How are you celebrating the savior of FPS

How are you celebrating the savior of FPS

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I beat it in two days

Now my happiness is gone

Played it for a weekend then put it on the shelf

I platinumed it in 4
I have no reason to play it now
theres not even more single player in the season pass
just all gay multiplayer shit

I quit when I couldn't beat the cyberdemon.

SP was great but this shit got boring in a few days

Pretty sure the shills right now are regretting it


>no mod support
>limited custom maps
It could have been the savior

Custom maps are pretty lame, 2 more levels and I beat it. Was fun while it lasted.

I never even considered launching the multiplayer mode in my time with it. I'm not entirely sure why you would to be honest.

I don't expect Overwatch to include a campaign and I never expected this to include multiplayer. Developers should just pick one and focus on it without tacking on the other.

I'd love to have a campaign in Overwatch.

Dev mode bug broke my save file so I'm playing the MP until it's fixed.

MP is alright I guess but it has some balancing issues. Supershotgun is shit and minigun is op. All other guns are virtually useless. Combat Shotgun and Plasma Rifle seems to be the only guns worth using.

Damage against demons is a bit messed too. 5 damage for a close shotgun shot or 5 damage per bullet from the heavy AR.


I have been playing doom one level per day. How long will this game last me. I'm really trying to stretch it out.

I just bought this for 40 bucks, how fucked am i?

/vg/DOOM general Discord chatroom if anyone wants to come join and MP/SnapMap it up:

Well, I would want it even more in TF2.
I've had dreams of playing an infiltration mission as the spy. The quirky humor of the game would also make it an enjoyable story experience.

will all of it's diverse characters, an SP for each of them would be a great idea.

By playing better games like Painkiller.
I will only play it if it's cracked. Don't care enough to buy.

Another company did the MP. So really the main devs entire focus WAS sp.

you never played it, but still think painkiller is beter.
how do you know that :^)?

anything good in snapmap?

>campaign only took 3 days to beat
>multiplayer/snapmap sucks cock
>no mod support