CEO Palmer Luckey breaks earlier promise; Oculus Rift no longer an open platform

540>Today, the developer of Revive, who identifies simply as Libre VR, told Motherboard that a recent update to Oculus software has killed his hack. The update, which is still being rolled out to Oculus users, includes new “updated to platform integrity checks.”

>According to Libre VR, what seems to be happening is that Oculus’ DRM now checks to see whether an Oculus Rift is connected to the PC when playing a game bought from the Oculus store.

How you enjoying your 600 dollar doorstop, Sup Forums?

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It never was an open platform to begin with. At least not the CV.

good goy

Surprising absolutely nobody

Who would have thought, what a shock.

Rift has been a meme headset ever since Facebook bought them.

And Vive crushes it.

Wait for a 4K headset regardless even at 1440p pixels are very noticeable.

I am not defending it, imbecile. I'm just telling you a fact. Screaming now that is not Open Platform, 2 months after release, makes me think you were dropped as a kid.

Googling "Oculus Rift open platform" brings up tens of results of Palmer saying otherwise in 2015

Sucks that they decided to do this. Headsets should function as monitors, not consoles. The closed platforms were understandable at first because of how early the tech was, but now that stuff like ReVive is out, it's really impossible to defend that decision anymore.

Oculus rift was already dead. fortunately other players are in the VR market and it doesn't matter what facebook does or doesn't do.

>Headsets should function as monitors, not consoles

Which is precisely why I dropped VR when they started pulling out the motion controls an "whole room" bullshit.

So it's now the EA Origin of VR ware?

What he says doesn't matter. It wasn't an Open Platform the moment they announced exclusive games for it. Which was also in 2015. Or was it even earlier? I don't give a fuck.

absolutely retarded


>What he says doesn't matter
Just stop and read the goddamn thread name. It's not my job to educate you how to use your eyes

Do you know what an Open Platform is?

PSVR will save us.

>Oculus’ DRM now checks to see whether an Oculus Rift is connected to the PC when playing a game bought from the Oculus store.

that's the ultimate dick move, that's EA tier of evil, i feel sorry for all the poor bastards who bought an oculus

>people expected anything less after kikebook acquired the rift

Wait, so if I wanna some WAIFU simulator somebody cooked up in their basement. I can't play that on an occulus?

All the hype is gone.

how much will a 4k headset+armbands that track your hands+multi directional treadmill+an open world rpg like cyberpunk 2077 be?

I suppose I should also add that I defended Oculus hardcore up until this point, to the point where I was accused of shilling.

I'm sorry for Carmack, but I hope this flops. Have they released sales numbers?

>What he says doesn't matter

are facebook paying people to shill here?

>Ever trusting Facebook
I know most of Sup Forums is smarter than that but I was shocked by how many "it just means they'll have more funding!" idiots there are here.

If you create you're own market place and think it's not closed platform then you're retarded. How else do you think they'll make money especially now that Facebook investors are involved

This is already common practice all over the industry, including PC, and no one gives a damn. If you're going to complain about Oculus you better start bitch about a lot of people as well.

All PC games can only run on x86 CPUs. If you build x86 compatible hardware, Intel will sue the shit out of you.

The majority of games are pretty much limited to Windows OS. Similarly, MS hates and does everything they can to stop and/or delay 3rd party tools for running windows apps on rival platforms.

A good portion of games are available exclusively on Steam. While they don't directly attack developers and users, Valve offers a wide range of DRM and proprietary APIs to lock down developers to Steam.

And while open standard libraries such as openGL and openAL as well as standard device protocols such as USB HID exist, those interfaces only cover common features across different pieces of hardware. If you want to use those fancy buttons on your gaymen mouse or keyboard, or advanced non-standard processing features you will have to use proprietary APIs from Nvidia that won't work or even may degrade performance on AMD cards and vice-versa.

Hundreds of dollars and a decade or so off.

We have all those things (except for the 4K headset), but they're still really high-grade industry-level tech, and won't be consumer-level (or affordable) for awhile yet.

Plus, the software needs to actually support it. Devs aren't gonna pour money into huge open-world VR experiences until they know they'll get a return on their investment- meaning people need to buy in.

So it'll happen soon-ish. But not that soon.

No, you still can. The update killed a hack that allowed people to use Vive headsets with three Oculus Store games which weren't designed to be used with the Vive. It's pretty shitty, but you can still use any bit of software with your Rift that's designed for it.

>how to kill VR before it even takes off: the business strategy

Carmack's had pretty little involvement with the Rift- the GearVR has been his passion project up until this point. Getting a Minecraft port released on it was kind of his dream, so he's probably shitting his pants now that Google's announced Daydream (which looks like it's stolen all the software support that the Gear would have otherwise gotten, plus, has a motion controller).

palmer getting btfo on reddit a month back

even /r/oculus is pretty peeved about this

>i feel sorry for all the poor bastards who bought an oculus

i did too but then i thought how absolutely retarded you have to be to spend nearly 1000 bucks on a gimmick

>If you're going to complain about Oculus you better start bitch about a lot of people as well.
Are you people THIS retarded? No really, how do you even get by in your daily life without understanding what you read?

this is the beginning of the end, once they have enough sales they will lock that shit down harder than a nun's asshole

anything not purchased from the oculus store will not work mark my words

>buying into the VR hype at all

I almost feel sorry for anybody who was stupid enough to fall for this fucking meme.

>I don't know what open platform means but thanks for the clicks

honestly i would've bought it in a few years (when dirt cheap) just to see the porn. now that it's out of the question, fuck it

>he trusted a jew

You people don't seriously think VR headsets are anything other than just another gimmick, right? It's just going to be the next motion controls/3D.

>tfw admins played komm susser tod that day

That day, I think every board got together and cried together.

>Oculus’ DRM now checks to see whether an Oculus Rift is connected to the PC when playing a game bought from the Oculus store.

And the problem is ... what?

It's defended by autists because of waifus and porn.



>including PC

and shitpost of the week goes to

It's that time again?

i'm not trying to be a dick or anything but, you're a fucking moron

>buy game from the Oculus store.
>Oculus’ DRM now checks to see whether an Oculus Rift is connected to the PC when playing the game

why did Sup Forums had to be right


palmer is such a piece of shit slimy cunt dressing himself up like some benevolent tech hippie

Answer it you fucking piece of shit valve shills.


I don't, they are the same kind of people who give their money to scamstarters

>Text Board: /games/
I am sadness incarnate

he still has all their money

>Back in April, we wrote about a piece of user-made software called Revive that allows games exclusive to the Oculus Rift run on competing virtual reality headsets, like Valve and HTC’s Vive. Think of it like a patch you could install on your PlayStation 4 to run games exclusives to the Xbox One.

This is it? This is what you pathetic shills are complaining about?

At least the Rift convinced John Carmack to leave id so we actually got a good DOOM game. I respect him, but DOOM 4 was called a shitty cinematic Call of Duty clone under his direction.



nerds are retarded when it comes to making purchase decisions

Just stop posting forever.

>The willpower of /o/ could overcome this and even I use a dk2 with oculus home and play racing sims.
This is how you do it.

>There are people who didn't expect this since the Facebook buyout

You cucks are all in denial. You can't even write a counter argument for fucks sake. Guess naming calling is all you retarded morons can do.

Palmer had absolutely no say in the matter, as soon as Facebook bought Oculus he lost all control over the divisions of the company. Also ReVive still works for games on steam, just don't buy from the Oculus store...

damn i'm still buttblasted about this.

What you retard? That a DRM prevents an exclusive game to be played on competing platforms? How is this new you fucking retard?

>You cucks are all in denial. You can't even write a counter argument for fucks sake. Guess naming calling is all you retarded morons can do.
I'm calling you retarded because you didn't even read the title of the OP, why would I write a counter argument if you can't read the top of the fucking page? Here's a hint:
>CEO Palmer Luckey breaks earlier promise; Oculus Rift no longer an open platform
>breaks earlier promise

>/z/ here
ayy i made it into the video

>Also ReVive still works for games on steam, just don't buy from the Oculus store...
Because those are not Oculus EXCLUSIVE games you fucking retard.

4K for each eye

So all you need is a SLI/Crossfire setup with two future video cards that can each do 4K

That's chump change!

im not surprised that the people who buy VR have such a problem with reading comprehension

>CEO Palmer Luckey breaks earlier promise; Oculus Rift no longer an open platform
Not him but it is open you fucking retards. But if the developer decides the game to be Oculus exclusive then the DRM does its job you fucking retard.

how in the name of God does pol keep being right???

>Oculus being bought it meant the death of gaming

You faggots are pathetic, VR always was and will always be a stupid gimmick.

>the knife was twisted several times
Damn, that's some attention to detail.

the problem is that you haven't killed yourself yet

There are games on steam which don't have Vive support like ADR1FT and until recently project car

>it is open

>They fixed a hack for an anti piracy feature
>so evil

Doesn't mean they are EXCLUSIVE. If they decide to be exclusive I'm pretty sure the DRM will prevent it even on the Steam games.

try harder shilling valve retard

>If you create you're own market place and think it's not closed platform then you're retarded
It can still operate as an open platform in general, official market is just a preferred way to distribute the content. What important is not the creation of the official market, but the broken promise

Steam is literally evil but all you autists will use and defend it.

facebook shills have arrived

Also a game sold on Steam definitely isn't Oculus exclusive anyway.

>try harder shilling valve retard
Oh boy, you think I fell for the VR meme? Not everyone is as stupid as you

It doesn't cost hundreds of $ though.

>Whatabout Steam?
Well, whatabout your mother being a whore and yet you autist will still defend her.


The autists here spent thousands on Steam.

Be an early adopter, they said.

>that was 2 years ago


That picture.damn it user

Surprising precisely nobody, RMS was right again.

Reminder that if the internet was marketed as a consumer service, you would've had to get your website approved by a company and Sup Forums wouldn't exist and you faggots would still defend it.

Oculus is a meme
Vive is shit

StarVR will be amazing! 210 degree FOV and 2560x1440 per eye!!!

Sup Forums is generally pro big companies and profit and anti consumer

Fuck I've not seen a burn this bad since Hiroshima.

>We could've been playing deus ex on oculus rift RIGHT NOW if it wasn't for jewbook
I don't have any nazi reaction images. Can someone help a nigga out?

Sensationalist post.

All they did was shut down a hack. It was never an open platform from the start.