>mfw download tf2 again because of muh nostalgia
>mfw have a lot of fun
>mfw balanced classes
>mfw good weapon designs
>mfw I don't even know why valve isn't bringing anything new to hype the game
TF 2 thread?
Mfw download tf2 again because of muh nostalgia
come on guys
no waifus
new guns requires balancing which is hard. Valve would rather have random shit made by the community they can just plug into the game.
>mfw I don't even know why valve isn't bringing anything new to hype the game
M8 they are bringing competitive matchmaking.
didn't they announce that last year?it's still not here....
I miss Sup Forums mic spam servers
This, the only thing Overwatch gave me was a boner and the urge to play TF2.
Dead game.
Dead devs.
(Brain)Dead audience.
I could never get into TF2's shooting. I like the concept of the game and all, but the shooting just feels bad, and I wish the time to kill was lower and there was more on-hit feedback and less crits.
Overwatch is the game I always wanted TF2 to feel like, even if it's more of a clusterfuck and a bit less balanced. At least shooting people actually feels good somehow.
source is an objectively garbage engine and aiming and shooting in it feels like wallowing through mayonnaise
its so vague and slippery
Holy shit I just realized.
Why can't you play as a girl? Fucking garbage game
Yeah, that's it. Thanks for summing up my thoughts user. Haven't played it in a while so I couldn't quite peg it down.
you mean sexist
I did Uninstalled when I ubered two different people and they walked back toward the team spawn. The amount of cancer and children inhabiting the average pub is fucking intolerable, I'll come back when competitive match making is a thing.
>At least shooting people actually feels good somehow
the shooting feels like nothing unless you play HIGH NOON man, wtf breh
die in a fucking hole tf2
>tfw got a Soldier's Medal from the secret page when I used to browse SPUF
>tf2 was 3rd ring with a buddy
theyre doing competitive matchmaking right now but are really quiet about it for some reason
>boot up tf2 cuz of overwatch withdrawal
>get killed in 1 hit by a random crit rocket
Yeah im not doing this again
WAR! Update was the last good one, stopped playing shortly after. Still have good memories, not tainted by all the shit that happened after. Thank god.
Imagine being this shitty at video games
>walk out of my house
>get killed by a stray bullet
>no weapon bans
>no non-official maps
>no class restrictions
>9v9 only
but you will do it again
in overwatch
>bamfboy comes around the corner
>die because flashbang wasn't on cooldown
>Dying from one bullet
>complaining about fucking nothing
this website really is silly
>wasting time on a casual brony game among fellow 13 year olds
what a baby
Yeah I really don't get why anyone would buy Overwatch either.
You're killin me m80
>no custom sprays which means no le epic porn/cropped porn/pony/furry stuff
>no custom avatars which also means no le epic porn/cropped porn/pony/furry stuff
>no open voice chat so you don't have to hear retarded 13 year olds and furries
>no complex cosmetic system for people to show off their cancerous lime/pink loadouts
>no price for opening loot boxes
>no random crit system
it's just the superior game
>TF2 babbies call Overwatch a game for casuals
>despite TF2 having an RNG crit system
>every time i try to connect to a server it says its not responding
it finds them and gives me their info, i just cant connect
This really made me realize how scummy Valve are
I thankfully only ever bought the occasional hat when it was on sale, refusing to spend money on any other shit or anything more than 2 or 3 dollars, yet i still feel guilty for having fueled them
well, you failed somewhere if you live in a stray bullet zone
>mfw balanced classes
Nice try, Soldierfag.
I only play scout with that gun that makes you really fucking fast if you hit someone a few times :^)
>Complains about Furries / Porn
>b-but muh sexi fapbait waifus
>In a game where you can play as an Anthropomorphic Gorilla
But does it have a class that can witness this five?
> 3 3 8 4 1 4 7 6 9
couldnt even fail harder
>Tf2 shills will defend this
Haha people don't actually care about shit like that, not people who matter in this world at least
>lacking situational awarness so much that you get hit by a stray bullet
Yeah, you do suck.
>Banning weapons and restricting classes
Valve aren't going to admit that their own game is unbalanced user.
If you want to keep playing restricted meta 6vs6 then you still can.
>Celebrates removal of content
>Calls it the superior game
Imagine being such a cuck that you talk like this in a public forum
muh waifus, eat a dick overwatch fags
tf2 so much better
>download tf2 again because of muh nostalgia
>everything is better except a few of my favorite weapons were nerfed
>game runs slow as shit now
too many hats
I know why they did it, doesn't change the fact that their in-house competitive league will be unbalanced garbage.
on the bright side, hopefully seeing the trainwreck will force Valve to actually balance their game.
Vaccinator is the main reason I continue to play, that and people get pissed off easily.
>going into an all-crits server with the vaccinator
among the most fun you'll ever have in the game
Scout is the best and the most skillful class
Prove me wrong, you can't
>thread dies
*places minisentry*
heh... what good's your fancy aiming skills now?
FUCK minisentries
What was valve thinking?
I started playing it again after the Overwatch beta, and I actually enjoyed it again, but every time I get back to the spawn room and I'm surrounded by people with rubber ducks for hats and wearing clown shoes and pirate outfits, I really just want to fucking punch Gaben in his fat gut.
engineers should be more than teleporter babysitters on offense
Meh, I enjoy the congo lines full of ridiculous outfits.
That's why they were given the ability to move buildings
Minisentries are just too mobile for an aimbot
>balanced classes
>good weapon designs
>good design
we're talking about tf2, right? Am I mistaken?
You're a faggot. Just go back and watch the old shorts, or go back to the early days with the in game audio commentaries and when they just started allowing community weapons, and notice how they were adamant about maintaining the art style and the 50s/60s aesthetic. It's a fucking embarrassment now. The new shit appeals to stupid children and PewDiePie viewers.
The game is pretty balanced right now
This really sucks, they shouldn't have added all the ridiculous shit and the worst offender of all, paint. All the cosmetic shit and the game going free play is what lured all the kids and bronies in
>implying valve is going to bother with a 9 year old game
they should have admitted that their classes were unbalanced when it first happened
barneyfag pls
Against a team that knows what communication and focus fire is, Vaccinator becomes garbage very fast. But this is normal pub TF2, you will never find that so Vaccinator is the perfect pubstomping tool if you have a competent buddy to pocket it with. Especially Darwin Snipers just to piss off the other snipers.