Mom abandoned the castle

>Mom abandoned the castle
>Dad is hardcore furfag losing his mind
>Brother willingly became an autistic cripple
>Gertrudes religion caused a civil war
>The world is going to shit
>Some pile of reanimated ash is running around killing every soldier, knight, scholar and priestess in sight

No wonder Lothric just didn't give a fuck and wanted to die.

Other urls found in this thread:

i hate this thumbnail so much. it always looks like he is looking slightly to the left at you but when you open it he's looking up and his face almost looks completely different in tone because of it.


>can't unsee

>burn self in order to perpetuate an age that should have ended long ago and is gonna end anyway
>no matter what you chose, you are a Primordial Serpent's bitch
>chill in my castle with my brother and continue the research of my tutor Aldia and try to find an actual solution
>bed is quite comfy desu

Lothric did the right choice

If he wanted to die he should have just reported to his fucking throne like a good boy.


>Isn't afraid of the darkness like Gwyn
>Doesn't get cold feet like Vendrick
>Isn't a jobber like Lothric
>Doesn't fall for some snek's lies
Is Aldia the best character of the serie?

He's the best character for the world of Dark Souls.

Why did he attack Bearer of the Curse again?

Probably a test of sorts.

To important in him the importance of fighting to survive and find a real end to the never ending nightmare. He's a good boy who didn't do nothing.

So I never got to play SotF

Why does Aldia think linking the fire is so bad? He's even mentioned in Ds3, that the scholars of the Grand Archives went by his teachings, so he's apparently a big deal.

I guess he assumes you're going to take the throne anyway. Rather than try and talk you out of it at the last minute, he just tries to kick your ass. When that fails, he goes back to talking.
Pretty sure it was patched into the base game too at some point.

>Why does Aldia think linking the fire is so bad?
because it locks the world in a permanent cicle and doesn't let it evolve, it is not a solution either, since the flame will eventually fade completely anyway.

"Once, the Lord of Light banished Dark, and all that stemmed from humanity.
And men assumed a fleeting form.
These are the roots of our world.
Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite…
A lie will remain a lie."

"Peace grants men the illusion of life.
Shackled by falsehoods, they yearn for love, unaware of its grand illusion.
Until, the curse touches their flesh.
We are bound by this yoke.
As true as the Dark that churns within men."

"All men trust fully the illusion of life.
But is this so wrong?
A construction, a facade, and yet…
A world full of warmth and resplendence.
Young Hollow, are you intent on shattering the yoke, spoiling this wonderful falsehood?"

"I am Aldia.
I sought to shed the yoke of fate, but failed.
Now, I only await an answer.
Seek the throne.
Seek light, Dark and what lies beyond…"

"I lost everything, but remained here, patiently.
The throne will certainly receive you.
But the question remains…
What do you want, truly?
Light? Dark? Or something else entirely…"

"There is no path.
Beyond the scope of light, beyond the reach of Dark…
…what could possibly await us?
And yet, we seek it, insatiably…
Such is our fate."

What's the lore behind Oceiros?

>A lie will remain a lie."
>MFW Miyazaki deliberately took a shit on all the good things DS2 did with its lore just because he wasn't involved directly with it.
Aldia better not job or turned into a snake bitch in the DLC.

> King of the land.
> Became obsessed with unlocking power from his bloodline.
> Tried with his son. He turned really sick. Useless.
> Found followers of Seath. Thought they were pretty cool.
> Went crazy.

Tried to turn himself into a dragon. Fucked his wife and got a half dragon spawn. Went nuts and got locked away.

>good lore
Man when will this meme end. You'd make a better case if you treated sotfs as it's own thing

>Aldia better not job or turned into a snake bitch in the DLC
Is Miyazaki involved in the DLC? If yes, we can be certain that there won't be anything involving DS2.
Sadly, since some things really were great, no matter how shit the rest was. I would have loved to see those good bits taken into account in DS3, it would have partially redeemed 2 as well.

But some stuff from DS2 was in DS3.

>the serie in general
>"good" lore
interesting it may be, but it contraddict itself too much (in the games themselves, not only as a serie) to be good
none of the good stuff and nothing important.

>The first of the Scholars doubted the linking of the fire, and was alleged to be a private mentor to the Royal Prince.
So it seems pretty obvious but this is referring to Aldia, right?

The thing I like most about Aldia, and what is unfortunately lacking in DS3, is he thinks both Ages are awful; Age of Dark ends with everyone losing their minds, Age of Fire perpetuates the cycle of decay and chaos.

Though I don't buy Aldia becoming the head scholar in Lothric, considering he already had his solution with Bear Curse so telling Lothric to just let the fire go out seems a bit... Dumb? Unless Bear Curse failed him.

Which might be a thing since Wolnir might've been Bear Curse.

yes, cause the description comes also from the Soul Stream spell, which in japanese has the same name as DS2 Soul Geyser, which is a sorcery of Aldia.

>Bear Curse

Probably, you even get the association with dragons since Lothric had numerous tamed dragons and dragon-riders.

>DS2 being bad is a meme
>DS2 being good is a meme
This community is shit.

And the Queen of Lothric was Gwynevere.

And Smough is Aldrich
And Nameless King is Solaire
And Ornstein is everyone else
Yes, even Pump-a-rum, that's also ornstein.

Why he didn`t commit sudoku then? He is already dead (thx for AIDS), he hasn`t any purpose to live.

I like his bossfight and kinda sympathize him, but I can`t understand his motivations.
Really, I don`t want to link the fire too. I already gave Firekeeper eyes. Why we can`t just talk?

>Why he didn`t commit sudoku then?
he's undead
he's lord of cinder
he can't die
he already died
the bell awoke him
we have to kill him
he just wants to chill

one or more of these, not really clear which

Dear God, why


Solaire is undead bone shard and sublime bone dust.

She literally is a goddess of bounty and fertility that makes Divine Blessings, and has children that use bright, shiny miracle-based powers.

>no subtitles
I can't understand anything he's saying.

>he's undead
What. It`s the point of his story that he is refused to link the fire,

Every opinion ever is a meme.

I want to comfort Yorshka!

what the hell are you talking about, both of the good endings of DaS3 involve rejecting the cycle to the best of your ability. until Aldia personally shows up with some cure-all solution, the non pleb endings of DaS3 are following his advice

Did she have a hard life?

i know what you're up to, Ashen One, you sick fuck.

What is the final goal of the serpents?

>Seek adversity, Bearer of the Curse
A test.

>Why does Aldia think linking the fire is so bad?
Because the fire is an unnatural state of man. To be fair he also thinks simply going back to being blobs of humanity isn't a good solution either in the age of dark. Hollow Lord ending is probably the closest humans can get to a 'solution' according to him unless DLC reveals bearer of the curse found a way to cure hollowing as well.

What the fuck

those aren't oysters, they're concords kept

Aldia's attempted cure was the Bell. A race of Undead, incapable of hollowing -- a mass-produced attempt to replicate the BotC's success

oh i see it now.

Bearer DID cure hollowing, only issue is it only works for Bearer.

>none of the good stuff and nothing important.
All of the important things were in except for Aldia and BotC.

You have references to Iron King, Vendrick, all of the popular characters from DaS2, and references to Drangleic.

>King is ruling a gradualy failing kingdom
>finds some dragon nerd's research notes
>has a lot of stuff about how dragons are super cool and shit
>devote everything, including your kingdom, to dragons
>try to turn himrself into a dragon
>has a third child
>thinks his new son is gonna be second coming of Jesus
>especially after his other experiment fucked up his other son
>new son might've already been dead from the start
>go crazy some more


So he's Wei shen?

It's more like a temporary cure since it only works if he keeps the crown on. If you take it off you hollow again.

the bell of awakening

Aldia tried to mass-produce hollowing-immune undead, and his attempt was re-purposed to help link the flame

I was really hoping for the Bearer to make an appearance. Maybe in the DLC.

Do you have any proof for this?

Any chance we'll get DLC info at E3 this year?

Lothric can fuck off, the bishi twat. He talks a big game for a pale cripple.

no, it's headcanon.

I'm calling it though, this will be information that's in the dlc. screencap this post.

You guys are delusional if you think anything from 2's story will be expanded on.
Hackazaki took a giant dump on it and will never deliver anything related to it.

Mark my words.


So basically, man was originally hollow and undying. That is our true form. The flame made us mortal and some level of sentience, a soul if you will. Linking the flame keeps man weak and able to be killed. The gods don't want unkillable hollows so they want fire linking. Age of dark is everyone going hollow and killing all gods and other sentient life. Lord of hollows ending is a dark age with a leader.

What I don't understand is that Fire Keepers can cure the curse. They can remove the hollowing curse completely, if they have the soul of another fire keeper in them, which is no difficult to come across.
Unless the dark sigil =/= the darksign and the darksign is uncurable, whereas the dark sigil only creates a mimicked effect of the darksign, but that kind of makes the Usurpation of Fire ending make no sense, so I don't really understand why people can't cure the curse with just fire keepers.

Didn't Miyazaki say in an interview that Unkindled were people who tried to link the Flame, but failed? That would relate them to Aldia in a way, though he didn't return as a human.

being a hollow isn't as fun as you're making it out to be, user

>So basically, man was originally hollow and undying
No. Aldia states that the Fire gave humans their bodies and when it fades, the human part rots away and we return to humanity sprites - THAT is our real form.

>several items from 2 appear
>fucking tree giant and the seeds
>aldia played a big role in the game
and then, user
>lol if u think hakchazi will reference too ur wrong xD

you can't just use any old firekeeper soul, you need the specific soul of the firekeeper who returned from the Abyss, with that skillset as a souvenir.

dark sigil =/= darksign, they're two different items. the Dark Sigil stuffs/unleashes enough extra humanity into your feeble Unkindled shell to provoke hollowing.

Removing your hollowing doesn't remove your darksign, and therefore your curse

Do you have reading problems?

>>aldia played a big role in the game
>I will push this theory until everyone believes it despite it being super flimsy

>Gertrudes religion
nigga she was a messenger of velka, seen as a heretic and was put in a cage

>Aldia: No matter how tender, how exquisite... a lie will remain a lie.
>Vendrick: (As advice when you have no idea what to do.) For now, seek strength. The rest will follow.

There's so much fucking real life wisdom in these two lines alone from the brothers. This is one of the reasons why I loved DaS 2.

The only thing he took a dump on was Vendrick.

>Learn that he was a just king who got manipulated by his waifu but did everything he could to stop her

>"lol he was an asshole who thirsted for power and wasnt a real king at all xDD"

Fucking Hackazaki.

Okay, that clears up everything I said there.
But, another question. Why does the Ashen One- an unkindled who does not hollow without dark sigils- carry the darksign but not be affected by it? I had assumed that when the first flame originally started fading, all life was inflicted with the darksign, such as the nameless king being hollow in dark souls 3, and kindling the flame, then being revived to become ash, means that the new you was not present at the time of the cursing, and thus you do not have the darksign curse, and thus you do not hollow. However, the ashen one DOES carry the darksign, and yet does not hollow normally, so what's that about?

Maybe that's just how history remembers him? Stories change over time. Shanallot probably was the one to pass on the stories and legends. Maybe she lied to keep her cover up

>Doesn't fall for some snek's lies
You literally have no reason to mistrust Sneks.

I'm betting my left arm that the DLC will prove once and for all that our overlord Kaathe was right the whole time.

Let's just look at it from a practical prespective. They were probably in the middle of outlining the Dark Souls 3 plot when they were making 2's DLC. So why not throw in a link between the two games, now that both teams have clocked in to work and are able to co-operate?

Ocelotte turned out the be ugly like those dungeon prisoners

>implying anything substantial from DS2 will ever return
All it'll ever get is small nods, user.

Does anyone know why the Abyss Watchers are laying into each other during the boss fight? Going off the red eyed ones, I'm guessing Abyssal corruption, but it's never evidenced elsewhere.

Only living people can hollow. People with a soul(flame).Ashen one is just a corpse, ash in human form with no soul(flame). The dark sigil works as a soul to put in the vessel but its made of humanity and is a dark soul.

Is that him when Oceiros turned him into jelly

What was Shanalotte anyways? She's one of the only characters in DS2 with literally no lore on her.


I thought she said she's a dragon girl trapped in the Aerie and every other version you see of her is an illusion.

here's your red jelly

Another fragment of Manu's, experimented on by aldia. Mixed with dragon souls, or something like that

It shat way more than it would seem.

>hinted to be a shard of manus
>reduced to a literal no one in the game, just another uninspired NPC

>BotC completely ignored, despite becoming effectively truly immortal
>Aldia, despite being one of the most impactful characters in the series maybe/maybe doesn't get a nod.

Simply epic, I expected nothing less from Memezaki

Wait, when did Vendrick get mentioned again? I don't recall that at all. Which item did I miss?

What am i looking at ?

She actually has a lot of lore, even if most of it was cut
>Child of Dragons
>Probably created by Aldia
>Manipulated the BotC to Drangleic to ascend the throne
>Probably did this to hundreds of other Undead
>Starts to believe in you more as you progress
>Could have interacted with a child version of her in cut content

They almost certainly trained amongst themselves while passing the time after abandoning their throne- over time most of them hollowed (red eyes) and can do nothing now but what they were doing most of the time- fight the nearest thing. The boss and the non-red-eyed add are the only ones not hollowed, but are also the strongest (which is why they haven't hollowed). They are perpetually raised because they are collectively a lord of cinder.

>accidentally squish your dragon son halfway through your boss fight

baby textures

whaaa is that his texture? So he was meant to be there at first?

>Some young Monarch invades your land at the behest of his wife.
>Slays all your giantbros and steals a bunch of shit, including the Lordvessel.
>Pass down stories of this one cunt from overseas being a giant dick to you for no reason, because you've never been to Drangleic and have no idea what the dude was even about.

What don't you understand about this, user?