>tfw no pc port
>tfw nothing will come close ever again
Emulating it's just not the same
>tfw no pc port
>tfw nothing will come close ever again
Emulating it's just not the same
holy fuck
this was such a fun game
>tfw i have this game
>never played it more than an hour
what am i missing?
Pixelated jiggle physics
Go play Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 1 and 2. Closest we got to these games again was Lord of the Rings, War in the North several years ago.
Essential solo or 4 player couch/online co-op dungeon hack and slash bearing resemblance to games like Gauntlet or Diablo.
I have a copy of this game and it is still one of the better ARPGs that I can remember.
Loved CoN and Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance.
which is the one were you start off in a cellar killing rats?
Bard's Tale.
i remember i was a girl character with massive jugs
Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 1. You do it for the big tit elf girl who owns the tavern above the cellar.
>pick up game expecting a fap and a shitty b movie story
>its actually good
I remember this game, it was great.
I think I was the Lizard Shaman in the stand alone expansion or whatever it was called.
Pretty sure every female in that game engine was required to have massive tits.
>using BG:DA of all things as wank material
Did you just not have internet back then?
Fuck this shit thread now I HAVE to download and play it why the fuck are you making me play games fuck that's it, that's it user, I'm going to play it again, you win, fuck, 10/10, you win
i didnt
whats the best version of dark alliance? is the gamecube one better then the ps2 one?
Does it work with amachi?
Let's have a party guys
has the half screen bug been fixed?
Norrath was fucking boring. Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance games were better. Not like that's saying much though. Honestly I'd rather play Gauntlet Dark Legacy.
who cares whats better
these games will never exist in todays world
As far as I'm aware, the only version that's any different is the GBA version, which was still pretty fun in its own way.
If you're emulating, probably the GC one.
Though I heard pcsx2 can finally do these games.
How's it compared to other arpgs? Diablo 3 is getting boring and i've played D2 for god knows how long
The Vah Shir Berserker amused the shit out of me, because of the axe autotargeting. There were stages with stealthed enemies where you literally couldn't throw an axe without hitting some hiding guy.
Who X-Men Legends here?
The first game is completely fucking busted, but it's so hilarious with friends and a constant stream of "COMBO" from the announcer.
Played with a friend. Was real fun, but felt like it should've been on PC given the shite inventory/lootan. Game ended up getting stuck at some place. So sad.
You run through the story and that's about it. Not sure if it even feautred NG+
The loot isn't anything that special.