>the sequel has way better gameplay than the first game
>the story is far worse
>the sequel has way better gameplay than the first game
>the story is far worse
what is bioshock?
Valkyrie Profile 2.
Why are they bullying that dog?
I don't like it!
Depending on how much better the gameplay is, this is generally acceptable.
Because his story is far worse than the first dog.
Also Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow.
i do the same to my dog and she always gets super happy
Dark souls 2 for sure
Mass Effect 2
Jak 2
Infamous 2
Dead Space 2
Tales of Xillia 2
Final Fantasy X-2
Metroid Prime 2
>mass effect 2
Works both ways
Dark Souls 2 didn't have better gameplay than Dark Souls 1, though.
Not really.
ME3 had better writing than ME2, even if both were overall pretty shit.
ME2 had good character writing at least. Also half the reason ME2 is kinda pointless is because of 3 choosing not to make use of what it set up.
He's kinda right. Playing dark souls again recently and it kinda feels clunky compared to DaS2 and 3.
Of coarse Ds2 fucks up all the little things at had going for it in replacement of a few big things.
>Mass Effect 2
>Im fucking plying
Mass Effect 1 was an actual RPG. Mass Effect 2 was Gears of War.
Agreed with the rest of your list.
No it wasn't, at the end of the day it was still a cover shooter with RPG elements slapped onto it like the rest of the series. The only difference being the RPG elements were fucking shit, including a terrible inventory system and the ability to effortlessly make your gun shoot forever with the right mods.
>Mass Effect 1 was an actual RPG
an action rpg.
An action rpg with sub par gameplay.
Mass Effect 3 was Gears of War. ME2 was still a proper RPG with good writing. The main problem was the lack of importance of the plot to the series, but that doesn't decrease its individual quality.
ME2 had shit writing and ME3 had far better gameplay tho
Atleast it didn't go to complete shit after the 80% mark.
Bravely Second
They inserted their fingers on their asses and they just are offering a sample to the dog. The smell he choose, the owner will take him home.
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Luckily Two Thrones takes both the good gameplay and story, unfortunately it's a super short game.
The only good character in 2 was Zaeed, and he was dlc.
>Good character
Garrus, non-romanced Tali, Liara, Legion, Mordin, non-romanced Miranda, and maaaaaaybe Jack were the only good characters in it.
Samara and Thane would have been fine as well if they'd remained NPCs who never joined the party
>the sequel is missing features that were in the first game
>Infamous 2
For that you would need to imply that the story of Infamous was any good.
It was pretty decent desu
good bait
Fallout 4
>jak 2
>better than anything
Totally soulless game.
Dark Souls 2.
It had better gameplay despite it being soulless
Dead Space 1 had a story?
I thought it was just the dismembering gimmick pasted on top of System Shock 2 without SHODAN.
this is true but it also has bad everything else on top of bad story
>far worse than ToX1
This guy is going all out
Only in terms of the writing.