Great reloading animation on that DLC gun Bethesda
Modders definitely won't have to fix anything here
Great reloading animation on that DLC gun Bethesda
just fuck my shit up todd
It's no big deal you fucking crybaby. Should be playing in third person anyways.
not really all that much better
As a non gun nut, what's wrong here?
you get that hot stuff right in your face I guess
>shoot one bullet
>reload animation for all bullets.
>gun nut
you don't have to be one to see the problem
You're suppose to shit on Fallout, not ask questions
fired one round, reloaded many more than 1
>fantasy guns
>ejection port on left side (again) just to show dem bullets and save resources for some extra animation
Holy fuck how hard is it to hire competent animators? There are modders who do a better job for free.
? what's wrong with that reload other than you turned up the FOV
the fun part is that the lever action and revolvers in New Vegas all had proper animations
Exactly this.
I was going to say "why couldn't they treat it like the shotgun" and then realized there are literally no tube-fed pump shotguns in the game.
Also, the new Radium Rifle literally uses the same reload animation as the Combat Rifle and the Shotgun.
They need to add more weapon variation to this game holy fucking shit.
Your character in FO4 is actually a terminator.
>There are modders who do a better job for free
The problem is it isn't hard, but why pay more when people do it for free? As long as casuals eat the Shit then there is nothing you can do but cry about it
>Bethesda pays people to make this shit
they should have expected the FOV increase since they releasing their game on PC
Yes. It's the player's fault.
Well here's the skinny for all you faggots out there. He shoots two round out of a magazine and still has 38 more rounds in the same magazine so he puts it back in. All you no gunz are retarded and just like to bitch to bitch.
>They need to add more weapon variation to this game holy fucking shit.
The game has already UNLIMITED guns...
but almost every fps with reloading does this?
there's something called professionalism and having pride in your work, is Bathesda nothing but shameless kikes?
In addition to somehow fitting in four extra bullets, working the action at the end is wasting a round; ejecting the cartridge prior to the Houdini reload already put a round in the chamber. The hammer also magically decocks during the reload as well.
>tfw we live in a time were fucking GTA V has better FIRST PERSON ANIMATIONS than a Fallout
>Did I fire any bullets?
>Nope, they're all still here
>Counter must be wrong, better set that back to 40
>38 rounds goes to 40
ok user
jesus christ
No ez fake
Not related but graphics, cutscenes and MUH REALISM ANIMATIONS! is the ony place where rockstar puts their money.
No, they don't. Why do you feel the need to lie?
Go play arma or insurgency. They actually reload.
>there's something called professionalism and having pride in your work, is Bathesda nothing but shameless kikes?
It's like you don't understand buisness. Why would they waste time with a reload animation that no one but a few autists will complain about? It's literally a waste of time and resources. Especially with bethesda, since they just do the bare minimum so casuals are satisfied. Less time and resources = more profit.
>Less time and resources = more profit.
so you're saying yes they are shameless kikes, thx m8
Yeah, too bad GTA's movement and gameplay is fucking atrocious.
This actually bugs me, and I generally don't care about guns. How fucking hard is it to angle the gun model while you reload?
>missing the point entirely
i thought FIRST PERSON in CAPS was enough but it seems it wasn't
Right, most business's are. I was speaking more to your "pride in your work" bullshit that hardly ever happens.
I'm not defending them in any way but come on, who plays a Bethesda game expecting good animations?
literally every game does this you see it on jewtube some faggot shoots 3 rounds and reloads
to full. Every game has it wrong.
This is... problematic.
>almost every fps
>but my open world tactical third person shooter and cs:go clone doesn't do it!
I understand they fucked up, but why would anyone use that gun anyway?
Its probably the worst one in the whole game.
>cs:go clone
It's a V.A.T.S. headshot machine.
pretty bad but isnt the worst.
i say the hunting rifle with standard mag (5) is the worst. doesnt even take it out or anything, just does the loading animation.
You mean Bethesda's animators do it for free? I'm pretty sure that's not the case.
How advanced will the mods be on console? I know texture/gun mods will be on there but will there be quest mods or even anti bullet sponge mods? In not into graphic mods since it's a recent game.
almost as bad as quantum break
Shame that it will be a while as the tools for putting animations into the game are expensive as hell. But Loverslab is making progress.
no, modders do it for free you dingus
Why waste a whole clip? I fucking hate this in vidya, use the full fucking clip before reloading.
> Shitting on Bethesda for quality
At this point I can't see how anyone gives a shit. If anyone paid real money for Fallout not expecting some half thrown together duct - tape and superglue experience, they are legitimately retarded.
He is clearly talking about Bethesda's animations you idiot. They are not made by modders.
>the clip
I didn't think they could JUST this game any more than they already have
The reason why i never went for the semi auto.
>he expected the character to throw away 38 bullets
literally me
RE4 has some of the best reload animations of all time.
Too bad they all run at 30fps,
You know this is a bad animation right
>but it looks cool
Looping reloads are HARD.
Reloading that gun was so satisfying, same with the Red9
So what.
I like it.
Especially the reload sounds.
Also the Broken Butterfly as well.
>bethesda games
>dumb reload animations with robotic, stiff animations
>gets worse in 3rd person with broken wrists
>first person animations get better and more detailed over time
>in 3rd person, which nobody uses, shit you can't see in 1st work, like fire selector and such
GG bethesta. A skyrim with guns has worse attention to detail than a combined arms game that is not known for attention to detail or simulation
So he is shoving a clip into the rifle. Is it flexible? How does this work?
You just have to switch weapons back and forth anyways to reload, anybody who actually sees a reload animation is a maximum pleb
huh. i didn't know you could load magazines at an angle like that
you're an asshole
you know you're a fag right
Get a load of this faggot.
>an arma game not known for simulation
The secret is to type tgm into the console and then you never have to reload or switch weapons.
This. When will I be able to run diagonally without looking like a retard? But a dream.
I hate Bethesda, but that's a fucking stupid statement right there.
He's right, people don't know about quickswapping anymore, it used to be the GOAT strategy in fps games.
>8 round stripper clip (rifle starts with 5 round internal magazine)
>load it at an angle because of the scope
>"best reload anims of all time"
Top fucking kek
This shit happened in Resident Evil 4 without even a peep.
OK, so I know reloading 5 rounds into a gun for 1 round spent is super retarded, but the bolt popping OUT AND BACK THROUGH THE HAMMER is what is driving me up the fucking wall.
It seems to only do that in third person. In first person, the hammer falls, and then the bolt resets it when the MC cycles the bolt
>rifle is empty
>inserts magazine and doesn't send the bolt home
was that just as a laugh or an easter egg? 1 in every 1000 reloads or something?
yeah, that's just a joke
You can see the clip falling off if you pause the vid, the bolt is horseshit tho.
Modded reload I think, there's a whole yt channel filled with modded animations for CS and battlefield.
Well, Todd said they want to let console players go as far as to break their game, and the Bethesda mod site is already online, so my guess would be they're only going to remove nude mods and (maybe) copyright-infringing stuff.
it's not modded
The only thing I see wrong with the reload animation is the assumption that there was no rounds left.
Even the fact that he worked the lever implies there was no rounds left.
Everything else is fine considering all things and this is coming from someone who deer hunts with a level action.
>gun nerds getting triggered like SJWs
There are still 38 rounds in the magazine, do you faggots really expect someone would throw away an entire magazine filled with bullets
>shitposter getting triggered by gun nerds like SJWs
It's absurdly rare. Like 1 in 1000000 reloads
There's also one where you like reload your AK with the Force/Dead Space telekinesis and perform magic tricks with your deagle.
Bethesdas head animator is a long time college friend of Todd. Hes been with the company from the start and theyre never going to fire him. He's used the same skeleton rigging theyve used since Morrowind.