SERIOUSLY, Bethesda?

SERIOUSLY, Bethesda?

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I know right? Graphics look like something out of 2009 with gameplay out of 2002.


I'm shocked this wasn't spammed on Sup Forums

inb4 some redditor reads a non-liberal post then screeches and cries about Sup Forums though it wasn't brought up in the first place

seriously, Bethesda?

This and Mass Effect 3 is kind of telling me less about an accepting and tolerant future and more about how gay people have shit survival skills.

I am like, seriously triggered right now. We should totally boycott this game or something. yeah.

That's probably because the DLC was only just released.

Give it time.

What ? he just said ONCE that he had a husband. It's ok you know ? he don't want you to wear a multicolor flag as a cape and to bend down to let him fuck you. You know gay people exist, right ?

I saw a thread about it yesterday I think.
It's just one fucking NPC, get over it, OP.
Complaining about it is worse than SJWs complaining about virtually all women in Witcher being hot.

Look, man, if I saw someone in Sup Forums talking about his favourite video game, I'd show him the proper board too, you know?

karma kills gay people and you're mad?

I don't get it, you could already go maximum homo in NV and bypass speech checks by flirting and fuck male prostitutes.

>this fucking thread

gonna note down the time so I know when it's SJW hour around here

>all non liberal posts and opinions belong on Sup Forums

also, pic related; Sup Forums having videogame discussion

enjoy it newfriend

There's at least 3 gay person in that DLC.
This Andre guy, the robot at V118, and I forgot the other one

That wasn't OK either. You should be STRAIGHT.


All political posts belong on Sup Forums.

It's not my fault it's usually the anime Nazis and alt-right keyboard warriors who seem to get lost somehow.

since Sup Forums is overrun by sjw, I'd rather suspect this post to a sjw pretending to be homophobic than someone actually giving a fuck about fallout 4 dlc


Remember this, OP?

Wow thanks for posting this op. I almost bought this last night. Can't even enjoy a game anymore without some degenerate agenda shoved down my throat.

It's most likely just a shitposter pretending to be homophobic.

What's the problem? The point of an RPG is to have an interesting world to play your character in.

When I get this DLC, I'm going to play a 1950s American bigot who hates homosexuals and tell this guy to fuck off.

whoa...........really....makes you think....

Oh good, if it's all just people pretending and not actual retards then people can just stop pretending because no actual retards will fall for it and then Sup Forums will be good.

so pretending to be offended to get attention?
it's very possible

>People unironically believe any group of people can take over boards
I bet you also think out-of-school summer takeover is real too

>"W-we're not losers like that guy said!"

>proceeds with the most cringeworthy faggot video imaginable.

I can't get past two minutes of this shit.

The alt-right is so embarrassing.

Laughed and saved.

But to be honest, it's not really their fault.
You can take a Sup Forumsack from Sup Forums but you can't take the Sup Forums out of the Sup Forumsack.

Thankfully, they still have some guys who don't take the internet so seryously and leave their shit on their board.
Sucks for the NEETsoc larpers though.

yes seriously you homophobe its normal to have a nice husband cuz its 2016 stop living in the past its proven that lgbtqaixyz+ relationships are better than cis straight relationships get the fuck out of Sup Forums and return to the cesspool called Sup Forums or reddit sexist bigot racist something something problematic

"Alt-right" implies there's any difference between them and your average conservative.

The only difference is that they call people "cucks" a lot more.

How did just one man BTFO Sup Forums so hard?

>it's the apocalypse
>fewer people in general
>can't find a wife
>have to marry a dude instead

i don't see the problem


You were able to enjoy fo4 in the first place?

but that's obsidian and they did it right

LITERALLY ok when CDPR do it

Stop posting this fucking everyday you whinny faggot.

What in the fizzity fuck is that

Reminder, anyone who uses the term "alt right" and shouts "go back to Sup Forums" about traditional Sup Forums banter is not from here.

Yeah. And people who freakout about faggots and politics are not from this board either.

>Sup Forums tier thread about Fallout 4:
>I wanna fuck Marie
>Survival Mode is annoying, not hard

>Sup Forums tier thread about Fallout 4:
>Holy shit, this guy is gay
>The [FACTION NAME] are leftists!

Both are shit, but I'd rather take the first one.
It's at least tangencial vidya related.

>traditional Sup Forums banter

Doesn't fucking exist, faggot.

It's a bad game but that's not the reason why OP
No one cares, I doubt anyone enjoyed FO4

It's the reason you carry a silver sword user.

I just noticed
You're not even from Sup Forums.
You're from Sup Forums. Back to your deadboard filled with pahjeets, asshole.

>waaaahhh fags in my gaem!

homosexuality exists. Deal with it m'asshurt laddy

>traditional Sup Forums

Videogames are about gameplay you cunt

>not from here.
nobody was born in Sup Forums, pal. I started browsing around 08 and while racism and generally assholery were the norm, it was for its own sake, not for the sake of advancing some kind of political agenda.

>these posts all around a minute apart from each other

>one thread about hating one gay dude from Fallout
>10,000 news articles about how gamers hate gay people
Why do you always do this, OP?

>he doesn't know


whats the issue

hurff durf faggits in mah vydia

Sure pal, keep wearing that tinfoil.
Brings out the color of yer eyes.

Except he was a cool fag, not a literal nameless interchangeable exposition dump fag

SERIOUSLY, Bethesda?

>having discussions is just giving them ammunition
>it's better to never discuss anything
Fuck off retard and take your bitten tongue with you.

The only time SJW shit annoys me is the strong womyn meme. I don't see the big deal in throwing in some gays.


Thanks OP, not buying this SJW shit now.



There were gays in FNV as well.
Just shoot at the fucker if you don't like him

That is seriously some awful writing

>the city of /lit/

I love gays. They're not fitting in this setting at all, though. From what I understand, Fallout is atompunk, meaning it's inspired by the 30s-50s Metropolis vision of the future stuff.

I don't think people from the fifties were eager for open homosexuality, no less gay marriage in the future.

>elves not gay

Wake the fuck up.


>roleplaying in Fallout 4

Just because it borrows some aesthetic choices from the 50s, that doesn't mean it retains the same values.

You could get gay married in Fallout 2.

>openly samefagged the same comment twice

Uhh... doesn't require a tinfoil hat when you admit it?

Nobody actually cares about fagits, it's just bait to reveal you tumblrfaggots.

Most people did.

This was blatant pandering

This was actually a character

It's fine. Gay people don't seem to live long in the Fallout world anyway. There is natural hostility towards them, since they passive contribute to further the demise of the human race.

>I hate gay characters because they constantly scream how they are gay "HEY DO YOU KNOW HOW GAY I AM!"
>continues to constantly scream on Sup Forums about how much they hate gay characters "HEY DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE GAY CHARACTERS!"

You're channeling your suppressed gay rage through a video game.

Just suck a dick already.


That looks like the TaleTale walking dead games, holy shit.
How bad do you have to be for your game to look cel-shaded?

fun fact: 1 in 3 gay people in washington dc has HIV


>I have no imagination

One of my characters was a lesbian. How you say? Well I just role played that she didn't come out of the cryo sleep 100% the way she went in. The trauma of the process itself combined with watching her husband get murdered just broke her. So she leaves the vault a deranged psycho who's a massive cunt to everyone and wants to eat beaver. She brushes it off when anyone brings up her son and sides with the BoS because they let her purge mutants and android abominations with little to no restraints.

Because nobody is playing this pile of shit.

yeah, but we're talking about video games

AIDS is not an issue unless you get fucked by blacks
Whites pretty much never have it, just like in Europe

Washington DC is a black-infested left-wing shithole

>imagine being triggered by videogames

>game has something in it that pushes political agenda

>people say that they disagree with the political agenda being pushed by the game


when did Sup Forums become reddit? I've noticed a shitload of triggered faggots here recently.

You mean bipolar/schizophrenic? That's the only way you can explain whenever she talks about her son.

>white cis gay


Gay marriage in Fallout 2.

Bethesda did literally nothing wrong.

I wish the Sup Forums fags and the fags who think the series started with Fallout 3 would leave.

>Sup Forums has had zero tolerance for fags
>New Sup Forums grows even more.
>Wanting to take over, they try to act similar and bend the rules to their favor.
>"Hey user why does Sup Forums hate fags?"
>"Because the developers aren't subtle about it! lol amiright fammys?!"

No, that's not it. It's a mental illness and shouldn't be promoted as a lifestyle. Having gay sex at the age of 18 will leave you in diapers by the time you reach 30.


>game doesn't have a political agenda, and just has a minor character be gay because gay people exist in real life

when did Sup Forums become Sup Forums?

Not every gay man does anal

> No government or society to judge me
I'd fuck every man's ass from Washington to Florida

I don't like fags, but much like portraying rape or murder in videogames should be okay, portraying homos should be okay as well.

What I don't like is the guy just openly tells you he's a homo, which in turn implies he's accepted and there's no discrimination against fags. This is why it's shit. New Vegas had fags, but they were all either discriminated for it or hiding it, which adds realism.

Oh my god...

You actually believe there'd be no discrimination in the post apocalypse. The dicks have fucked up your brain, user.

>this game only came out last year
>and it looks that bad

Why are gay men always the married ones that need their husband for support while they are the damsel in distress while gay women seem to always be that independent bad ass who doesn't need anybody?