We're In a tight spot!
The chief has pulled a fast one on us! There's no Killer7 Thread!
In the name of Harman...
We're In a tight spot!
The chief has pulled a fast one on us! There's no Killer7 Thread!
In the name of Harman...
Other urls found in this thread:
>third killer 7 thread in as many days
What is happening?
what the fuck is filthyfrank doing?
I just played it so of course it will come up on Sup Forums.
Susie is mai waifu
I want neo-Sup Forums / newfags to leave.
I don't think having a penis removing waifu is a good thing user.
The name's Andrei Ulmedya
I still believe Coyote Smith is the coolest name ever.
Coolest husbando
Great taste
The Eagle has landed on the roof.
Beat the game a few days ago, it's probably one of my favorites now. So was Iwazaru Kun Lan the whole time, or was that just him in his clothes at the end? Whats that supposed to be symbolic of, west and east not having clear boundaries and kun lan (east) being able to decieve Harman (west), therefore causing the game to keep going?
Also, does anybody know if Hand in killer7 has been translated? I need some stuff to help me understand the game better.
>try to play it
>can't aim for shit
What the fuck
Yeah it has it's online somewhere
Iwazaru where is Suzie?
Should I play Killer7?
It's fun.
Moe fun than Dead 2 Rights anyway.
>Suda51 will never direct another game
>Let it Die is going to be shit
One of the few big budget games to gamble on a risky art concept and succeed.
only other ones that come to mind are Silent Hill 2 and MGS2.
Killer7 is all sorts of scary and I'm not even afraid of ghosts. Imagine trying to be Garcian for a day, talking to ghosts and finding out information you wouldn't know otherwise.
I hate it
Downloaded this ISO for my Emulator recently. What am I in for?
How does this play on an emulator, is there mouse support? I have the game on GC, but am I at different city.
lots of screaming and confusion
Screaming as in having a "Yoooo!" moment or screaming as in break a motherfuckers neck angry.
Just dont put your speakers/headphones on high
( ´ ー ` )ノ
the physical copy is like 8 bux
Tricks are for kids, Kun...and I'm an old man.
Got it.
>I had nothing to do with it, but my memory has been a bit fuzzy these days.
I would get it if I had one of theactual consoles to play it on, friend.
A Gamecube is even cheaper than a Dreamcast!
Thank god i have a PS2
How much is it with a box on ebay lads?
what's Sup Forums favorite Smith?
Danny boy on normal
Young Harman on killer 8 difficulty
I like Dan Smith and Kevin.
But Kaede has grown on me in recent years,
>analog aiming
Why couldn't this be on the wii?
Capcom disagrees.
Goichi Suda didn't port anything to the Wii, only NMH to the PS3 platform.
I don't think he revisits his old work a lot.
i remember that mexico level.
the password was 1232133.
fookin' password, i've needed gameFAQ 'cause my english at that time was nasty
The aiming is easy as shit already
Dan, Con and Mask are all top tier.
>When Mask headbutts that bullet
You guys are cool,don't go to school tommorow.
I'm not lawful...
i've never was able to use MASK properly...i mean those grenade launchers sucks bad...
>single shot
>never hit the heaven's smile secret point
was only my problem?
Why do all the remnant psyches' subtitles not match what they say? Was it a translation thing? I wish there was a way to see what they really say.
You can actually download the audio of all the game from some forum.
I have all of the dialogue events, but I can't decipher what they're saying.
All i know is that some characters call him Smith Mister
If you listen to the dialogue with remnant Cloudman, he says some weird stuff too.
>tfw no Killer7 2
>Suda canned Lily bergamo after GungHo bought the studio
>We are getting some average-at-best F2P game.
>The only thing that looks promising from that crap is the skateboarding reaper
It's fucking depressing man.
>Tfw I always found that shit pretty disturbing.
Specially Iwazaru, there's something about that "radio-like" tone that makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable.
Fuck man, now I feel like replaying Killer7 again.
i dropped this game when the giants hand my ass to me
how do I kill them
I just beat it last month for like the 5th time.
Wasn't the dialog all changed in the translation, like it was distorted more?
Easily Coyote
Why is Dissociative Identity the best track?
I don't know, I didn't hear about that until just now.
>mfw the boss of Sunset, Pt. 2
Yeah... no
Masafumi Takada really knows how to make a wonky scene into a vividly imaginative one, that boss fight would have been such shit without the music.
I want to have number four but the school dean won't let me fap without making fun of me.
I had no problem taking them out with Coyote.
Otherwise I'd recommend Dan's charge shot or Kaede
Mask is surprisingly effective against them.
M a S t E r .
W e ' R e I n A t I G h T s P o T !
I c A n ' T f I n D t H e t E x T T o s P e E c H P r O g R a M U s E d t O M a K e t H e r E v E n A n T ' S V o I c E .
P l E a S e h E l P M e.
i N T h E N a M e o F H a R m A n .
Anyone know why Killer is Dead was complete disappointment? I was expecting something like Killer7 or No More Heroes but it just felt like it had the style of those games but besides that was very shallow. I cant put it to words well.
Nope that goes for Blackburn
It held back
It could've been more horrific but it wouldn't go as far as K7 did.
As for its story, it felt like they had a cohesive plot but than cut it up for no good reason
Feels like Suda was going through the motions rather than trying something unique. With that said the aesthetics are very good and the final boss is probably one of Suda's best.
It's Sweet Blue Flag though
Suda only wrote killer7
>As for its story, it felt like they had a cohesive plot but than cut it up for no good reason
Spot on. K7 (and to a lesser extent NMH) are cryptic, but their story is built around them being cryptic and benefits from it. KiD on the other hand is cryptic for the sake of being cryptic, and its somewhat weird but otherwise "normal" story gets turned into a clusterfuck for no good reason.
By the end you should look something like this
Co-wrote with Mikami
Did he really help create it?
Suda's not a horror fan, he's accredited that kind of stuff to Mikami in the past.
That's cool, he's never seen Evil Dead then I bet.
masafumi takada+metronomy when
While we're talking about his other work, is Flower, Sun and Rain worth playing?
Personally I think every single one of his games are worth playing.
Michigan: Report from Hell is supposed to be good though.
>give up Soul Shells
>go through the door
>hear music at the stairs
Rave On's got nothing on Visionary Community
There was WAY too much walking in Flower, Sun, and Rain for my liking.
And fuck that kid later in the game who makes fun of you.
post the craigslist ad