Guys, whats the best version of worms today?
Should I get Worms Reloaded or Worms Revolution?
Best game?
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Armageddon is still the best, but if you mean only those two, Revolution.
Is there a worms game where you can play with friends online for free? All of the ones I can find require using a server so even if you pirate them you can't play with friends.
Armageddon, as long as it's version you can play with anyone else who has it, either original or pirated.
is the season pass for revolution worth it?
worms 2?
No joke, Armageddon is still the best iteration of Worms to date. Out of those two, Revolution is the way to go but Armageddon still works like a champ. Online is surprisingly active
Despite the higher customization of some aspect of it, Armageddon is still superior.
If anything, Project X
Both are bad, but Revolution is worse
Worms 1 for the unique aesthetic
how so?
You'd think Team 17 would get better at making the same game over and over again, not worse.
I used to play Worms with my cousins all the time, it was really popular in cybercafes in my town.
When the 3D worms game came out it was mind blowing to me, I remember playing it at 15FPS on my HP PC.
Good times.
Worms 4 Mayhem
Fuck you, I liked it
Worms world party was fucking god-tier
Nothing come close to Armageddon
Reloaded likely still has the online bug so wont work
Revolution has water balls and regenerating health
which has more content, armageddon or world party?
>You'd think Team 17 would get better at making the same game over and over again
Considering they entirely abandoned Armageddon when it still ran only on W95-98, that since 2002 all the updates come from a guy(Deadcode) who's not part of Team17, and that the majority of features we consider a must were included only after Deadcode took the project, it's not very surprising...
When it cam out, maybe, but as of now(and since more than a decade actually), Armageddon took the crown again...99% of what was possible in WWP and not in W:A, is not possible in W:A too, with more control and customization.
the current team probably has nothing to do with the original whiz kid demosceners from the 90s
but you can turn all that off
no, you cant you cretin. water physics and worm classes is the whole reason revolution exists.
I thought Revolution's water mechanics were a step in the right direction for the series but then they just completely abandoned it in the next game. What a shame.
Worms wmd is best
you can you retard
now go back to suck your bull's cock faggot
Clan Wars had even better water shit than Revolution though.
Not out yet, and although it looks promising, all that was shown was played with controllers, and by casuals(for once, not intended with its negative connotation), so we can't really see how it is compared to W:A.
World Party or Bust
armageddon is the best. the most recent one is OK and has some fun mechanics but armageddon is better overall
the new worms promises better physics so you might also want to wait for that
Armageddon and WWP are still the best in terms of content
>1999 was 17 years ago