Super Mario Maker thread? Anons r8 your levels edition

Super Mario Maker thread? Anons r8 your levels edition.


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I'll check it out

Also, post the complete link to your levels. This makes it easier for people to bookmark them:

A little bit too much trial and error for my taste, mate. I prefer those kind of levels if exploration isn't punished with death too much.

Hey guys, check my level!


Oh wait, i forgot that i dont have Super Mario Maker, neither a Wii U!
3DS version when?

It's a great game, mate. I bought my Wii U like 5 months ago and SMM is pretty much the only single player game I've been playing on it.

>What is Zelda WW/TP

I'm not saying that there are no other good game for the system. I guess I'll get tired of SMM sooner or later but it is basically infinite Mario levels.

That fucking "Super Mario Vs Mecha Bowzilla" level. Holy shit


never played Mario Maker but I enjoy watching youtubes of extremly hard levels

anyone have a good channel to binge through?

Did this get featured somewhere? That's an insane amount of stars.

A few sites piked it up and it got streamed on twitch

Yeah, I just googled it. It's all over the place.

I know jewtube was spamming it in my recommended of some fag playing it.

Had a hearty kek when I saw kiavik was the one who made it.

I kinda wanna get back into making shit(or at least remaking the shit I always intended to), but I can't ever seem to find the time, and I haven't been in these threads for like 5 months now. Are they even that frequent anymore?

Also I suppose I'll shill just so the thread has content, but don't expecting anything too great. These were mostly rough drafts and were made through various stages of updates(the older courses don't even have checkpoints).

Threads have slowed down a lot lately. Sometimes we get a good one going on the weekends. Did you stop playing before the world record update? It turns out some Sup Forums posters are really good speedrunners.

Kirby campaign level 1, other parts in the profile:

Status: Been too long since I uploaded a new installment for this, so I'm planning to try and upload 2-1 within the next couple days. I can do as far as 2-3 before I require the Dedede suit to complete the necessary set.

2-1 will be a water level, 2-2 a relatively standard castle level, and 2-3 a series of enemy rooms as the traditional 'enemy tower' level every Kirby game has. World 2's boss is "Dedede" with a Bowser Jr. serving as a stand-in.

Right around that update actually.

I got a few records but I think keyrock overwrote them.

I mostly lurk in these threads but i will give this a go:

A remake of world 4-1 from super mario bros 2, with just a few modifications

A relaxed level that can be alternated between a normal and an underwater version

A Bowser fight on rails, mostly based around enemy tossing

I'm fairly new at level making, feel free to criticize/suggest/etc.

Keyrock turning out to be a super speedrunner really shocked me. I never saw him say anything about it before that update. He just started blowing everyone away out of nowhere. There's been a couple new guys recently who Keyrock said are even better than him. It's crazy.

>tfw you create very hard courses

Really? We talked all the time and played each other's levels. He was always posting his deus ex machina stages. Hell he was the only one to beat both my wily stages for awhile.

And honestly if I hadn't been distracted by xenoblade x and then got into FFXIV cause a friend bought it for me I'd probably have been pretty competitive with him. I just remember seeing everybody talking about how he was blasting their stages but then I dropped out of playing.

The standard for normal difficulty in 100 Mario challenge has dropped.


I don't even know how some levels end up in normal. Sometimes I come across levels where you simply have to run to the right for like 10 seconds to finish it.

I remember him posting his giant stages a lot. I never thought someone who made stages so long would also be that fast.

LGND is the new guy who fucking destroys almost every stage he touches. Everybody always expects it from him though so it's not as shocking.

Forgetting the most shocking part Keyrock is in his forties.

Bookmarked a couple courses from you guys.

If you think about it.

He had to clear his own stages WITHOUT checkpoints. Even knowing what to do you have to be pretty on the ball for that.

Not really all that surprising, did you really think Sup Forums was full of underage? They come here to shitpost and fuck off at best.

I played all of your courses, mate.

This one was quite tough but I enjoyed it a lot.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it is possible to get stuck in the remake level, when you activate a p-switch, go through the door and let the countdown run out (I was looking for secrets, short cuts and such and the time ran out). I think getting stuck and having to restart a level is one of the most frustrating things that can happen. It's better to kill the player off directly, or offer an alternative way out.

We should do a poll sometime. I wonder how many people over 40 are still any good at games. I wonder if I'll suck in 15 years.

Two most recent stages
>Persistant assault

>Traps for the trespasser

I hope there's more content planned for this. Still tons of things that could potentially be added.

Here are my stages, Haven't been making anything new lately, waiting for inspiration.

Fish Tank-

You Need The Bullets-

Three Roads to Quantum Gravity-

Also, please try this level by a good friend of mine.

Keep Jumping! There's No Ground!-

I'm going to give your levels a try in a second.

Glad you enjoyed the bowser course, i had a lot of fun making it

Correct, i left a p-switch inside the door but if even that one runs out then you are stuck... i wanted to leave a feel as close as possible to the doors spawned in the original mario bros 2 levels, but i admit it's a bit unpractical and could get annoying


I haven't played the level yet, but having no way to die and needing to restart is really annoying. If you can't come up with a way to prevent it, you can put a spike or a pit or something in those spots so the player can at least suicide and go back to the checkpoint.

will shill. going out for the evening but i'll bookmark a few levels.

stars are appreciated

The Subspace Adventure

Petey Piranha's Kingdom Quest

Beyond these threads, does anyone have recommendations of where to find good mario maker levels?

Bookmarked Quantum Gravity, that one looks pretty interesting.


if you check out streamers who play viewer levels they sometimes play some good stuff

Could you name some? I have never watched a video game streamer before.

>Warp pipes represent climbing into the mech to destroy its legs and heart.
>That fucking alarm music.

Goddamn that one was fun.

just go to twitch and see who's playing. i don't follow anyone in particular really. i mainly go to get them to play my own levels but i end up watching them play a few more and sometimes other creators there submit cool levels

Wonder if the NX will have some sort of streaming integration. Would make it easier to create webm's of our levels.

Speaking of Keyrock, that reminds me of his Dr. Feelgood levels.

I doubt it will

In fact it's more likely nintendo integrate streaming into miiverse than anything else and I seriously doubt that would work out

Couple of lengthy levels I made for people that actually enjoy traditional, thought out levels and not just short gimmicks with constant trial and error.



>Kiavik played Keyrock's level 4 months ago
Cool. I bet that's where he got the idea.

It's a lot easier with a bookmark link
