>recently got a used PS3
>finished DaS 1, 2, and 3, but never played DeS
What awaits me, Sup Forums?
>recently got a used PS3
>finished DaS 1, 2, and 3, but never played DeS
What awaits me, Sup Forums?
The best Souls game
The undisputed best atmosphere, music, and levels. I envy you. Try to stay away from guides and just explore it.
The worst Souls game
Good atmosphere and lore, outdated gameplay
pure black tendency
and OP magic
Linear world design, mostly.
Not that DaS wasn't pretty linear, of course.
Less items, weapons and armors.
A retarded morality system of sorts, I'd suggest not to bother with it.
And solid level design, which DeS is mainly known for.
Also, crystal lizards have limited spawn count, so don't waste them.
Save Bloodborne, the best Souls game.
Lots of Early Installment Weirdness.
no jump attack, or jumping at all, for one.
A game that is better designed than Dark Souls 2.
Best NPCs
Best hub
Best visual level design
Best gimmick bosses
Best original bosses
Best luck builds
OST on par with DS1 or even better
Best girls
Best armor sets
Magic is easy mode, same as DaS. Shield is mandatory for melee, game is not designed for dual-wielding.
Low-tier healing herbs are easy to farm, so don't worry about wasting them.
If you care about optional content, play offline and always kill yourself in the Nexus and play as a spirit. You will have only half of your health, but your world tendency will increase with every boss you kill. White world tendency opens up some additional content - some characters and extra areas. If you connect online, your world tendency will shift and this content will become locked again.
Not sure what other tips to give. The game is pretty simple.
Prove me wrong then
Every other Souls game just tried to copy bosses and failed or barely made them better
DS3 striaght up copied shit
And shit like the Monk or Old Hero was never done again
this senpai
oh man demons souls looks like shit now
What's so special about Old Hero?
>le blind giant
>this boss will summon other players as red/black phantoms!
>doesn't work at all
Fuck DaS2
DSP is that you?
What are you talking about
World tendency was such a stupid idea.
A very clunky, but still very charming experience. DeS is comfy.
it always looked like shit
World Tendency was never explained very well unless you actually look into the fucking manual
But otherwise it's a great idea and you can easily control it
It's way better than having no changes at all or just dumb red phantoms in NG+
I played 1 and then DeS and I found DeS infinitely easier
no bossses were really difficult but goddamn they were interesting
you just really need to play very slowly and carefully
Boredom, none of the NPC's or mechanics will seem fresh or interesting, there won't be any invasions or co-op unless you have a friend to play with.
All souls games do
You fucked up. DeS is garbage and super easy compared to the other games. You really needed to play that one first, but good luck making it through the entire piece of shit.
if you played any souls game before DeS you will probably breeze through it
Holy shit, I forgot how bad the game looked.
Game looks fine on a big screen, sop whining, you cucks.
Expect faster gameplay compared to Dark Souls 1 and 2.
Also expect a better video game in general. The only thing Demon's Souls did wrong was have infinite healing grass.
Fun, with a few convoluted mechanics.
Happiness ahead.
>Also expect a better video game in general.
Not really.
I-frames are even more broken in DeS.
You can roll through most anything with less precision.
This thread
>Kings field games are terrible because theyre older
>Demons souls is a terrible game because its older
Learn how world tendency and make them all Red for a more challenging game.
Fun and the best bosses
>2 fantastic worlds
>2 shit worlds
>1 world that starts great and turns to shit
But it's a fun game still.
>he never had to fight another player during Mirror Knight
>he never had to deal with someone Warmth/Heal spamming the boss while trying to make sure Benhart didn't die
I feel bad for you user-kun.
It's literally the same gameplay as the other games.
Unless you're making a commentary on the whole series..
If you love berserk, strap in
I found that DeS has more bosses than DaS but they're generally easier, while the stages themselves are longer and more brutal.
>Best NPC's
Can be argued, but I much preferr DS1s NPCs. But Yurt is still cooler than Lautrec.
>Best hub
Firelink is just better, as is the way you level in DS1. I don't care how comfy you think the hub is, I don't want to go through two loading screens to level up or repair my shit.
>Best visual level design
I agree to a certain extent, I think Archdragon peak is the best looking area in any souls game, and I also think upper Latria looks a bit shit.
>Best gimmick bosses
I agree.
>Best original bosses
DeS has the worst bosses in the entire series bar none. Dirty collosus, leech monger, flame lurker and armored spider are some of the most boring, shit fights I've ever had.
>Best luck builds
Never tried that so I can't comment.
>OST on par with DS1 or even better
Matter of taste.
>Best girls
Matter of taste, even though I agree
>Best armor sets
I disagree. Fluted set is cooler than the knights set in DS1, but DS1 has some of the best armor in the entire series, like Domhalls set.
Much more primitive and unrefined gameplay, but as others have said, probably the best lore and atmosphere of all.
And a weapon upgrade system that is a complete pain in the ass.
The best in the series, just barely beating out DaS1.
DeS > DaS1 > DaS3/BB >>> DaS2
It's clunkier and more obtuse, but ultimately I think its level design and progression structure make it the best in the series.
Magic is also stupidly OP, but surely you're not a semen slurping sorcerer, right? Right?
Oh, and if I remember right you can't block most of what the bosses throw at you, you have to learn to dodge instead. And armor is mostly cosmetic.
>What awaits me, Sup Forums?
Fucking inventory weight. That's the sole thing I hate about demon's. Since I have CFW I wonder if there's a way to cheat.
There's room for both, but I can't understate the importance of not fatrolling. It's almost mandatory against one of the last bosses in the game; the first time through, I was fat-rolling with the dragon bone smasher and was struggling even grossly overleveled. The second time I was light-rolling with a quality mace and he was ez-modo.
Just a heads up they shut down the servers a few days ago
Just give shit you don't need to Thomas
No fucking way. It finally happened, huh?
Kys cucks kys kys kys kys kys
Very true. I don't think I would ever recommend fatrolling in any Souls game ever, though.
t. sonygger
No plunging attack
Otherwise best souls game
Sticky white stuff
I don't remember the game looking that bad.
so you have the game and the console already but post a thread asking what awaits you?
No they didn't. That was an error. It's up right now.
Play flamelurker or false king, the two bosses widely agreed to mechanically be the best and hardest, in demons souls and you will see just how fucking outdated it is, they are both incredibly simple and easy.
The game is still good though, there's no doubt.
>What awaits me, Sup Forums?
best souls game desu.
Demon's souls has the only NPC's ive actually cared about in any souls game.
They were hard back then, same with Maneaters.
The game is easier if you play it after all the other souls games, but that's about it.
It's not like any of the souls games are hard to begin with and you should never judge them for their difficulty
Better atmosphere
Better music
Better NPCs
Better level design
Better world
Worse variety
Worse bosses
Mostly worse gameplay mechanics
Also less bullshit fall damage.
>Not caring about Laurentius
You are a sociopath.
>Souls games
> not hard
demon's souls is the hardest of the souls games especially on black world tendency . Some of those phantoms are brutal.
How the fuck was DaS linear
>ring the bells
>get the Lord vessel
That's the only thing you have to do in a specific order, everything else is up to the player
What's some beginner pro tips for DeS? I played through it once years ago and someone told me back then to get the magic enchanted falchion asap from 4-1. it was a solid tip, even without leveling magic it served me well as a starting weapon. any other such tricks for noobs?
I was really hyped for it.
Man, I remember the threads on Sup Forums when the game released. So many people tried to get summoned for that boss
>less bullshit fall damage
because every fall is lethal?
Nigger. Dark souls 1 was linear as FUCK. play the second half and it reminds you why dark souls 2 was better in terms of level design.
>The mist this big ass skeleton is vomiting must be safe!
It's hard if you're stupid
this fight is harder co-op. Solo this fight is a joke
Yeah it can carry you through the whole game
Otherwise if you've played the other souls games there really isn't much to it.
Get the cling ring and the theif ring and always have enough grass. Also just try to use whatever weapon you like, pretty much everythingis viable. And as always with souls games, don't try to care too much about losing souls unless it's like 20k+.
Souls games become a lot more enjoyable if you don't care about getting back every single soul
You can fall way farther and take a lot less damage. Obviously in DeS there's fewer reasons you'd want to fall that far, because of the more linear level design.
There're multiple parts in the game where you have to drop down though and especially in pvp back then dropping down shit in 2-1 and 2-2 was great
>Solo this fight is a joke
Not when the boss summons a bazillion skeleton wheels
the end of dark souls 2 is literally a straight line. before that ds2 is easily the most open though and I think a lot of people forget that.
skeleton wheels in ds3 are a joke. If this was ds1 you might have a point
Memes - Poor performance, indeed
>The end is a straight line
Holy shit I know Hating on dark siuls 2 was a meme, yoi guys don't wven know what the fuck youre talking about, how is going back to drangleic castle after doing many different levels in different places linear?
Dark Souls has aged pretty decently. DaS2 looks like fucking shit though
I played dark souls first. I can tell you that I got stuck in two bosses, flamelurker and maneaters. Flamelurker is fucking horrible if you play complete melee. Man eaters reminded me of 4kids, you rush and hope for the best. Allant is a bitch, but a fun one.
Least balanced most fun souls game, unless you want a pure bladestone, then fuck you
Shit man. Dark Souls 3 was pretty fucking great and I am honestly contemplating just replaying all the games again.
I actually like dark souls 2, but after you get to vendrick and a little before him with amana the rest of the areas are just linear till you get to the end.
>aldia's keep
>dragon temple
>the giant dreams
Do it, so you can see just how unoriginal DS3 is
I dont give a shit about these fucking buzzwords. My main complaints with DS3 is that its too easy, but the DLC will hopefully step the fuck up as always and that the PVP is pretty much fucked beyond salvation.
ok kiddo
What's fucked about the PVP?
>he plays souls for the difficulty
It is the way you niggas use it.
thats my impression of you
Shit game for hipsters.
He can't invade and get his 1v1's. Also he probably gets autistic over the current meta that's going to change.
>What awaits me, Sup Forums?
dark souls 1 but less polished and arguably better
>sage is just foolds idol but worse
>storm ruler for no reason
>you remember this guy? and this guy?
>let's try to make this area and boss again but fail at tit
>let's make tons of bad gimmick bosses!
>Phantom range out of the ass
>straight swords have more range than Ultra-Greatswords
>no poise
>magic and faith are literally useless
>recent patch reduced FP consumption but they are far too easy to punish
>pyromancy has 3 useful spells for an insane stat investment
>hyper armor meme game
It's a blueprint for everything that DS1 did right save for being more linear and having a shitty second half.
DeS also has an atmosphere that is closer to BB in how unsubtle it wants to be. You'll never be without some sort of ambient sounds or oppressive imagery.
Gameplay it's about as good as souls can get with only the biggest flaw being the healing system being like DS2 where grass (life gems) comes in such an abundance that it trivilizes parts of the game. Even worse is if you run out of grass and have to grind for it. It'll make you have flashbacks to blood vial farming, only worse because DS1 has the best healing system.