What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Kirill died.
That's not the cover OP
stealth looked dumb as hell
Art style.
World design, details and interactivity.
I've reinstalled this game like 5 times and I always quit when I get halfway through the first town.
this minus the combat
kiddynity original shit had decent combat and that's it, the rest is pure trash
Actually it is.
Only for the manual tho
The only good thing is the combat.
It was a terrible, generic setting with a shit plot.
Like all these uncreative kickstarter games.
the ending
they kinda fixed it in the enhanced edition but it really showed how rushed it was in the first place
still the best modern CRPG by far, and the sequel looks amazing
The beginning is dull and boring and the "humour" is terrible.
divine divinity is one of my favourite games of all time but i couldn't push past 2 hours in this and i dont know why actually
honestly it kind of felt like pandering to people who want classic crpgs but have actually finished like half a crpg in their lifetime
All of the characters are ugly and it's impossible to make one that isn't hideous.
silence you simple minded fool
oh yes, the lol so randum humor was damn offensive
Also the character customization is really fucking bad.
There was no reason not to just make a jack-of-all-trades who can get all the utility spells, and use daggers.
The beginning where you have to wander around the town
It's fucking boring and I hate it, I wanna get to the good part (combat)
What the fuck are you talking about?
The combat is discount King's Bounty, if you want tactical turn based strategy with light RPG elements you might as well play that.
the beginning is overwhelming.
There's too much to do. Suddenly - The starting city hub is FUCK HUEG and there's a lot of shit to suddenly figure out. Like how you can dig corpses up in the cemetery, pick up flowers from a female's grave and put them in her husband's which will make a zombie spawn.
There's too much shit to do, shit's all over the place.
I kind of gave up desu.
Not enough handholding and epic rewards for casuals.
I liked it
Childish writing and atmosphere
>there are people who unironically DON'T think Divinity: Original Sin is a mechanical masterpiece.
>m-muh storee
Read a book
Play a real strategy. Or Magicka if you think combining elements is deep or clever.
>unironically preferring single player RTWP combat over turn based party combat
oh I forgot Sup Forums is contrarian central
fuck rpg codex
A "real strategy" isn't nearly as multifaceted as D:OS
>glorious exploration
>stealing shit for the fuck of it
>grabbing new abilities and customizing four parties in super satisfying ways
>actual, honest to god turn-based combat instead of fucking pause-based combat
How could you be such a pleb user?
? what was masterpiece about it?
nothing was new, not that it has to be new but what does it do to deserve the title "masterpiece"
anyway its not about the story, literally everything was bad that wasn't in combat
you cannot be serious
What the fuck do you consider a good RPG? Witcher 3?
i wish we could get a real divinity 2
divine divinity you cocksucker
+combat- it's dynamic, deep, and challenging. The beginning character creation really assists with how good this combat is. A wealth of choices are all viable in some way.
+interactivity- I haven't seen this much since an Ultima game. It's that good. You can steal anything worthwhile. You can stack boxes or cook cheesebread. For a modern game it's impressive.
+it is buttfucking creative and open- despite being just a town, you're allowed to wonder. In that time I happened upon a well that talks and can teleport you to a winter wasteland. Then I inadvertently stumbled on a plot to save space time. I did all of this without hand-holding.
+no hand-holding- it lets you fuck off and do what you want. You get signposting and suggestions but that's about it
+depth of choice and content- while combat is brutally unforgiving for level gaps, you can go into unwinable encounters.
+co-op- it's amazing. It turns divinity into one of best co-op experiences ever made
-depth- it is too deep at times. To the point where "what in hell do I do?" Is going to be uttered more than once when it comes to exploration and character building.
-lore- ite pretty boring, shallow, and made more for jokes. I was neither compelled nor intrigued. It's all kinda there for me to just have a chuckle. That isn't bad but when I think of compelling fantasy. Humor is usually secondary to everything.
-plot- if lore was uninteresting the plot was even less so. After about five hours I lost my attention in it. I beat the game but it's all just a blur now.
>I haven't seen this much since an Ultima game
Divine Divinity, you fucking millenial retard.
its basically GOTY
the only people who complain are chronicly depressed Sup Forums-shitposters
>it's a "Sup Forums doesn't know what millenial means"
Unless you were born in the fucking 70s or earlier you're millennial
*i haven't seen
*I haven't
*I= first person pronoun. Meaning my own prospective, not the whole truth
Learn to read numbnuts. I never played Divine Divinity, though it's on my list.
i didnt find anything wrong reallly
if something went wrong its kids these days who can't read fucking dialog for more than 5 seconds and work with me on puzzles.
Sup Forums generally likes Divinity. Normies are the ones who hate it.
And *I am just pointing one out for you. In the same series. That's vastly superior to the game being discussed. Also mocking your ignorance.
It did as well as it could for what it was.
So not much went wrong.
everything after act 1
Fuck you, I'm gen x.
Nothing, I liked it.
>being in your mid 30s on Sup Forums
I wouldnt call those who (only) enjoy grimdark Dark Soul games and waste time posting on Sup Forums about a fun-loving game they hate, "normies".
One of the best games I've ever played. Challenging combat, fun classes interesting enough story. Have played it all the way through twice and once more on the EE. Great fucking game, can't wait for part 2.
>+interactivity- I haven't seen this much since an Ultima game. It's that good. You can steal anything worthwhile. You can stack boxes or cook cheesebread. For a modern game it's impressive.
That's what I like about it. The spell interaction we're going to see in Divinity OS 2 is an idea in the same vein. Somebody's going to come up with some crazy shit on par with the shenanigans you could pull in Ultima Online.
>unironically enjoying shitty Diablo combat
>awful, awful, fucking awful writing checking every shitty trope of the genre
-ancient evil awakens, checked
-the chosen one, checked
-save the world, checked
-devoid of personality protagonist, checked
-shitty divine side characters that help you shit all, checked
-orcs and other mgeneric fantasy races checked
>luck based save scum combat
did you get stunned on first round?
continue playing
>countless pixel hunting puzzles
make sure to not miss that 1 pixel sized switch on the wall ;)
>lack of any balance between classes
>last zones run out of steam
first map has a huge city full of quests, last one has fuck all except combat 24/7
>too hard before patched, or more accurately fucking retarded difficulty curve, hardest at start and getting progressively easier
by now supposedly patched, but most people played it in that state
>forced co-op fucks up conversations
>talking with yourself
But my biggest gripe is the story, its just soo fucking bad it blows my mind anybody could look at the script and think "yes, this will do".
>last one has fuck all except combat 24/7
jesus christ this just killed the game for me
by that point the combat was just boring and a slog, and it was just nothing but combat. holy hell how do you fuck up that bad
What patch are you talking about?
Enhanced Edition made it harder and patched nearly every exploit/trick
I liked it, however, I couldnt get past the fact that I had to play as the Hulk if I wanted to make a male character, thats literally it, played like 5 hours then gave up.
Combat is the only reason to play it cause everything else is just bad, except character building which is quite decent.
The games main issue is that it's slow and boring and could do with a way to speed up combat animations and cut out all the low-effort crap between fights.
Pillars of eternity
Almost anything from obsidian has better story than most of "classic" books
Endgame combat became slow and boring instead of interesting and fast. planning out a two-turn combo that you have to do eighteen times sucked massive dick.
I think you're just a fag desu senpai
>believing that
>good anything
Okay, user. Maybe it's time for your nap?
Okay, name books and authors that wrote better stories
>Pillars of eternity
stopped reading right here
Well maybe I'll play it and see if it's superior. At this moment it's just a game with a dumb name to me.
before they added difficulty levels you had one, which started impossibly hard and became a joke by the end
Dr. Seuss
Horton Hears a Who was more cultually relevant than any video game story
>The Idiot
>Tale of Two Cities
>A Confederacy of Dunces
>The Pale King
Lem, anything.
>anything on that list even coming close to something written by Jack London
I just started this game today actually
I think its weird that it lets the two characters have conversations when I say both characters options
It gives me the option for them to disagree but why would I ever do that since I would be disagreeing with myself, I dont get it
>children's books author
No wonder you defend OS
Hipster garbage that tried to be "deep" but failed
Literally who
Wew lad. I'd say you're b8ing, but I'm sure there are people on Sup Forums this retarded
A children's book with more cultual relevance and philosophical worth than PoE. Just pointing out that we don't have to look any father than kindergarten-level literature to find better stories.
>All this people disliking the humor
It cracked me up a lot. But it's french humor and I'm french, so I guess that's why.
We need to have humor in everything, even if it's absurd. That doesn't mean you don't take it seriously, just that there is funny part and serious part.
It's a french game?
Well, that explains why it had no trouble running, even on my machine.
This guy get's it.
Even for all it's flaws you just have to appreciate what the guys at larian created - an almost perfect fusion of modern and old RPG mechanics.
Belgian actually, but it's the same thing
What if the characters disagreed
Think of them as dudes on a story, but you are writing the story
you can play co-op and disagree with each other. If you'replaying solo just set one of them to an AI personality pofile thing so you can disagree sometimes.
>Almost anything from obsidian has better story than most of "classic" books
>there are people that seriously believe that
Really, the best game stories would make for mediocre books or movies at best. Stop deluding yourself.
>Pillars of eternity
I thought it was great, a little overwhelming at the beginning but it did everything else well.