Let's settle this once and for all


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And people say this place isnt nintendogaf.

I like both but sonyponies are easily the most cancerous fanbase on Sup Forums

Don't worry only Nintendo fans say this.

Or nearly everyone in Sup Forums.

Same difference really.

Sony hasn't done anything to be a fan of for years. It's less Nintendo fans being everywhere, and more Sony fans being almost extinct at this point.


>Sony hasn't done anything to be a fan of for years.
Same thing is happening now to Nintendo to be honest.

haha wat a bundle of faggets
im born in the 1998 and i vote sony
dumb 30 year old virgins and they're nintenshit garbage for kids haaha cyкa блиaд

This. They're both great companies and their platforms are always worth the money (please ignore the Wii U and the Vita), but Sony fanboys are the worst.

region locking and censorship

as an ex-Nintendo fan I voted Sony
funk neo-Nintendo an Its autistic fanbase

i like nintendo games more

Anyone that has been here longer than a week knows that the largest console fanbase here are Nintendo fags. And it's not even close.

Nintendo makes outdated products that I can otherwise respect. Which makes me pity them.
Sony makes modern products on expensive platforms that are also """""services""""" which makes me want to vomit and fall over. It's fucking disgusting.

What's the point of this poll?

Also we ask know Nintendo is the majority in this place

Nintendo used to be better but now sony is better
I don't see why nintendo is winning despite all this amiibo bullshit and the abandoning of the wii u and metroid

As of right now, Sony is better with MUCH better third party support if you only play consoles.

Though to me, Wii U is much better console for a PC Gamer. Since most third party console games are on PC anyways and not good shit like Smash and Bayonetta. Then again, Wii U's first party is dead at this point.

No that'd be pcucks.
Still butthurt about being rekt since psx huh?

>Mario Party is the only game that actually does use amiibos as paywall bullshit
>game sucks anyway
I'm so sick of amiibo bitching. They're official merch that barely does anything.

Not selling out to a single system because it's keeping your favourite franchise hostage.

>All these people ass damaged about Sony.

>say I like both Sony and Nintendo
>say both their platforms are always worth buying
>assume I'm a Nintendrone and say I'm butthurt

Sony fanboys are the worst. Case in point.

let's settle this once and for all


>Sony fans being almost extinct at this point

So just like Nintendo?
To be honest I had more fun with my PS3 than both Wii or 3DS and Wii was better than 3DS btw

Nintendo fans aren't fans of the consoles, but of the 1st party games. Sony's 1st party games have been.. whatever.

>sonycucks being this BTFO


I mean, I lean towards Nintendo in this debate, but I disliked the Wii and Wii U, didn't really care about the 3DS.

but the difference is with sony it's already happened. :^)

>graph shows people prefer Nintendo over Sony

And you're only proving that sonyggers are a vocal minority on this site. It's probably all the banned neofags