Diablo 3

If RoS didn't fix everything, then tell me, what did it miss?

being a game with longevity of any sort

A few classes have very little effective variety. Yeah, I can build a wizard or DH differently, but I'm going to have a more uphill battle than just doing archon/disintegrate or multishot spam.

It missed fucking nothing. If you still have vanilla d3 collecting dust from 4 years ago you are missing out, simple as that.

>you're missing out

missing out on power creep with every patch and a ladder dominated by bots constantly, yeah sounds real fucking cool bro

Build saving, unified gem storage for all characters.

ros fixed a lot of problems but vanilla was absolute garbage

I don't get why they don't add like 5 maps.
This game is fun and addicting but it just ends.

It's like if World of Warcraft had 5 zones you grinded over and over again for new loot.

What the fuck is this game. Why aren't there like 20 Acts. All it is is maps. Why is there so little content in Diablo games?

Agreed, I meant if you gave up on D3 after vanilla and won't give it another chance.

They sold over 12 million fucking copies of vanilla. If they at least did 7 day trials for RoS like they do with WoW expansions, a lot of people would play again.



>no point in doing story mode in season
>adventure mode needs work
>blizz needs to disable rifts in a bounty game
>and bounties in a rift game
>bounty bosses need to not summon other players
>once you get your set of choice and vanity items like pets and transmogs you wanted there's no reason to continue playing the season unless you're hardcore want to aim for leaderboards

Maybe for you, seasons added alot of replayability to the game to keep you coming back

>New Season comes out
>Play for about a month or 2
>Fuck off till a new ones comes around

Like clockwork

well i mean early d2 had lots of issues as well but LOD was literally goat vanilla d3 was awful and ros is honestly pretty decent

You include RoS, but not LoD?

What class/gender is the funnest one to play ?

>Gear hunt is effectively gone from the game
>Whole game is about grinding +5 mainstats

people care about vanity items in diablo?
the point is to grind, even when you have all perfect rolled ancient gear you still grind, thats what you do

I wanted to try that two ring setup where you get +100% damage for each Ancient item equipped.
After two days of farming, not a single one of the 6 or so uniques that I absolutely need my build to work dropped again in ancient. I stopped playing and don't think I will want to pick the game up again anytime soon.

Ancient farming is fucking awful, combined with items that your build needs to even work at all. There is an illusion of choice since there are so many items with strong unique effects, but in the end they became practically part of the build. A pet witch doctor needs tasker&theo, since it's a 50% damage increase. The headpiece is another 100% damage increase. Instead of trying new combinations, you have most of your slots taken by obligatory items.

Holy fuck are you a retard?

Diablo 2 > Diablo 1 (debatable) >>>>>>>> diablo 3

The best thing about launch were all those newfags from WoW that got D3 free whining to Blizz about when there would be content updates.

>play for a month or two

how? my character could burst 1.5b dps in like 8 hours of playtime and could laugh at most of everything up to like torment 7

there's like, zero longevity or progression unless you want to spend a week grinding for slightly better stats on the legendaries you see drop a dozen times or more within said week

just give me release inferno difficulty with slightly better droprates, not this shit please.

>waah I have to play for more than a day or two to get fully decked out in ancients!
You probably weren't even playing t10

I was playing T10. It's still fucking awful.
>hey, you got all the legendaries your build needs! great!
>now get them ALL again, but now with a 10% chance per drop upgrade!

I just don't understand what kind of thought process you have that leads you to believe that in an ARPG you should be fully geared in two fucking days.

>Bringing up Diablo III on a nostalgiafag board.

RoS made everything worse.

Gween tea.

It's the same as Diablo 2, sure, you could make a skellymancer, but if you played with other people you needed to have fantastic gear if you wanted to be something other than a meatshield (boneshield?)/curse provider.

Class sets giving +1000% damage to abilities took out all form of item customization.

I know they added those rings in that were supposed to deal with that but you're still losing out on two ring slots.

Did they add a gem that gives you a huge damage increase for not wearing a set to make something other than sets viable? If not, then the game is still dead to me.

Why would that be necessary? The healthiest thing for the game would be to just take out all the retarded 1000% damage multipliers

I would also support that decision but then that means people wouldn't see big numbers and god forbid that happen.


you're basically fully geared in 2 days after being max-levelled in like 5 hours, though

the only thing to do after that is grind out better stats on the same gear for rift leaderboards

it's boring

Because people don't pay 15 dollars a month to play it.


>deal with it GLOAM
>lil B a2 merc


The biggest issue to me now is that there's still no item sink.

Items should be able to be burned in the cube repeatedly, and build up a small percentage increase to whatever effect it has (with limits to prevent zero cooldown and such). Previous patches have induced massive power creep so I don't see why this concept would be any worse.

For four years in Diablo 3, the only choice you make with any dropped item is to either keep it or salvage it.

GRs beyond 100 can be cleared now and gems are still capped at 100 anyway. There needs to be something else to do.

Because this isn't WoW you fucking underage. There are people that love to grind their faces off. This franchise isn't for you.

Adventure mode was the greatest thing that ever happened to Diablo

It didn't fix gear, it didn't fix the art, it didn't fix the lore, it didn't fix fun.

every new season is the same for me, grind shit until i can farm TX easymode, then get bored and quit until next season

no interest in ladders, i prefer wading through enemies and killing them quickly, not beating on the same mob pack for 30 minutes

It killed any economy the game ever had.

>tfw all other blizzard games are have too recent releases for anything new next year
>tfw it's almost the 20th anniversary of Diablo
>tfw only one franchise has the possibility for being front¢er at Blizzcon

I fucking hate Metzen

>New Season comes out
>Play for about a month or 2
More like couple of days. Then you're decked in perfect ancient gear, and it'd take a special kind of autist to keep going for boring as hell Caldesann's.

I wish Nevalistis was my wife

Plenty of people play non-seasonal still

that's what the work sector will be like, get ready to be replaced by nigbots

>hit 70
>same day get two ashbringers because of people endlessly powerleveling

What do you even do beyond that point?

Why not just play Titan Quest for the ARPG fix? its pretty cheap nowadays


Get something other than an Ashbringer?

Nobody uses that piece of shit.

While I liked TQ:IT I think d3:ros is a better game now.

Torment X is where the game really starts. Progression is GR progression and building your gear sets and making whatever build you want to use.

Grim Dawn is way better than D3 right now though.

As someone that owns grim dawn and was hyped that it was coming out, no it's not. I would say maybe, if you used some really weird rubric you could say grim dawn is better than d3 without ROS.

Who is this
Who is this Semen Demon
Jizz Genie
Baby Batter Bringer
Cum Caresser
Lovegoo Lass
Sperm Summoner
Ejaculate Empress
Mayonnaise Maiden
Jizz Jockey
Spunk Monk
Sperm Worm
Sodomy Sentinel
Penile Perpetrator
Erection Confection
Salami Tsunami
Boner Condoner
Fluid Druid
Urethral Umpire
Wang Wizard
Knackers Knight
Prick Pirate
Dong Dominator
Cock Khan
Stiffy Sultan
Sausage Sergeant
Middle Leg Major
Pole Privateer
Shaft Specialist
Pecker Prodigy
Boner Benefactor
Baloney Poney Behemoth
Dick Juice Masseuse
Tallywhacker Smacker
Man Muscle Steam Shovel
Baby Batter Bladder
Willy Ghillie
Butt Hut
Glans Fans
Spooge Scrooge
Ejaculate Advocate
Skeet Treat
Wang Wrangler
Jism Prism
Smegma Savant
Anal Aficionado
Testicular Temptress

Also does anyone even fucking play the ps4 version anymore? It takes me literally half a dozen searches in different torment difficulties to find anyone, and usually there's a fucking 10k paragon faggot in there ruining the game.

Fun? Not everything needs a leaderboard, and many are just playing single-player and forced to be online

I do.

Join up on some of the PS4 groups. There's legit players out there.

Pubs are only good for getting free materials and bullshit which are just time sinks to acquire.

She's the D3 community manager in the forums

So they're casual scum. Who cares about them?

Thanks, might look into that. I only have 2 buddies that play and their paragons are far below mine, and 1 won't play because his act v completion trophy is glitched.


still always online

Half of the console players honestly wish that PC DRM was on the console game because they are that triggered by cheaters.

DRM or cheaters. Pick your poison.

I don't play multiplayer so cheaters.

It's not so hard to make characters exclusively SP or MP I simply dropped D3 when I got queue for SP, which probably won't happen now since anyone with taste dropped this crap years ago but still, this shit doesn't deserve support even if they already got my money.

>This shitty season/patch
I feel an expansion brewing.


>2edgy4u dementor

Overwatch and HoS new heroes / skins?

>paid dlc FIXED a game

I have never once encountered a cheater online. The hacker accusation is thrown around way too much.

i played diablo 3 pre expansion for 140 hours
sell me on buying the expansion

Yeah, Overwatch.

Read up on what changed, watch some gameplay vids and see if you like it. I recommend the Tavern Talk vids on YouTube.

Any time I peek my head into a pub on PS4, there is at least one person out of the four who is PL 10000 at minimum, if not all three other players.

Consider yourself lucky, I guess.


Blizzfaggs continue to say, how D3 team "acknowledged their mistakes and tried to redeem themselves by making things right in DLC!", but this DLC costed about as much as D3 vanilla itself.

And how they pushed it down your throat, jesus fucking christ! You even could get Crusader items without having a DLC, and they were locked off. You always glared at your skill tab and saw that 4th passive slot, which you could get in DLC. Everything shouted "Hey, you didn't bought the RoS yet? Well, too bad, pal, look what cool guys got!"

You literally couldn't play D3 vanilla, because old armor-sets were complete shit, and new ones dropped ONLY on level 70.

So fuck you, you fucking shill.

But Blizz does that in every one of thier games when you don't have the xpac

but you basically get your entire initial gearset for free and literally NOTHING outside of torment 10 matters (i could do torment 10 rifts with 10 hours of playtime if i didnt get hit)

i just wish the whole "only endgame matters" thing blizzard has going for them was less prevalent here, you just kind of get rushed into the end of the game and get to do rifts for eternity

w/release inferno tuning even getting to the end of the game was a pretty brutal gearcheck, and i personally find that a lot more interesting than rifts until the end of the season
