Will ARMA save the WW2 genre?

Will ARMA save the WW2 genre?

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Would be nice. Shame it wont incorporate the most important part of ww2: logistics

>Needing to save the WW2 genre
>When RO2 exists

Saving ww2 in 24 fps

The game is not being updated regularly...

I loved the first sudden strike for that and wished for CoH having this mechanic

Neither is WW2

Really need to play this gain, I liked it, its hard but rewards actual getting good at the game

except that the first RO is better than RO2, especially with Darkest Hour


It's mostly about positioning which all comes down to knowing the maps.

>getting into an elevated, hidden, secure spot with an MG on defense during a free weekend

What mod for ARMA 3 is this?

Iron Front, It's on the workshop

It's not. It's Iron Front: Liberation 1944.

Also made by Bohemia

Is that still the lite version, Im waiting for the full

Looks pretty good but has shitty reviews

Damn, I dont care about the reviews right now this looks really good


RO2 is worthless since no one plays Classic.

Alright I'm torrenting this shit, I want to shoot russki scum with my STG44

iron front

Classic mode was fun as hell.


He meant ww2 fps

>plop down muh tiger 2 in field facing a t34
>shells hitting turret face shakes you around and gives you ringing in ears
I could grow to like this mod

idk i boguht this but no one ever fucking played it
and theres also the free ww2 mods

WWII + DayZ when?


Iron Front wasn't made by Bohemia, they just sold the right to use their engine. Iron Front is a mess anyway, there are like three companies involved in it and I'm not counting Bohemia.

Anyway there is a port using low resolution textures "512 instead of 2048" on Arma 3's workshop right now. It's still early and they plan on updating the textures latter.

There are like four mods, excluding Iron Front which is a port, set in WW2. Hell in the Pacific and Faces of War recently merged together so things look good.

RO isn't good for coop or for any kind of complex scenarios though, it doesn't nearly have the scale or amount of vehicles

Only thing RO2 is really good at are the animations, the working sights, different reload animations, cover system, vaulting ect.. all top notch. But the game itself is still pretty shallow.

Apparently it should come eventually for free on the Workshop. I'm surprised they got the green light for that.

Hearts of iron IV

Gore system in RO2 is pretty neat too.

Probably not. People don't have taste.



Pretty fun so far. Need a few more people when playing the coop maps. The ai is kinda stupid.

pr:ww2 is pretty good as well


Most likely not modeled in yet

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