StarVR is the FUTURE

Hey nerds, the Vive and Rift are shit!
>100 degree FOV
HA! Literal trash.

This is the only VR headset worth caring about: StarVR
>2560x1440 PER EYE
>210 degree FOV (literally your actual FOV)
>Made by Acer (best monitor manufacturer in the world)
>LITERALLY going to be used by IMAX

It's over. This is the only VR headset worth caring about.
And it actually makes shit like the GTX 1180 Ti and R9 590X worth caring about.

- Jeffrey Starbreeze (CEO of Starbreeze Studios)

>>Made by Acer (best monitor manufacturer in the world)

VR is a gimmick

Modern video cards already have trouble playing 60fps on current games at 1440p, let alone rendering two individual viewpoints at that resolution at 120fps.

The new cards are not going to fix that.

Seriously though, I'll be incredibly impressed if this thing ever happens. Not only does the spec sheet read like a pipe dream, there's also the small issue of

Correct, the Vive and especially the Rift failed. However, the StarVR is not catered towards usual consumers but promoted as a "commercial VR solution" basically saying expect to pay more than for a high-end gaming rig altogether. There's still a chance it won't cost an arm and a leg and revive the VR dream.

>he doesn't have four 1080s

VR is shit and will remain shit forever until somebody invents something that somehow plugs your conciousness directly into the game where it will be completely forgotten

if you put money into this i feel actually sorry for you

What's the point if there is nothing to play on it? Won't be for another 5 years.

Pretty sure tested slammed this thing when they tried it. When it comes to things you have to wear, you need to focus on a lot more than hard numbers. It should also be known that Vive and Rift chose their resolutions not due to screen limitations, but GPU limitations. It's not viable as a product.

People need to realize that medium and high settings don't look that different from Ultra. 1440p at 120hz is difficult, but will be possible in the next 2-4 years. Two of those in SLI would run this thing pretty well.

Especially with Nvidia's SMP technology and IMAX's backing, I have a feeling this thing is going to be the first headset that actually feel like VR.

Actually, the Pascal cards partially fix that with multi-projection, doing up to six viewports with a single-pass. The performance they have over Maxwell isn't super impressive but the increased VR performance is pretty fucking huge.

>People need to realize that medium and high settings don't look that different from Ultra.

This. Maxing out games works for benchmarking and stuff, its always better to tweak your settings.

This looks really heavy.

>wanting to burn your house down

The blockiness makes it look like metal. Plus the design isn't final, I'm sure they can keep shaving off grams. Basically the only weight difference is two displays rather than one on a Vive/Rift.

from talking to someone who used one, its way too heavy and uncomfortable to use for long periods of time, probably fine for 5 mins at the cinema or theme park.

The Vive and Rift have two displays now. They just aren't as large as this. Not that it matters, because the main bulk is in the lenses.

Can't they just copy the PSVR design for the straps? Or just make it an actual helmet.

This does look similar to the PSVR design. With the Vive I feel like most of the weight is on my cheekbones.

>LITERALLY going to be used by IMAX
How would they use it figuratively, OP?

>only for 1600 american dollars!
fuck you no-life nerd.

Is the pcgamer the most milkable cow in today's middle class market? I imagine getting this plus a high end rig would cost you aound 3000 american dollars. This is applefags tier.

Nintoddlers end up wasting way more money on useless plastic crap.

>no positinal tracking
>no hand controls

Sure is the future...

>My 21.5" 1080p screen is all I'll ever need!!!

If it gives a better experience then it's worth it to some people. Plus $3000 isn't that much for a hobby.

All depends whether dummies double-dip on a PS4K. Then they'll have bought the console twice for full price, AND still be paying monthly

>buying 4 of something when you can only use 3 at once