I need someone with a near complete file (at least be at Levias) in Skyward Sword and a camera to do me a big favor

I need someone with a near complete file (at least be at Levias) in Skyward Sword and a camera to do me a big favor.

Please post pics that you have it.

Why don't you just ask us what the favor is

Because then it disincentives the user from doing it, because they will assume it's a google-able feat, when it's not.

In fact, that's what I want to avoid, "GOOGLE IT" posts.

google it

Didn't you need a pic. of Gaepora's book or something? I guess I can get you the pic. but what do you need it for exactly...?

A comparison pic. Get it for me, and then we'll talk more.

It's already discouraging that you want us to show proof that we have the game. I probably could have gotten what you wanted but now I lost interest.


Why are you making this so difficult. This sounds like some shady drug dealing. We're trying to do YOU a FAVOR. Why are you refusing us information?

I bet this involves a grill.

Are you kidding me? If it's so difficult for you to get off your lazy ass and take one pic, then get out of my thread. I'm sure among the 11 million Zelda fans in the world, 1 person will happily oblige. I'll happily wait.

Nope. Sorry to disappoint.

wtf just look up a lets play you fucking retard

user, I'm scared. C-can't we just cuddle...?

Couldn't you just use an emulator?

A. I'm poor.

2. I would need to play through 75% of the game to get what I need.

K, now where can I find the book?

Now we're talking.

K, go to Gaepora's room. It should be on one of the desks in there.

If I remember correctly. he also talks to you if you check it. Could you do so and see what he says?

Well he isn't in his study but I found him outside, and I can't seem to find the book. Wasn't it suppose to be there in an eailer part of the game?

Darn. Are you sure it's not there on his desk?

Can you try the other file?

I just read a plot synopsis on the Zelda wiki and I'll have to play through it a bit the see if he actually has the book. It may take a while.

Seriously user, what is this for?

I want to see if the book matches the artwork and how closely. There's another bit but we'll leave it at that until you've got the goods.

I gotta go to bed in 15, can't you just say what this thing you need to check is?
Don't leave me hanging

I'm going out on an errand.

Let my thread die Sup Forums, and you will never know what I needed it for.

Fine. Drop your spam email and I'll tell you later tonight assuming someone delivers.

I can't say what it is if I don't have that pic.

Confidential and whatnot.

PM'd :)

nvm fixd it

o shit waddup

wrong meme, underage


I'm pretty close to getting there. Give me about an hour and if the thread dies just make it again or I'll make a call out thread.

Bumping this shit.

Why you gotta be an asshole about it? Jesus fuck, it's a video game not an encrypted message.

Who gives a shit, fuck off op.

OP, you're a really autistic niggerfaggot.

This is the most autistic thread I've seen in a while.

Maybe OP is on to something.

You can download a version with full save.

OP here. I'm back. Or am I?

I can be a real asshole and not post anything. So shut the fuck up following retards four.
To the guy whose doing me the favor, post your spam, or you won't get anything. Everyone else, feel free to leave the thread. The topic will not be publicly disclosed thanks to the cited anarchists social dejects I've marked above.

This topic is sad. All of this would probably take about 10-15 minutes if you posted a full list of instructions instead of posting one at a time as if it's an actual zelda fetch quest.

I can't believe Skyward Sword has proof Mozart is still alive and OP won't tell us how to get it.

He wants to feel important.

you know people who think about and care about you every day
go talk to them instead

It's clearly nothing.

OP here. Please give me attention.

This is the most autistic thing I have ever seen on Sup Forums. Even the fur diaper fags are not even this unreasonable.



that user parents was the 7up guy all along?

Yeah he still doesn't have the book. I think I'd have to play through quite a bit of the game to see if he even has it. I found a couple of pics of the book you might want?

What would I even GET after doing all this anyway? Can't you at least give a hint OP?