No spy class in Overwatch, What the fuck?

No spy class in Overwatch, What the fuck?

Stealth is a cancer mechanic

The spy class fundamentally doesn't work in ANY multiplayer game.

Most likely too complicated for Blizzard's current design philosophy.

Invisibility is cheap and not fun to play against.

Designing females?

>wanting more AFK teammates
They already have 2 snipers, dont put more fodder classes in please.

Too OP I want a Spy class.



The game doesn't play like TF2 a spy wouldn't work the same or work right in overwatch. If they did have a spy it would have to be different from the tf2 spy.

I really don't want to see any disguising or anything in this game.

>What is reaper

It would be horrible in 6v6.
2 sniper classes is already bad enough.

No ammo management means that everyone can and will constantly spy check each other, spy is useless in that game.

Implying it has a disguise ui? It could be using .random and making it appear different for each player who sees it.

What would a spy's ultimate be?

I wouldn't discount the possibility of them adding a hero with a temporary stealth mechanic, but disguises are right out because the roster of heroes is only gonna go up, and because people have unlimited ammo so they're gonna shoot you to check by default.

There's only 6 players on each team.
A hero that can go invisible for a seconds maybe, disguises would be just silly.

getting fucked in the ass by mudslime terrorist

In TF2, it's the only class that's universally useless and inefficient at all experience levels. Reaper with Shadowstep is already enough if you want a class that excels at getting behind the enemy and disrupting them.

bottom line is that a spy would simply be too hard to play for your average blizzard gamer

i mean the overwatch tutorial explains to you what a crosshair is, and that you put your enemy in the centre before pressing mouse 1.


>Ammo management.

lmao dude! fukin epic meemee.

>every spy/stealth-centered class has to work the same way as the spy in tf2
are you retarded?

he surrenders

>I die before I run out of ammo

Are you serious? I main spy and literally make them bow towards me because no one spy checks and can get in easily and clear out the entire team in a few seconds if they are all line up.

Do it all the time.

>hard to play

every spy in tf2 use the lame ringer today.
This game is a hot steaming pile of shit now anyway. RIP tf2

Switches position of (3, 6?) members of the other team at random.

If they make a stealth character they'll probably make invisibility his ult. Like how they designed Genji and his sword.

>play demoman
>stickspam/pipespam like a retard
>die because you're reloading in front of someone

yes there's ammo management in tf2

>before Overwatch
>TF2 threads full of shitposting calling it casual garbage and literally dead
>after Overwatch
>TF2 becomes some golden cow of skill and great design

>no one spychecks
>meanwhile outside of user's head: every pyro ever starts m1ing left and right as soon as he leaves the spawn
i know because i mained pyro in pubs. spy is useless in pubs too.

and playerbase

Overwatch is a ton more casual than TF2. It's also designed around consoles.

You sure? You get the rare pyro that knows how to check but even then. I just switch watches and take him out from range.

think about all those retards with inventory full of thousands of dumb pixel shit user, they're desperate and afraid that's all.

Thank fuck.

Literally all you have to do to fix Spy in TF2 is make him immune to afterburn

I guess immune to effects like Jarate and Milk while disguised too, but keep it when he's invisible

OP wouldn't have said spy if he wasn't talking about the whole disguise thing.

>make him immune to afterburn

with the DR he is

Now that's cruel. But I kinda like the idea.

Except in that case, almost every character in Overwatch has to deal with ammo management.

spy-cicle gayshit + lameringer : casual mode activated

>I don't know the ammo locations.

That type of management applies to Overwatch as well. An overall ammo pool doesn't as Overwatch heroes basically have infinite ammo.

It's really the only type that applies to TF2 as well. With how many ammo crates, dropped weapons and dispensers are around, it's nigh impossible to let your tank run completely dry. It'll basically never happen on a payload map.

>game is shitposted
>new game to shitpost about is soon to be released

non since you reload way more faster than a tf2 character : junkrat reload all his grenade in one quick movement, same for pharah.

that's why I can't play tf2 anymore, this and the falldamage, fuck, I just want to have fun.

>What is reaper

He teleports, can go intangible, and does massive close range damage .

I play him just like I play spy on tf2 and get play of the game constantly.

>No one hit kills for camping a corner
Cry some more


Genji originally had invisibility but they removed it because of how cancerous it was

this and oneshot backstabs is what made me give up on monday night combat

Try playing Piggu. His reload is obnoxiously slow, he only gets four shots before reloading and you can't end the reload prematurely to fire off a shot or two like you can with Soldier/Demo.

>designed around consoles

Nice meme

So, nothing like the spy ?

Only one company has mastered how to balance a stealth character in a FPS and that's Valve. It's probably too complicated for Blizzard.

yeah but he also have a shitload of hp and can heal himself, it's balanced.

The reloading mechanic doesn't feel too obnoxious in overwatch, you have only one primary weapon after all, it's really not like tf2.

>The only class that requieres that your enemy is worse at the game

Nah, the problem is 90% of the people are too retarded to play it properly.

I played Spy a lot in TF2, before the shit updates.
I only used cloak as a last resort or to position myself correctly, because I was good enough at fooling the enemy and switching disguises, you literally just had to ACT like if you were an enemy, even if that meant going away from your goal sometimes or missing a few kills, but it was only a mean to fool everyone and go for it at the right moment.

But people were too retarded to understand that they were only thinking about going as fast as possible to the goal or couldn't keep themselves from backstabbing enemies even in plain sight, they used the disguises in the most basic and useless way, relied on cloak too much so they were completely naked without it.

When Valve realized only a few people were playing the class correctly, they said fuck it and added the dead ringer aka "I don't even need to disguise to fool them" and the cloak and dagger aka "I can be invisible all the time as long as I make my gameplay as slow and boring as possible".

It works in Fortress Forever.

Suicide Vest

>bringing other stats into it.
Dude, don't get on this slippery slope or you will fall and fuckin' hurt yourself.

>Shitload of HP.
>Can heal himself.
Both of these apply to Heavy except at least Piggu needs to reload. Heavy doesn't.

Do you really want to walk this dark path.

neither of these are negative points

>Designed around console
Tf2 was on console too

I can understand why Blizzard will avoid a class that uses disguise. In TF2 there were nine classes, meaning a roughly one in nine chance there's a spy, so spy checking is encouraged as there's a good chance you'll find one. In Overwatch, it would be 1 in 22, and the odds will be getting worse and worse as new characters are released. So you have to either be completely vulnerable to spy ambushes or do spy checking which will only be useful

It was not designed with consoles in mind like overwatch is

they are if you're an hardcore gamer playing on PC like me

Repeat after me retard
Game being on a console doesn't necessarily means it was designed primarily for it.

>"Hey, is this person you?"
>"Okay" blamblamblam
Your shitty pub games with russians who don't speak english aren't a proper representation of real gameplay.

There's no disguising and invisible class, but there are three heroes that serve the same function (anti-sniper, ambush class): Genji, Reaper, and Tracer

>they are if you're an hardcore gamer playing on PC like me

Worked great in TF2 while I played desu senpai.
Just git gud and stop being bad.

both do shit damage at long distance but at least piggu can hook enemy players

>bringing other stats into it.

bringing the only character in the entire game who have a reloading time a little more heavier than the others

eat shit m8

Thank god for that. It's already bad enough that the game has a sniper class that idiots can pick so they're useless all fucking game.

While Spy is objectively not worth it except temporarily in some situations it's a lot of F U N.

Yeah, Pretty much the reason why they added the dead ringer and cloak is because.

Spy checking soilders.

Really? Because it mapped to a controller rather well, if i remember correctly.

I will come with new heroes.

I am heavy weapons spy and this is my sapper.

So it has aim assist like console overwatch?

They'll probably release a spy character later. You act like they're going to be adding hats and weapons instead of heroes. Thats whats going to massacre TF2, the variety of classes.

It wouldn't work. a seventh person in your group would be easy to identify as a spy

>massacre TF2,

TF2 is too old to be 'massacred,' it peaked long ago and nothing can kill it further anymore. Its remaining fanbase is not as big as it was, but they're loyal and dedicated.

spy is a gimmick class

it works good against noobs but decent players will destroy you.

Does it? Proof?

You're retarded.
Spy is a gimmick class that works in certain situations and doesn't work in other.
It's a class you switch to when needed and switch from when the enemy starts fearing you.

Morons like you think Spy is a class like any other that you pick from the start and stay the next 34 rounds. Sure, might work in some low level pubs, but that's it.

The only time it can't work is if you're playing against a premade team of people that know each other, play with each other often and talk over voice chat because in that case even the best spy will lose one of his most important tools, his disguise. Stealth, sapping and backstab could still work in rare cases but that's it.

A stealth class is inevitable though. Close enough.

There's absolutely no way they'd include a spy styled class when the average blizzfag quits the Hearthstone tutorial in confusion when taunt is introduced

The Spy is cool on Paper but is god awful in game.


Please tell me people are not that fucking retarded

Have you never played Heroes of the Storm of WoW?

The average blizz player is a humongous fucking idiot.

it could make an interesting concept, have an ability that disables a player at range, like a poison dart or some shit, and he could have a weapon that has increased area for critting, like in the back. invisibility would be hard to balance around though

Seriously, this.

The Invisibility Watch is one of the most underrated tools in the game.

No, it's just a well-established ebic meemee. Ben Brode listed a number of bullshit excuses for why more deck slots wasn't going to happen (which it inevitably did), one of them being that more deck slots is too confusing for new players. He then said they were too busy looking at Taunt as a mechanic because apparently Taunt was also confusing to new players.

Thank fuck, now I won't have terrible snipers AND spies shitting up my games.

Fake death or some kind of ability sabotaging hack.

Overwatch spy needs to be meta. Literally hacks into the characters or players devices and causes mayhem.

Think glitch from metal arms.