Arnold Schwarznegger gets video games

>Arnold Schwarznegger gets video games
>Chuck Norris gets video games
>Van Damme gets video games
>Sylvester Stallone gets video games
Why is there no Steven Seagal video game?

Other urls found in this thread:

You forgot Chow Yun Fat.

You forgot Persona 2.

They could never make the snatching mechanic work.

He has a video game

It was never relased

i honestly had more fun playing this game than max payne 3


>he hasn't played Birthday Snatcher 2: Punani

Why is that the only pic of steven seagull in existence?

It was snatched


perhaps a fat princess game, fat seagal

the rumor at the time was ITS FUCKING SHIT

What happened?


what did he mean by this?

>leave VOD kino to me

At least he's got that over the others.

I didn't like that movie either.

What about Street Fighter??


>forgetting the game that bankrupt midway

More like Art of Fighting.

Dan's head was ripped from Robert Garcia, whose head was ripped from Steven Seagal.

Steven Segal: The Quest for Punani

Too many birthday cakes.


Robert isn't fat though

What was wrong with this game again? It looks great


>steven segal used to be sean connery's trainer during the filming of 007 (the one where there's the secret base in the volcano, gold finger IIRC)
>he broke his finger because he alaways wanted to be a movie star and was jelly of him

Even 50 Cent has a video game!

Fuck off

"Man, what kept you, Beck? You still sore about that fifty bucks?"


Lmao this game was legit good and better than any uncharted game except for 2

It ALMOST existed

more than one

came here to post this

This game was a lot of dumb shooting fun, desu

Steven Seagal's cooking Papa

Steven Seagal was like 10 years old when Goldfinger came out


i swear every game that has those shitty "real actor" sprites is garbage (exept for MK).

Anybody seen Richie?

Steven Seagal was in a playstation fighting game that didn't play very well

He does that silly handslapping thing when he blocks attacks

because steven seagal is fat and irrelevant

nothing but rock hard muscles

in your world maybe, because you're afraid of him

people mistake my dad for steven seagal on a weekly basis

yet he has a dozen wives, mistresses and a fake police badge while you live with your parents.

>you live with your parents
don't project

i'm a 23 year old in an apartment, not a movie star. i never said i was

op asked why steven seagal isn't in a game
my answer is because he's fat and irrelevant

calm down

What the fuck

Stop making these threads.


That's literally like mistaking a lit match for the sun

nah my dad used to play football
he was scouted by the CFL in fact but
>playing for the CFL
he does real estate instead

my dad is more attractive and a nicer person than steven seagal could ever be

stay salty that nobody likes your fat, smug, irrelevant, rude, b-list celebrity


Well I'm sorry to hear that

Well MY dad works for Nintendo!

>People like Steven Seagal

is it really that hard to believe he was good at college foobaw and decided to go into a more lucrative field like high-end real estate instead

Yeah fathers like that wouldn't let their kids waste away their life on shitholes like this

actually he fucked off to mexico with his girlfriend when i was 19

that was 4 years ago

how old are you even, anyway

Because he worked for Osama Bin Laden. Guess why the Taliban is so deadly and effective, have aikido training. Where they learned that? From Steven Seagal's fatass. Why do you think Kelly Lebrock left him? Cause he's Taliban.

I'm 64

>Why do you think Kelly Lebrock left him?
him being a cheating asshole and a piece of shit person in general probably didn't help either

jesus christ
i obviously don't believe you, but if that does turn out to be true, wow
when did you join Sup Forums then

Jet Li also got a video game btw

what do you prefer.
subbed or dubbed.

Back in '73


this meme got to stop,too forced and not funny at all.

Man, more shootans really need to utilize rolling
RE6 system was pretty good because of that

That's pretty disrespectful. Could you please delete your image?

Give it up user, nobody remembers Frisky Dingo.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that


Thats not his name nor his body, stop this.

Shut up.






Seagalposting is the best thing to come from Sup Forums since sheevposting

I think it was a really short game with no multiplayer.

It would take up to much hard drive space.


I will ferment every motherfucker champagne

Just play ARMA 3 with a fat-mod and you're good to go.

What did he mean by this?

well I'm sorry to hear that

It was unpolished with clipping and collision issues, a lot of environment interactions are automatic and not entirely reliable, the graphics really look like shit, especially in cutscenes. The biggest problem though is that quite often the game forces you in these cinematic sequences where you have to dodge bullets while shooting back at your enemies in a mini-game, which is horrible.

Why is Steven Seagull a meme now?

I Legit am confused. i'm a seagal fan for years and im downright surprised Sup Forums took notice of his existance.

I think its because they catched up with all the new seagal movies since those are really hilariously awful. shame really.

What did he mean by this?

Deus Ex

>hilariously awful

Every film he has made is terrible - Sup Forums is retarded if it thinks recent films are special in that regard.

>Try to remember the story
>Fuck I forgot it
>"Y-ya know..."
Poor Steven

holy shit my fucking sides whats the context?

have you seen the newest steven "cop for a long time" seagal kino?

Because he is a fat washup. Also he's trying to be relevant and it's funny.

>raise you down

Because he's a shit actor, ugly as fuck and a terrible person.