It's shit right?

It's shit right?

Nah. Just plain.

Still fun though.

It's fun
or why do you play videogames?

It's decent.
It has rather big flaws but they will be overlooked because it's blizzard.


It's only as shit as the person playing it


What the other Anons said.
Also a good font of memes.

I like it.

It's pretty fun desu. Also can't wait for Legion.

got bored desu

I shit on Overwatch for months for a variety of reasons. Not releasing the server code so no custom servers, no server list just matchmaking/parties, characters have limited movesets so they can only really play one or MAYBE two roles, low skill ceiling in terms of aiming and movement, etc.

Then I played the beta and fucking adored it for the same reasons I was shitting on it.

I already got burnt out by the beta


Nah, it's just asking for a premium price while delivering a okay game.

It's P2W with activation costs of 60 $ per CD-key.

>Optional real money purchases available.
I hate grinding for the good stuff and I don't give them real world money to enjoy the game.

If you have no life or have rich partens, this game could be a thing.

>friends of mine have dumped hundreds of each into the game
>played 50 hours during the weekend beta

Seems like it has a lot of depth to me.

You mean the cosmetics?

>it's shill right
fixed it that you

whoa so this is what FUN is

Thats the only reason Sup Forums is hype for this shit.

>muh waifu dude lmao

Fucking braindead normalfags.

>pay 2 win
How exactly? Pretty sure there is absolutely nothing that you can buy with money that affects the balance and pretty sure Blizzard made a guarantee that it will stay that way.

it's literally the best fps game of the last decade
>inb4 5 credits deposited on your Paypal account

you know it's true, it's the new TF2, you just hate it because it's popular.

There's 8 Overwatch threads on Sup Forums at any given time so yeah obviously


I want to be edgy like Reaper, but my mom won't let me.

now waifus are for normalfags?
i though it was for virgins without life

It's a shitty fps mixed with shitty moba heroes, what do you think senpai?

>inb4 mad normies

>Le "its shit right? followed by "no, its fun" samefag shill thread



>adored it because of no custom servers, shitty matchmaking, and shallow characters

You sound like a complete idiot

pretty much

No the real virgins have loli waifus

Waifu is now normie tier. Thank reddit.

I hope they expand on AI gameplay.

Otherwise it's alright, I don't see how else they can improve on the game.

You lose games if you don't pay $40 for the game.

the only thing i like from this game is pharah and reinhardt looks fun as hell

that's the only shit i like about this game the rest is just plain

The matchmaking is top-notch, took me less than 20 seconds to find a match each time and I never had a ping higher than 60ms for over 20 hours of play. Hosting an effectively infinite number of servers on AWS cloud was brilliant.

No custom servers means the player count's just going to be 6v6 and I'm not going to wind up playing some shitty custom map

Characters having specific roles instead of a wide range of playstyles means I generally know what my teammates are going to do and it's easy for someone to pick up a character and quickly learn their game plan

someone explain why it's good

Still a step up from asking premium price and delivering shitpile, which most "triple-A" publishers seem to do these days.

>loli waifu

Fucking cancer. Real men have a cute husbando who will beg for their dick.

You're right but people get mad when they make a purchase and try to invalidate it.

Overbabbies get buttfrustrated when tf2folks have a grand time without dropping a cent.

It's pretty clear overwatch is a fad. The big tf2 youtubers who are laying down Overwatch content are bleeding subscribers.

just yesterday Jerma did a surprise tf2 stream on twitch and got like 50 subs in 30 minutes. Soon there wont be any money in overwatch at all.

It will be like TF2 but new and with a real community again

It's a fun fps with great waifu heroes


>e celebs

>He can't afford 40 dollars

Shallow but fun.

You're right about new, but this is a blizzard game user.

the tf2 community has been autistic for 5 years now and im still playing it.

Yo, give me your email, senpai.

It's fun, and it has none of the shitty "progression" unlock cancer that plagues so many games that have no need for pseudo-rpg elements. Some games hold content hostage to keep you playing, this thing is developed with the 90's attitude of "people play because they have fun playing" in mind.

You will be just as shit 200hrs in as you were 1hr in if you don't improve, no gear or skill upgrade crutch.


>mad valvedrones

Usually i shit on ecelebs, but jerma and STAR_ are probably the most renowned tf2 youtube content creators. You honestly cant NOT know who they are.

Its the most fun Ive had in a game in a long time. I haven't been this excited for a game since...I literally cant remember.

Literally who? I have never played TF2 in my life, and I am not being hyperbolic. I know it has hats and the classes are memes.

>le I call every 2D girls a waifu xD

Can you elaborate? Myself and several irl friends are all pretty mixed about it. Typically Sup Forums is more critical of new titles so im surprised there are so many anons that are praising and even preordering Overwatch. It seems unprecedented.

>Getting buttmad about leveling up to unlock cosmetics

>60 $ per CD-key
$40 unless you really give a shit about having a baby Winston in WoW.

>I hate grinding for the good stuff and I don't give them real world money to enjoy the game.
Because having to level up to unlock characters like in Battleborn is so much better.

>He needs cosmetics and sprays to enjoy a game

Nope at least not yet, beta was very fun and no doubt the game will get better in the next couple months. I am interested to see if they will have more ability altering skins though. Kinda weird how Hanzo's wolf epic skin changes his dragons into two wolves and even has a different sound effect, meanwhile no one else has that shit

shut your whore mouth, it's amazing

Oh. well, tf2 is still pretty good; you're just late to the party. If you ever hop into it there's a literal sea of youtube content for it.

It's a good video game. Don't take it too seriously, Goof off, make plays with your friends, have fun without being a try hard. It isn't designed to be anything more than that.

why don't you get a job? oh that's right.
You can suck my dick for 10 bucks.

>Asking this during the marketing campaign

Do you honestly think you'll get a majority answer of "it's shit"?

Wait until two weeks after. That said, I played it in beta. It's absolute shit, and the only fun characters are the ones copied directly from TF2 like Junkrat, but still manage to play worse thanks to 20 tickrate and garbage aim mechanics.

Overwatch is the CS 1.6 of our Generation.

>Best E-Sport
>Best Balance
>Best Teamplay
>Highest Skill Ceiling
>Mad Weebs/Cucks/SJWs

If you dont play this you should go back to plebbit.

It was a joke you dolt.

My main qualm with the game is the simplicity

I have autism and wont buy a game myself if I perceive that the game's skill ceiling is lower than others in the same genre.

Not that user, but last year or so, I was stuck playing Warthunder and assorted random MMO's, focusing mostly on my /tg/ stuff as I couldn't be bothered with vidya. Got talked into trying the beta.

I don't know what did it, but I'm as excited as when Medieval 2 came out, literally a decade ago. It's simple, fun, and as unpretentious as a big release title can be.

Call me a shill for all I care, but this dumb shooter might've just rescued vidya as entertainment for me, otherwise I'd continue losing interest.

>implying weebs and SJWs doesn't love this shit

I'm 5 seconds away from spending $457 to buy a ps4 (bundled with ratchet and uncharted 4) 1 year of PS plus, and overwatch just to fucking play it

someone stop me and tell me it isn't worth it, god damn it I don't want to build a PC because I'm stupid and I'll spend even more money for that even though PS plus sucks

All of the characters have a really unique feel to their gameplay. All the tanks utilize different strategies. The game is based around the idea that you should be constantly switching between Heroes to counter your enemies so you have a little less of the "I'm maining ___!" crowd. That said, you will have assholes who will main Widowmaker, sit in the back getting kills and then when their team loses defend their not doing shit for the objective by saying they were getting kills.

Some of the maps could be better designed to avoid strangle points/one-sided stomps, but overall I really liked the gameplay and game universe. You should have played the open beta if you were curious.


Overwatch IS plebbit. No need for your mental gymnastics now.

>liking 1.6

Cs is a shit rng game filled with scriptkiddies

different user but my stack of friends likes it for these reasons.

>fun and fast games (we are all employed adults so multiplayer games we can pick up and put down easily are best)
>very easy to understand and play, if you are decent at FPS games you will probably be very good very fast even when you just started playing.
>Graphics look pretty good
>Takes almost no time to find a game
>Actually really fucking punishes leavers.
>Gives you rewards every level
>Maps are simple and easy to navigate, some even have more obscure paths to sneak around
>characters all generally likable (just like tf2, no annoying meme characters just yet)
>People actually playing the objective (for the most part)

Is it worth it to play this on console?

Overwatch is worth it, but not on console. Upgrade your PC and enjoy it with superior controls.

Probably, but after Brink I'm pretty much worried about buying any multiplayer shooter that isn't halo or cod

>The game is based around the idea that you should be constantly switching between Heroes
Then why nobody switch heroes in competitive games?

What if I never ever played a FPS on pc with a mouse and keyboard?

Shit's gonna be dead on PC now that there's a console release.

>playing a shooter on a console for any reason, ever

you are dumb as fuck. either build a pc or don't do anything.

This. I will enjoy having something where I can just turn my brain off, top the charts and still have fun. CSGO is taking years off my life and I need a break.

No user, the audience overwatch is drawing from is more League of legends and WOWfags. Game will be filled with people who will only play,and i mean ONLY PLAY, 1 character.

And yes our qualms came from playing the open beta. We were all hyped up for it for weeks but it sorta fell flat. guess our expectations were too high or something but we were expecting some blizzard quality.

Because if you go against the meta, you're gonna have a bad time.

I thought so as well, until I played the open beta.
Actually had a really good time and pre ordered it.

I loved playing supporter in this game.

>double waifu
has science gone too far

I doubt it'll have a competitive scene, but it's a lot of fun to play with friends. Plus you don't have to be a great FPS player to make a few plays.

>Buy Overwatch
>Full party of my casual-scum homies
>Pub-stomp and lol over discord
>10 min games minimize salt levels

It's going to be great.

mah nigga

these are the only fucking computers I have

I'll fucking admit that I'm retarded when it comes to anything pc gaming related and don't want to deal with the bullshit of buying or building a new PC and don't want to spend an even more ridiculous amount of money, especially when I do all my shitposting on my phone and aren't interested in pc exclusives

I'LL TELL YOU WHAT IT IS IT'S being marketed really good Blizzard has some puts some good good ameridollars in this game. Yes they are even paying interns to shill here you can't deny it

>rather big flaws

are you troll or are you trolling

Was fun for a day.

It'll last two weeks as it's a flavor of the week pent up on hyperoids.

That shallow game will merely live off of the autists willing enough to stay around for skins.

Thank God I didn't pay for this shit.

It's slightly above average.

If the maps weren't so shit and if it had more game modes it'd be a lot better.

but tf2 is still going strong

>Overwatch is the be all end all of vidya


Is any game that gets talked about more than once a shilled game?

Thats too bad that you think its simple. Because you'd likely never beat a team that is better than you

>building a pc for one game

Yeah no fuck that.

Not flaws as much as design choices i dislike. i would have liked more mobile offensive classes. If feel like the game is balanced so the more damage you do, the slower you can move.

>every game I don't is being shilled

It's boring as fuck but the waifu game is goddamn strong. My dick's kinda convincing me to buy it.