Was this game good or is it just nostalgia?

Was this game good or is it just nostalgia?

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level design was a bit crazy, but it was good

9/10, great music, great levels, great weapons, adon, everything but lair of the blind ones fuck that level

Funny you post this. Just beat the remaster of Turok last night. Was going to play 2 today but figured I will just wait for the remaster of that since that's being made, too. Loved them as a kid. It's a good game with a lot of cool as fuck weapons. 1 had better levels but 2 was a better overall game. They were good games.

>Lair of the Blind Ones
>Hive of the Mantids
>Primagen's Lightship

2 was worse than the first

That remaster looks way faster than the original.

It is. Increased FOV helps too.

Why did they make it faster? Will they be doing a remaster for 2?

It is. Beat it for the first time and I honestly felt like I was playing Quake. The speed was pretty nuts. But made it more fun because the enemies seemed to be redone a little to compensate. They move quicker, have better aim, and projectiles move quicker. Makes the last couple levels, especially, very treacherous.

>Why did they make it faster?
Why not? The game is straight up better at the increased speed and the levels are large enough to accommodate. Not to mention this is for PC and not for consoles.

>Will they be doing a remaster for 2?
Yes, Turok 1 and 2 remasters were confirmed at the same time. They should be working on 2 right now.

Well I don't think it was entirely intentional. I think everything in the game is directly tied to the framerate, Japanese style. And now the game runs at 60fps. So while it seems quicker, its more so because there are 2-3x more frames in the same window of time.

>Yes, Turok 1 and 2 remasters were confirmed at the same time. They should be working on 2 right now.

2 has different levels though. It wasn't as open as 1 was. So they couldn't make it go sonic speed.

Couple things that could fix it's big problems.

1: Better map. Map overlays should show key locations, that you have to discover first, and other important mission objectives.

2. Could benefit from a remake or just a port to better hardware. The game runs absolutely abysmally on the Nintendo 64. The frame rate can drop to lower than 5 frames per second on every single level. Pretty easily too.
Should have been ported to the Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube.

3. Better hit detection. That one is self explanatory.

Didn't stop Quake.

A good game, but it did go a little over board with the collectiphon shit. Frankly, I think the game could been greatly improved with removing the constantly teleporting enemies and ammo.

>3. Better hit detection. That one is self explanatory.
I disagree on this one It's already very lenient. You don't even have to be aiming at the enemy for the auto-assist to hit them. As long as you are in the general vicinity; you hit.

It's already receiving a remaster for PC, so check that off.

>3. Better hit detection
What's wrong with the hit detection? Unless you mean for explosives, which were bugged and hardly every did the damage they were supposed to do.

This so hard

I fucking love this game.
Why did they not port it to PC yet?!


They did, while at the same time, completely fucking up the game's sounds and music quality. It was kind of a reoccurring thing when porting games to the PC at the time.

Turok 1, 2, and Evolution have had PC pots for over 10 years, user; they're just horrible ports.

I thought that was the point of those levels tho

You niggas thought the same thing.

I haven't played the original PC port and maybe the problem is fixed there, but in the original N64 version several weapons would randomly pass through enemies. The bow, Shredder shotgun, and the charge dart gun to name a few.

Explosives were extremely buggy like said. That's very true. Specially with the explosive bow.

Imagine what the modern remix of that soundtrack would be like in a true remake? It would be amazing if they let this guy do it. He did a couple of the songs already.


>26 multiplayer levels

These days you are lucky if you even get a dozen. Your standard game literally does not even have half of this.

I remember cooping the campaign with my younger brother all the time back then. You weren't supposed to be able to do that but if you entered mutiplayer death match they still let you use cheats. Including the level warp.


You lie.

>find my old copy
>shit this is awesome
>get to lair of the blind ones
and to this day I haven't beaten it yet

The monkey mode in multiplayer was fucking hilarious.

I love that game.


Nope. I am actually completely serious.

he's not lying, but if you tried going to a teleport the game crashed

There was a way to do 4 player co-op though i've forgotten how, i think it involved starting a multiplayer game and then entering a cheat code to load any level, it was fun as fuck but i think you couldn't progress past certain checkpoints so it was limited, it would be nice if the remaster had co-op support

>Throw it into the unknown
>Hear that satisfying meaty noise as it hits something
>Comes back covered in blood
>Hear a thud in the distance shortly after

I wish you got the razor wind earlier, it's too fun for it to only be in the lightship.

That was it. It was mostly to co-op bosses. Which was a lot of fun.

>pirate Turok 1
>that headbob
>head hurts like hell
Thank god I found a newer version

Will this ever be ported consoles?

Multiplayer was cool

Pretty sure it was

It was console exclusive for a time.

>Hear good thins
>Buy game on steam
>Respawning enemies every 10 seconds
>Unfairly hard with hitscan enemies
>Isn't even the same game that was on the N64 and is sped up


>Isn't even the same game that was on the N64
It's the exact same game.


>higher resolution, FOV, and other graphical tweaks
>different game

It's a totally different experience than it was on the n64 because of the changes made to it. I think it's a fair to say it's not the same game. You know, because of CHANGES.

It' still the same shit as the N64 game, except now you can see more than 5 feet in front of you.

And it's sped up.

Shittiest buzzword ever. Just because something is old, doesn't mean it's bad or just good because it was good for its time. No. Technology might have improved, but the sheer creativity and execution behind the game is unmatched, even today.

Mag 60
Scorpion Missile Launcher
Firestorm Cannon
You all heard it in her voice.

So it's different experience which also means different game

>Adon will never sit beside you and stroke you dick, while just talking to you


I think she gave me my love of midriffs and girls with visible abs.

>Lair of the Blind Ones

we need more games where you play as a native american, so much potential.

>tfw no prey 2 or a classic style turok ever again

Kaiser mentioned on /vr/ that the team was going to start Turok 2 either May or June, one of the two, and he was working on BloodEX in his spare time.

It was ahead of its time - which isn't 100% a good thing. It pushed the limits of the hardware too much and the game suffered a bit for it, but it is an extremely satisfying FPS.

I wish they settled on more of a run and gun gamestyle rather than a "collect everything to proceed" thing, though.


Heh, funny this thread popped up. I was just visiting my rents today and my mom was cleaning out a closet the other day and she found all my old action figures. My Joshua Fireseed was in there.

All I recall about Turok 2 is the expansion pack's hi-rez mode turned the game from "kinda playable" to "where the fuck is my framerate".


"she" is a bioluminecent super computer.

When did he pop up?


Oh sweet, no more waiting for them to say anything.


my first childhood crush



All the music, as well as the old PC port of Turok 2, DH and Evolution

the weapons were really good
the rest is hard to judge, it was so long ago
remake released when

I don't fucking believe it. How was she capable of love if she was?

Becareful user you're treading in my childhood territory here.

You see user, the role of the Speaker of Forever Light is to be a bridge between the people of the Lost Land and the Council of Voices.

What I told you was a white lie, she was flesh and one but was forced to ditch her body to serve the council.

Since she was a child, she served them and lived in isolation since the council knew everything she did and all the things she experienced.

Josh was the only one who treated her not as a thing but as another living being.

Do you think there'll be more Adon porn when the remaster releases?


So, once someone takes the role, the mantle to become the Speaker of Forever Light, their mortality gets destroyed but turn into a projection of a supercomputer with her personality inside of it?

Shit, its more horrifying than I thought

More or less.

If you wanted to get physical again, you'd have to first project your conscience into something similar to a cyborg frame, which is what Adon does.

You turned my memories of Adon upset down
I'm not sure how to feel now.

>the second Adon feels affection her bosses try to kill her and have her replaced.

"Your mission objectives are as follows...
Infiltrate my orifices...
Activiate my orgasm function...
Locate the energy totem and defend it at all costs......"

But she did felt affection, in T3. And she wasn't killed right?

>Locate the energy totem
I believe that's her mission objective.

Being a human in the Turok world is suffering.

>Dinosoids want to eat you
>Pumins are racist fucks
>Blind ones also want to eat you
>Mantids want to infest their homes
>Primagen wants to eradicate humanity
>Not to mention OBLIVION

>But she did felt affection, in T3
Yeah, my point.

>And she wasn't killed
No but she fled and the Lazarus Concordancesent that shadow Adon or whatever to kill her. And then the plot went no where and there was never a sequel.

Being anything in the Lost Land is suffering. Place is a shithole or a planet that's quite literally a dumping ground for random wormhole that suck shit up and drop in off, letting whatever was chosen to fend for themselves in a place where dinosaurs, aliens, mutants, undead, robots, demons, and fucking anything exists.

Just embrace the fact that at least she managed to tell the council to fuck off and leave her alone.

In one of the comics with an alternate universe, titled "Adon's Curse", she traps herself and the council into a vortex for all eternity after she learned that the council wanted to destroy said vortex which would pretty much destroy countless others worlds, including earth.

This render is one of the stills used for that comic.

I hope whoever redesigned Adon was executed with a real life Cerebral Bore.

I liked her redesign.

oh look they turned turrok into a space marine
marines are trained for water not outer space

That's mariners, son.

I hear not your blasphemous lies, heretic!

You can't hide from the truth.

Evolution had the best soundtrack


>Loved Turok as a kid
>Still love it as an adult
>Decide to finally attempt to beat Rage Wars
>Final challenge is a boss fight on the Lazaraus Concordance lightship
Against Tal' Set

Still haven't beaten him without cheating

The last game was so shit the team was disbanded