Did nazi that coming.

Any shooting games where I can shoot american soldiers?

C&c renegade

If it wasn't for the lack of weapons, every enemy being a hitscan enemy, and the fact you had to press a button to pick up scraps of ammo, it would be a good shooter.

add nuDoom and list will be complete


also more FPS thread every days pls.

did anyone play quake wars? i'd love to...


I should have seen that joke coming but I laughed anyway

I had everything, idk how it died.

best MP shooter

That fucking shotgun
Those tight levels
That shitty horror

Resistance 3
the first Halo

BF4 turned out better, honestly.


Add Shadow Warrior for the trifecta of "good modern sequels to classic shooters". I'm hoping we'll see some more, I'm almost positive id is going to make a new Quake and UT4 is coming along nicely in alpha. Wouldn't mind more single player ones too though.

I think DOOM is selling well enough so far to warrant a sequel coupled with its ending, and Shadow Warrior 2 is coming out fairly soon I believe.

If ID could keep DOOM as their great SP shooter and then make another Quake I would be in heaven.

>even less destruction than 3
>muh levolution
>every gun is a clone of another
>same with attachments
>using attachments that lower accuracy
>laserguided on jets
>laserguided in general
>the new class system



>never bought game
Fuck. Enjoyed the demo.

So is it good? I played the multi beta on a PS4's friend and it sucked.

FEAR sucked, dude. Every level was a dimly lit office building, and it wasn't even spook. All it had going for it was it's time manipulation gimmick.

Shadow Warrior 2 is supposed to come out "TDB 2016" (re: we want 2016 but have no fucking clue if we'll make it)


yeah but the story is boring

fucking kids

We need more of this

Fuck american soldiers

And having arguably the best gunplay of any FPS ever you fucking casual,

Was it Hitlarious?

>Every level was a dimly lit office building
Was talking about the actual gameplay design, but sure. They did get repetitive, but there's more than just offices. Tight ass office cubicles suit the gameplay perfectly though.

FEAR was rad.

Bullet sponge: the game

Gears UE is god tier

The MP is what everyone was shitting on, rightfully so. And the MP was also what they were aggressively marketing.

I hope that marketing team got fired.

I will fucking fight you user
I played the demo so much, sadly when i bought the game it was already dying.

Me too. Plus New Order sequel (not Old Blood) seems to be in production since Anya's VA let slip that she was working on a sequel to a game she was in and talked about shooting Hitler.

>even less destruction than 3
>muh levolution
Levelution was in the end a better addition than the full on destruction, in my opinion. The total destruction turned every map into a coverless death run after awhile while levelution altered the map to make a whole new zone to fight in or alter the playstyle of the of the level. Don't get me wrong, some were and some were bad, but overall they were pretty good.

>every gun is a clone of another
>same with attachments
The gun thing isn't exactly true, BF4 was a fucking mess because it took so long for DICE LA to balance them and make them different enough to warrant using all of them. Attachments I'll giver you to a point, but they're mostly a cosmetic choice, I don't see how having more options is really a bad thing anyway.

>laserguided on jets
>laserguided in general
>the new class system
How are any of these bad exactly?

Singpleplayer is fucking awesome, currently playing it for the third time on Ultra Nightmare but it is difficult as hell. MP is completely different though and is a hit or miss for a lot of people, I personally I enjoy it but it's nothing to run home about, just gets the job done.

Oh, really? Shit, I thought they had announced it sometime back. Regardless, I'm excited as hell for it, had so much fun with the first remake.

I'm not Lenin you get away with that one

no, you should be gassed.

Shitposting aside, is this actually worth $60?

Spec Ops: The Line

What games allow me to kill commie ruskies?

To be fair, I did just remember that the AI was really impressive (at least at the time), and the story got kind of intriguing toward the end.

Fight me.


No, it's worth 30 to 40 bucks because it's multiplayer is shitty.

Fucking yes! Bring Hitler back!!!!

Is Old Blood as good as New Order? I played through New Order and had a lot of fun but I lost my motivation and then eventually forgot about Old Blood. Either way, I'm excited to hear about another Wolfenstein, it was a solid title and had a kickass atmosphere.

Depends, I personally think so because I enjoy the multiplayer, but it won't click with a lot of people. Check some key sites if you don't want to pay full price because the SP is a must play if you enjoy FPS games.

That game is shit m8. A good example of not every old school FPS being inherently good.

No, the story's around 10 hours and then all you have left is limited snapmap and boring MP. Shame about the lack of mod support.

Hope they take some notes from DOOM and have faster movement with more projectile enemies this time.

>Shitposting aside, is this actually worth $60?
No. Buy it used or wait for the game to dip to $40.

I have 30 hours just in the single player. Replaying old maps, increasing the difficulty etc.

It's was worth it to me, but if you're on the fence and have patience, wait for a sale.

>10 hours

Maybe if you're playing on a babymode or full on rushing through it. It's at least 16 or so hours if you want to get anything done.

It's great and I don't regret buying it because I've thrown probably 30 hours into it so far, but I would say get it off g2a or wait for a sale.

>with more projectile enemies
but Wolfenstein was always hitscan nazis with guns. I agree that it should be faster like how RTCW was very run and gun, and they should throw in more crazy weapons like RTCW had. The Not Railgun was cool but I missed the tesla and the flamethrower.

No game is worth $60 to be honest, you could buy like 3 good pairs of pants for that

Auschwitz, jew got me on that one.

I'm throwing this in cause personally I really enjoy each sessions I play and find this and the original great shooters but that's just me.

It's different. More of a classic feel to me. I thought it had better level design too. Definitely worth a play if you enjoyed the New Order.

What's g2a?

Wolfenstein was fucking cod garbage. Doom is actually good

>being slow

The only reason it should take you more than 12 is if you're replaying it, in which case you can easily get 30 hours of it.

surprisingly good

>No game is worth $60

Terraria is worth at least that.

Personally, I don't think so since there's no mod support and I don't know much about snapmap to comment on it. I'd wait until it drops to 30 on sale before I invest in it.


Underrated shooter whose reputation was tarnished by performance issues at launch.

Why would I rush through every level when they have like 8 secrets to find? Rushing through like that will just kill it once you're done and you won't want to explore on the highest difficulties. You're right on the second half though, I think I'm around 40 hours in so far from replays.


>(at least at the time)
You act like that wasn't pretty much the peak of FPS AI.
Since then devs have just realized that good AI is pointless because people are tards.

Can confirm. Rly fun. Online is too hard though, the only guys that play it are really fucking good

>mfw the sequel could feature sliding around with dual Teslas

this user is red pilled on this game.

This whole series is underrated.

Underrated and better than nudoom

Doom+Scythe 2 mappack+ Demonsteele.
You can add Russian Overkill too if you want


i hope when trump gets elected someone makes a shooter where the americans are taking over the world and you have to stop them

pretty much nazism in a dystopian future

Nah, Bulletstorm was good but it definitely had some parts that were a fucking drag.

>shadow warrior 2013

I love how nudoom to nuwolfenstein is the same as the originals, its the exact same thing but improved in every single aspect.

>that whole final level
>the graveyard
>the three way standoff
This game was better than it had any right to be

inb4 memes

Place where you can buy steam games cheap

Oh my God, yes. This game was fucking amazing, replayed this shit like 5 times because I loved the shooting and narration so much. Silas Greaves was kickass.

>they actually add a tesla in the sequel
>it fries enemies to death leaving behind a smoking corpse
>can also make enemies heads explode

On of the few games I 100%'d on steam
So fucking good

its unfairly hard with all dat enemies using hitscanmachingans, and q2 engine was ... ehm strange

Is this game really as good as people make it out to be? I love RTCW but didn't really pay attention when this came out
also, is the Venom gun in it?

It's one of the very few games I've actually replayed immediately after finishing them

No other recent shooter even compares to it (don't know about Doom though)

should i play this or d44m

No. It's just that it was leaps and bounds above all the trash that came out around the same time.

>claims to be a 10 hour game
>maybe 4 of that is gameplay, the rest is cutscenes or pointless hub missions where you're driving around in a sewer or finding toys for a retard

Honestly, DOOM. TNO is good but it has some parts that are just questionable, the gunplay is also just not as good. Still a good game though, that's for sure.

Don't you dare speak of Max that way.

Doom 4 is better IMO, faster, no health regen, way less intrusive story, etc. But I still liked TNO. I'd still recommend Wolfenstein if you can get it cheap.

Max Hass was the only character I legitimately cared about in the whole game

At least enemies weren't bullet sponges like in Kingpin, and headshots actually quickly dispatched enemies. The last half of the game was yeah pretty hard but still manageable. Quake 2 engine is indeed weird but it did allow for good gore. Blowing enemies in half with the shotgun was always fun but there would always be so little shotgun ammo. Also see SoF for another good gory Quake 2 engine game. Digital rerelease never tho.

I enjoyed this and its expansion, cool hidden gems. Batshit crazy the entire time, though I think the first game dragged on a bit towards the end