They changed Tracer's pose, so maybe we can make them to change her hair color. They said that they changed Tracer's pose because it did not fit her character, Zarya is a heavy lifter I don't think the pink hair fits her at all.
They changed Tracer's pose, so maybe we can make them to change her hair color...
Change her from a Russianwhatever weight lifter to an American football linebacker
Oh look its this thread again.
Why would you want the hottest character in the game to be less hot?
Post the glorious mane one.
>implying they're going to change the hair color when they can charge for skins that will
so I shouldn't respond or?
OP here, I just paste the first thread and post in different times of the day to see the reaction from people that access in different times zones. I not going to spam or anything.
Well tbqh Zarya's more attractive without the tumblrina hair
I agreed, they could at least change her air color in the common skins.
here you go
why tho
Blizzard are you listening? we want this, please make it happen.
It actually makes some sense when you consider that Russia is about 30-50 years or so culturally behind Europe, people in their country would be be going through a period of prosperity, and doing the dyed hair phase around the time of Overwatch.
I'd fuck that.
Or rather, I'd allow her to ravage me.
>dat word on her left boob
spells like word SHIT
where does she put the materia?
it does fit her character though
I'd buy Overwatch if they legit changed her hair
>inb4 not buying a game cuz 1 character
Frame it as something like
>Women shouldn't feel the need to dye their hair to feel beautiful. Change this ugh, cislord misogynists.