I really regret buying this $400 paper weight.
I really regret buying this $400 paper weight
Better buy the next $600 PS NEO
But you can play Bloodborne!!!!! Isn't that great????????
Your fault for not doing research, retard.
No games
I love my Bloodborne machine
why? it is not holding paper properly?
I hadn't played anything since Bloodborne but Ratchet and Clank is pretty fun.
>I'm retarded
What did he mean by this?
It's not a paper weight. It does netflix AND youtube.
sell it then?
>try to use it as a paper weight
I regret everything
>Nier automata gone to 2017
Literally no reasons to buy it now
But Bloodborne! Bloodborne bloodborne for the Bloodborne good!
Hopefully when the NEO come out the base PS4 will get cheaper, I want to play Bloodbourne, Nioh and Nier but $400 is too much for 3 games
NICE blog post
It's your own fault for buying something without doing any research. I own BOTH the PS4 and Xbox One and don't regret either because I knew what I wanted to play.
You don't own one you tool
>paying full price
bought mine for 200 bucks and it's worth that
>Uncharted 4(not for $60 though)
>Digimon Cyber Slueth
>Odin Sphere remake in like a week
Just the ones off the top of my head.
Sold mine already when PS Neo was confirmed.
Better sell yours before prices drop even more, friend.
It's a paper weight to YOU.
>he fell for the ps4 meme
If it had backwards compatibility with the ps3 I would buy one...
you're in luck, you can get to play with PS3 games with a cheaper system called the PS3
>if it had access to the literal Nogamestation I'd buy one
I don't regret buying mine.
Can you believe we are this far into this gen, and that's all there is to show for it?
>Witholding PS3 BC inorder to shill Remasters and PSNow
xbone, pc, ps4 used in that order
The ps4 was a bit of a waste of money but I can wait until GT
you don't like Bloodborne and Gravity Rush?
Where's the source on this user? Please help me. Are my dreams destroyed?
People bought that?
Yes? What about knack?
>PC Master Race friend tells me he bought a PS4, his first console since the snes, he didn't even have a PS2
>he mentions catching up on PS3 games with it
>tell him the news
>"i-it's okay, looking forward to this and that"
>only game he played on the PS4 is Destiny and like 30 minutes of bloodborne after saying it's too hard
well, theres barely a option when its the only launch game.
it's sad that this is the best xbox and nintendo owners can do when they clearly lose a generation
yup, me too. actually bought a PS4, a wiiU and a 970 on less than six months
play games?
>Quantum Bane
>Nintendo Shovelware
I only own for ufc 2 why can't they put them on pic.
Better than buying a $2000 paper weight
Your friend sounds like a bitch. Dark souls is on PC, so that is no excuse. I've put in a lot on my PS4. I'm a PCGAYMAR and I skipped the PS3. I hardly had an xbox 360 last gen too.
Also Destiny would make anyone hate consoles.
What's the lowest you would pay for a ps4
it costed less, so I sent the extra money to sony since they deserve it
We're fucked user.
Can I have it?
>have to decide between a new GPU for Dark Souls 3
>or a PS4 for Bloodborne (and literally nothing else)
>buy the PS4
>Bloodborne turns out to be GOTYAY
>Dark Souls 3 turns out to be a botched PC port that wouldn't have benefited from a new GPU anyway
>mfw non-idorts pretend Dark Souls 3 is anything more than a shit imitation of Bloodborne
>100€, 150 with game
only intereted in BB and i already done with it
but I don't see Nier on that
Those are the games releasing from now until March 2017
Nier isn't there so it's releasing after March 2017
Why ?
You can get the new Odin Sphere and FF XV...
I'd fucking love to buy a ps4 if I had more money
>Not buying one secondhand
>Be me
>do the same
>BB is shit and makes me lose faith in Souls
>hesitant about ds3, buy it anyway
>redeems the series by being better than shitborne and ds2