>He actually played The Witcher with English Dubs instead of based original polish.
Fucking pleb. I bet you watch anime in English too.
>He actually played The Witcher with English Dubs instead of based original polish.
Fucking pleb. I bet you watch anime in English too.
Other urls found in this thread:
>He played Metro 2033 and Last Light with English dubs and not with the based Russian voice acting
>not Japanese
You're mssing out on Sawashiro bro.
>He actually played the witcher when he could've just read the books and avoided the horrible gameplay
>even remotely good at anything ever
Boy I do envy you, since you obviously never played any online games with a Polish person.
>playing non-Japanese with jap dub
>he actually played The Witcher with English subtitles instead of learning the Polish language
Most consistently voice acted series I've played in a while, so I'm going to take advantage of it.
Lmao why would i listen to a language i cant understand?
>I'll base my opinion on the entire nation and all its deeds by my limited interaction with some fags in LoL.
I wouldn't miss much
The only time I've ever changed a games language to its characters' native tongue was Assassin's Creed Unity. It's really nice in French
>not enjoying media in your mother tongue
>MFW dubfags
When will they learn? Subs for life, no matter the original language.
Yup, that nation can go fuck itself, and you with them. And it's not just LoL, it was some MMOs as well. PvE parts of MMOs. They are pure cancer and should be removed from online interaction with anyone but each other.
AC2 is pretty good in italian
>reading books based on video games
I bet you also read Lord of the Rings.
>mfw majority of millennials think like this
English was the original script for W2 and 3, polish is translation
>playing shitcher
That's even bellow blizzdrone tier of plebery to begin with. You are like a shitting pet for human at best. A piece of cattle.
Some anime is better in English, like Cromartie High School, Code Geass, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, REDLINE, and many others.
certainly doesn't seem like this
t. pole
ale tak było kurwa
English is the original language for Witcher games. The script is written in English and they do the English production first.
wew lad
>voluntarily listening to any slavic language, ever
It's even uglier than african or chinese
>He watches a american show in English with English subs.
JoJo's bizarre adventure has really bad accents though which is offputting.
That's one of the advantages of a sub I guess, since you can't really tell how awful the voice acting may or may not be beyond just being outright unwatchable.
But I only speak English
If they had direct translated subtitles and subtitles for the atmospheric side conversations, I'd do it. That said I'm studying Russian. My teachers are an ancient Ukrainian dude and my Serb grandfather, my accent is gonna be atrocious..
>willingly listening to slavs
JoJo dub was pretty ass IMO
Try to fit in harder, you meme spouting retard holy shit.
wew that is some tasty bait
Voice acting in Witcher's 2 and 3 was pretty great in english, in 1 it was totally bad.
They had terrible accents in Japanese, too.
At least Viz bought the rights to the dub from WB and are redubbing season 1 and releasing it on Bluray.
Theres more quality english Va's than any other language availeable. Polish sounds like ass.
Russian was great in metro games.
sounds fucking terrible
Retarded millennial detected. Guess I hit a nerve there?
>participating in ANY media not of your own native language
Literally a language cuck
DBZ's English Dub is the best version of the series fuck the weebs that think otherwise
Metro in Russian is best
Witcher in Polish is best for 2-3
JoJo should only be in Jap
That's what shitty education does.
>DBZ's English Dub is the best version of the series fuck the weebs that think otherwise
I think even the weebs agree on this one.
>JoJo should only be in Jap
I don't care how bad it is, as long as JYB is in it, it's alright by me.
Who cares? The Witcher games are fuckin awful
guaranteed replies.