Ranked Draft Mode
>See enemy picks certain Champion
>You pick your main
>You still win the match up because you can adapt your play to counter your opponent

A game where you are supposed to counter pick champions based on the enemies pick, but people still pick what they please because they can play it to the highest degree of skill and still win with it.

Maining will be a thing in Overwatch. Will players who can play everything be at an advantage? Most likely, but individual skill and team strategies will always beat counter picking.

Example: You can counter pick in League of Legends, but if you suck... you suck.

Roadhog, because i'm addicted to pulling people and then clicking on them

But league takes no skill, even baby shooters take infinitely more.

League has no futas user whats your point?

League of legends has shitty design that doesn't encourage counter playing. That's why it has mains.

i hope the new support will be good. Lucio is cool but the others are meh or boring to play.

Most heroes have multiple hard counters. Mccree only has Widowmaker at max range that gets the drop on him

I like to play as Symmetra but she isn't hardly a support. Mercy is good but boring. Lucio feels too braindead and Zenny just isn't good.

This is true

none, because i will be playing the superior game BATTLEBORN


Reinhardt. I have a massive boner for any knights, or knight themed characters in anything. i don't give a fuck, I'm going German mech knight with a rocket hammer.

if you didnt get POTG with that, then the whole system is broken

Im gonna go into the model viewer and jerk off to her butt

>reinhardt is german
>not a single german voiceline
what the fuck blizzard please fix.

Your personal opinion does not matter or even relate to my topic. I could use any multiplayer game as an example.

>Maining will exist in Overwatch, and it won't be as shit as Sup Forumstards make it out to be.

Neither does Overwatch so what is your point?

Yeah, but where do I get keys under $40

did they say if they are gonna add a way to have longer matches? its my biggest gripe with the game

But he does have a line referencing Hasselhoff
fucking lost it when I heard that one.

Are you the same guy with that spazzing weird mouse?

you cant poor nigga step up ya cheese game broke ass nigga

How is it design shitty? It has the same principles as Overwatch.

>Aiming, Team fighting, Characters with different abilities that are stronger against some yet weak to others

>So who will you be maining in Overwatch?
Assault: Soldier 76 and Reaper
Defense: haven't played anyone on defense but I'm gonna give Junkrat and Hanzo
Tank: Reinhardt
Support: Zennyatta is the only one I've played and I enjoyed him. not really much of a support player.

>add a way to have longer matches
i hope not
what i would love to see is them making Quick match make more sense.
actually comparing the defense and attack times.
yea it's a weird stereotype that seems to have established outside of germany.
don't get me wrong knight rider and Looking for freedom are cool and all.
but it's mostly hasselhoff telling the world that he was responsible for the Berlin wall crumbling down.
wich is not really the reason.

>what is sage
This truly is Underagewatch.

Fuck I want this skin.

Zarya,Mcree and Zan

matches last as long as they have to
I would rather have 2 matches than 1 that lasts twice as long
One ends and you go into another. My problem is how much down time there is between matches. a minute of picking your heroes and then another minute of "setup" is seriously unnecessary
It should be match begins in 30 seconds as soon as everybody is connected

my opinion since the stress test. Mei wasn't always my waifu, she became my favorite hero to play. Her walls can be insanely good(or detrimental) if you can put them up right, her ult is great, she's self-sustainable, and you can just feel the frustration somebody has when you freeze them, emote hi to them and then just calmly, slowly shoot them in the fucking face.


that now how you play overwatch..

why does Widowmaker is always with a dick in sfm?

I don't want to be gay...

>Le edgy die die die man teleports behind you

Maining does not mean only.

Hanzo of course. Had the most fun with him during open beta. Lucio for support roles though.

>getting killed by nothing personnel man in the first place


I love playing everyone but Symmetra.

>anyone maining mercy

i hope you know you are playing the lowest skill hero in the game, you are literally getting your hand hold, also i hope you are not a man or you are a pussy

Don't shit-talk Mercy or Pharah, Reinhardt, and Genji will kick your ass

New Reaper voice pack when?

He is so easy to use that it's not that hard to die by him.

So you're gonna main Mei


would team up with

I feel like Symmetra is lower skill to be honest


I started getting bored with the beta after playing less than 5 hours, the game is insanely swallow. Had fun playing D'Va, Reaper and Pharah though.

what are you talking about user she just ha s lots of cloth on

>overwatch is just a game of rock paper scissors

sounds really fun.

Cause having a healer on the team is utter crap
Sometimes you gotta do what's best for the team
Mercy is a pug is pretty miserable & almost pointless
Mercy in a team that knows what they're doing can win the match

If not Reinhardt, Mercy. If not Mercy, Lucio. If not Lucio then I play whatever the fuck I want because if we have those 3 the match is as good as won.

>thinks Overwatch takes any skill compared with any moba

Even literal shit like Battleborn or HotS take more skill than Overwatch. OW is literally TF2 on Training wheels.



ZARYA has some of the most interesting mechanics out of all the toons.

if you refuse to play a toon because of "looks" or its not your """waifu husbando"""" you are literally neo-v and should be hung.

also TOONS

>already killed by a single blast from the flank

Thanks for the free kills dumb frogposter.

Same famalam

>implying individual skill matters as a healer
>Implying team contribution doesn't matter more than playing a hero that requires more skill

Same goes for Bastion

>implying that being a healer and support is low skill

mainly does healing or increase damage buff. rarely kills because you're fucking job is to support your team, you COD fag. You're a special kind of stupid huh?

Oscar Mike for sure

> playing a bitch healer class because you're not good enough to get kills

lol you were shit in tf2, and you'll be shit in overwatch too

Widow is cute!