Post the last vidya purchase you made on a site like eBay or amazon

Post the last vidya purchase you made on a site like eBay or amazon

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Colossal price difference between artbook included and no artbook included

Forgot pic

Reselling it soon


>wireless genesis controller
The fuck?

Don't know if I'm going to keep it sealed and buy a normal copy or just open it up and play with it.

I have a boxed mattel wireless nes adapter. Wonder how much it's worth.

what a steal

I almost bought Vanquish on PSN because of the sale until I saw this. Got a random ebay coupon that brought the price down to $4

It was 20€, the same as VC on steam.

Have a copy I play, wanted a sealed copy. No regrets

I scammed some guy out of pack of steam codes on ebay. Shouldn't have been breaking the rules by selling digital goods


what did you do ?

Filed a claim that they didn't work and I got my money back since you can't sell codes on ebay

Atelier Ayesha tapestry.


Bought one of these at a home outfitters, biggest piles of shit on earth. You got hosed hard man, they are like 20 bucks.

It looks brand new and Im a complete game fag


Amazing how I found this thread when I just placed an order for this like two minutes ago


wireless controllers weren't standard until 7th gen but they existed since Atari days

Got this and looks brands new
I get retroboners for games with box and manuals in great condition

same phamilia, except I bought two of them because my friend's birthday was coming up.

I don't own a PS4 and I already owned a Xbone controller for my PC.

No regrets whatsoever.

>Intel 6600K, MSI Z170A-PRO, Corsair 16 GB DDR4 3000

Did you get a good price? I keep holding out hoping it'll be dirt cheap somewhere.


Not really, around $70. Not really worth it under any other circumstances, but I'm a sucker for the original PlayStation.

That sounds easy as fuck to abuse

>Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition

What am I in for, Sup Forums?

I take it you're from the UK?

a better version of Dead Island

I should get that too user, that's never getting localised here so there's no reason for me to not just get it now.

far harbour

Still not worth it.

Steam link and a TV.

They work well tho


I really need a 1080 or 4k tv. I got a 42 inch plasma 720p and it cuts off all my games. im so mad that I bought this tv a few years back. I only bought it because it was like $200 and now I hate playing vidya on it.

>42" screen at 720p


Black Friday.

You can usually get a 50 or 60 uncharted 1080 tv for $150- $200.

It won't be the highest brand for TV but it's always fine for vidya. 1080 is 1080.


>it's fine for vidya
You wish. One of the most important things for vidya is a low input lag, which is highly uncommon for cheap brands.

>Sega manufactured official 1st party wireless controllers in the early 90s
Genesis does what Nintendon't

Enjoy your input lag.

I got an Emerson 50 inch for $150 and it works flawlessly


dont think I can even wait that long.

I really only play single player games so input lag really doesnt matter to me.

>Enjoy your input lag.
It can't be that bad.

Good shit. I play mine all the time on trips. Looking forward to transporting them to Sun.

Then you were extremely lucky. Chances are high that cheaper tv's got around 30ms input lag, at least that was the situation around one year ago. Mine has 13 ms, and this is definitely too much for fast games like UT, and you are able to feel the difference in slower games like DS.

You rhea?

I have a PC and monitor for all my fast games.

Honestly considering getting a saturn... but I can't into Moonrunes

A great game.

Make sure to play on the hardest difficulty. Its rather hard at the start but then the difficulty nose dives off a cliff. So make sure you start on the most difficult

what games are you going to play, james?

Mega Drive 2 AC adapter for my 32x to play Puyo Puyo and Blackthorne. Fucking loving it, but I still need a stereo sound cable, RGB SCART cable and a few of those six button controllers to fully enjoy myself. Composite makes my eyes bleed.

Anywho, Puyo Puyo is fucking comfy and the only tetrisque game ever to hook me

Do you play on a CRT?

>Do you play on a CRT?
I plan on getting one. But I haven't been Redpill ed in CRT logic yet. Right now I game on HD TV, which I know sucks for pre-gen 8

I never thought i'd like playing this game but always enjoyed watching other people play it. I've been curious about dark souls 3 a lot so decided to give this a try first.
It's taken me a day to kill the bell gargoyles and i'm at the entrance to the valley of drakes going towards blight town but i don't know if i can tolerate any more suffering
I'm happy i'm skipping the capra demon for now, until i have fire bombs or something that'll help me kill it

You're not a weeb, you're a cuck.

It sucks only for pre-6th gen because 480i.
Regardless, I repeat myself, your input lag will be bad.

>dat smiley face

Came here to post that

Did they sell it for that low because they actually thought it's a Wii?

Are there flat CRTs?

yes but flat crts usually have messed up geometry. There are a few exceptions like sony trinitrons but those are hard to come by. In anycase getting a crt with s-video and you're pretty much golden

I grew up with a big trinity on but it wasn't a CRT