Nathan Drake destroyed entire armies, survived the Illuminati and killed their leadership...

Nathan Drake destroyed entire armies, survived the Illuminati and killed their leadership, killed zombies and superhuman monsters, and that's just the start of it. But he can't beat a random black woman?

Cucks can't formulate an argument so they'll ignore you instead. It's obvious Naughty Dog drank the progressive kool-aid after The Last of Us. If they make a new IP expect the man character to be just like Nadine.

the main writer changed
befrore it was a woman
now its the balding numale with glasses and beard

Shocker, this is why I play Japanese games.

*Black woman who runs and leads a PMC
Drake was getting old and needed to retire user

what the fuck happened to Naughty Dog, they made amazing games like Jack and Daxter with all the slut female characters and they went full SJW in some parts of the last of us but it finally came out with this drake game

fuck them

We've had this conversation before. She's not stronger than Drake, She does however have vastly superior technique. look at the way drake swings ffs. but who am I kidding CONSPIRACY CONSPIRACY MUH ESS JAY DUBYAS DID THIS.

rip old naughty dog

>She gets hit once
>Gets away otherwise unscathed after THREE encounters

they're honestly no better. unless you're cherry picking.

She's a black magic woman like that Santana song

>guy who gets his ass kicked across the three previous games
>gets his ass kicked again when he's older and hasn't been in the adventuring game in a while

I'm aware theres plenty of shit japanese games but I never have to worry about some fuck inserting his agenda into my video game.

that's what you think.

Drake gets his ass kicked, but also kicks ass in return. You're also forgetting he's been fighting his whole goddamn life but then Foxy Brown comes along and kicks his ass so hard he looks like a 10-year old girl.


Why is that such an issue for you?

Are you done being contrarian? I'll take females in slutty costumes and the typical "god is evil" plot any day over this shit.

what happened to that amazing studio?

she does look pretty strong. shes also probably trained in a bunch of different martial arts

drake on the otherhand isnt trained in any as far as i know and his fighting style usually consists of sneak attacks and just punching dudes who are also not trained in any sort of martial art.

also look at those arms.

it really depends on the devs. not even sure what you're talking about.


she got them Michelle Obama biceps senpai

yeah but this time he's getting his ass kicked by a black woman so it's automatically ess jay dubya.

He's also like 40 years ago and been out of the game for awhile.

honestly fuck off
small waifish girls beating grown men has been a trope in media of all forms for decades

it is not some recent SJW influence causing it

Those were with guns.

Read this post

He's saying it depends on the developer and publisher.

>ess jay dubya
No no, user. It's Social JeW.

1] Drake is like 45 in this game
2] He's always holding back and even saves her life once
3] Drake is a brawler - he's never actually won a straight up fist-fight against a bigger guy than him or someone with intimate knowledge of CQC

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't she the commander of a PMC?

She's basically the angry black woman equivalent of the Serb from UC2, who Drake also couldn't go toe to toe with.


He had been fighting most his life. But by the time he fights her, he's been trying to live life normally.

What's with this "mature and great story" thing they keep shilling.

Uncharted story has never been mature, and average at best.

he doesn't want to strike a "lady"

that's why.

Rafe kicked beat drake too and just like the second encounter with nadine Drake only got the upper hand via sneak attack. oh wait but Rafe is a white guy so not ess jay dubya.


He's more likely to be around 35

>not complaining about ANOTHER "wait don't kill them we'll become just like them" nathan drake moment instead, when he's been established as one of humanity's most ruthless mass murderers


Zombie cliches the game.

I get the feeling they created Nadine specifically to fuck with people.

You guys take the bait too easily.

bullshit. he's like 50

Black people, even the women are much more physically superior than any other race.

everyone is forgetting that nathan has never really beat someone really tough in a normal fight

he usually uses the environment or a trick to beat the cutscene worthy enemies because he cant actually fight people who can fight for shit

>self defense

yeah but none of those were black women. that alone is the deciding factor.

>Sup Forums constantly searches for and subsequently creates strife and conflict over stuff in video games where none existed before. In this case, a black woman beat up a white dude in a QTE, in a game series where said white male gets his shit kicked in during QTEs.
>Complete lack of self awareness, so they end up being on the same level of the SJW boogeyman they fear so much, whom look too far into political and ideological things where it didn't really exist before.

You're only saving grace is you're not shitting your unfiltered thoughts onto a blog so someone on this board can screencap it and laugh at you.

No, go ahead and post this thread a few more times in the next month or so, along with everyone else. It's not like everyone is sick of retards like yourself forcing "gender" and "race" issues where it didn't exist beforehand every hour or so now.

>cliched as all fuck "somebody has cure" plot

He could've shot her though and he has the arm and finger strength of a god, how does she even escape his grabs
And he beat a supernatural army guy

That's like saying like Skywalker can defeat hundreds of stormtroopers, but a decrepit old man can kick his ass.

It's about training, fighting style, and the generic hundreds of enemies that are just fodder


he beat him with guns and explosive tree sap + fire and natives

not with just his fists

This is the only thing Sup Forums can bitch about because the rest of the game is so good

Bravo ND

Looks like they're getting what they want

No he's definitely 45.
He was in his 30s during uncharted 2 and 3

The funny thing is, it IS zombie, but it still managed to be great.

He was born in 1975.
U4 takes place in 2016.

So he's 41.

>It would be like Christopher Nolan directing a Pixar movie
>this fags go-to director when he thinks of a great story is fucking Nolan
Jesus fuck... No wonder these people have such shit taste in video games

>And he beat a supernatural army guy
You beat him in a gunfight and using explosives. If you even try to melee him he just counters you instantly.

The fact that she is better than him isn't even bad, the fact that she is in the game and you can't even counter her let alone hurt except for that one superman punch is just stupid. Why not make the fights cutscenes? At least give her bruises or shit in the next fight if you do the QTEs right

>destroyed entire armies
Largely with guns
>survived the Illuminati
With guns
>and killed their leadership
Partially with guns
>killed zombies
With guns
>and superhuman monsters
Definitely with guns

> But he can't beat a random black woman?
With no guns during both encounters. And "random" is an exaggeration, she's a highly trained mercenary. Cutter threw the fight with Drake in U3 and yet Drake was the one that was more beat up even though Drake broke a fucking pool cue on him. Draza in Uncharted also completely obliterates Drake in hand to hand combat. And Sully is the one who has to finish off Talbot during the ending of Uncharted 3.

Let it go, Sup Forums. Uncharted 4 has plenty of faults that you can nitpick about but LE STRONG BLACK WOMAN xD isn't one of them unless you're talking about her role near the end of the story instead


Yeah this kinda did it for me. Shows the hidden agenda. Im 5'11 192 and I doubt theres a woman on earth I could not clean srs (Did some boxing, muay thai, mma shit)

Look mom, I posted it again

Is this real life?

How come Sup Forums is always right?

Fuck off retard

Yes, Nate is real

Listen man training does not matter for a woman. A man is literally so much stronger that it plays zero role what she knows. We are made to take big hits they are not. Idk if you have never been in a fight or never smashed hoes or both but ur way off.

Did we play the same game. I played a boring ass game that did nothing new that had a week ass story.

>5'11 192
OK lardass

Hi, I hate anti-SJWs but don't you think SJWs are just as bad? Ever notice how anti-SJWs are always complaining about stuff? Well SJWs are always complaining about anti-SJWs, so they're just as bad, those fucking hurt-feelings tumblrinas! Wouldn't you agree?

They had her be neutral at the end to set her up as a possible protagonist for Uncharted 5.
Basically the options are
1. Blacky mcprogressive
2. Lara Drake Croft in Uncharted 5 - Tomb Raider edition
3. Sam "the boring guy no one really wants to play" Drake
4. Prequel

Yes, that's a lovely picture of yourself.

You sure sound like a big, strapping man who knows what he's talking about.

>highly trained
Sure they always say it and people always bring this shit up as an argument, but she fights like th dumbest brawler out there except for a roundhouse kick

>Listen man training does not matter for a woman.
This is Sup Forums territory so I'm going to point out that Uncharted has never been realistic.

Chloe and Elena take hundreds of bullets and never die while Drake gets beat up more than Lara Craft throughout the games and keeps on trucking.

>he can accept every aspect of an unrealistic fantasy game
>EXCEPT for women being able to fight

Kill yourself my man

This. If she fought like, say, the Boss and used a ton of counters and shit then I'd buy it.

But no. She just fights like a thug three times her weight.

>b-b-but he's old
>40 at most
>can still climb like a monkey

>evil black lady protag for uncharted 5. they literally made her out to be a shitty person the entire game and in the end was just there to close a door.

its clearly gona be the daughter if they make another game.

Tbqh I have no problem with her beating up Drake since he barely scrapes by his fistfights. It's not unrealistic to expect someone with karate/judo/whatever training to be able to beat him much like a trained soldier like Solid Snake should be able to easily dismantle Drake.

The only issue I have personally is that she gets away scot-free from everything with millions worth of gold. It would've been better if you get to beat her up at least once by the end of the game because as it stands, she's the only villain in the series to get off scotfree.

not so sure about that.

Name one AAA game that allows you to execute female bosses in the exact same manner as males.

>Sure they always say it and people always bring this shit up as an argument, but she fights like th dumbest brawler out there except for a roundhouse kick
True during the fight, but within the concept of the game she's supposed to be far better than that. I'm guessing they didn't want to spring for judo lessons for Laura Bailey.

>litterally two of them can't take her on
>he loses every single fight against her, even when he gets the initiative or hits her

It would have been funny if it was a little girl that drake couldn't catch, but this shit doesn't feel funny it just feels forced.

He didn't want to get accused of a hate crime so he jobbed.


>western devs
>capable of fight choreography



that's fucking retarded, what if the kid decides to be an asshole and pulls that thing?

God of War

well it used to be AAA but I think it's AA now

>She just fights like a thug three times her weight.

Shotokan practitioner here.
Nadine actually goes for vital points like the head and solarplex quite often and likes to resort to joint locks/breaks to disable her opponents. She also counters and grapples a few times and clearly uses Drake's momentum and size against him.

You can see it during their first and third fights most clearly where she throws him out of a fucking window because he charges at her.

kikes are scared right now.

they know israel hangs by a thread.

the same sjw's they created could turn on them and push to stop aid to israel and israel as a recognized nation.

all we have to do is push them until they realize that the jews "colonized" palestine and that they have no right to be there.

She fights just like Nate though except for that stupid slow kick
If she'd actually fight like a skilled person it would be fine, but she also just throws dumb punches and blocks like a retard. If you want to show how strong she is just make actual good fights or make the fihgts a cutsene. Why do i have control if i literally can't hurt her

I trained mma and helped train women in mma they are so much weaker then a man its ridiculous...GO OUTSIDE

inb4 fatass

Military trained leader of a PMC vs out-of-retirement aging explorer, what do you think is going to happen?

>I trained MMA
>looking like this
You're just adorable. Literally babby's first muscle definition.

Nate grabs her arm and it explodes because he has the strength of a god

Is that Ellie too?