What's the hardest video game you've ever played?

What's the hardest video game you've ever played?

dark souls XD

i could never beat the first stage

dark souls XD

Probably pic related, but I fucking hated every minute of it.


This piece of shit. I did beat it though. Harder than Dark Souls and Demons Souls imo.


this game was hard af op

Stop with that shit. That game was retarded.
>Don't regain HP after Battle
>Give a rare ante and get absolute shit for winning
>Endgame wants you to battle a fuckton of goons and then the boss.
>Goons have high class decks

i played it on og gameboy never saw the colors


don't forget how cards cost a fortune to buy in the shop and you get fuck all for winning duels

That shit was infuriating. Even moreso as the other ygo game for gba was piss easy

Considering how it plays, I would actually say Forbidden Memories got pretty fucking difficult towards the end. I've never really had trouble with most games and I don't count games where you can change difficulties to be "hard"
For instance, playing RE4 (or 5) on Professional and pistol start. Of course it's going to be hard, you will die in a hit, even with a melee vest.
Forbidden Memories added that stupid star chip system where the best cards were 99999999 and you got 5 chips per S rank duel. That's still ~20000000 perfect games before you can purchase a single card
Obviously you get lucky and win Blue Eyes Ultimate and then do the card duplication glitch, but that defeats the point.

Going back on what I said earlier, about difficulty levels, the hardest game I've ever played would be late 80s early 90s SNK fighting games. Art of Fighting was solid.

Other than that, can't really think.

You have to grind a lot. The game is very stingy with experience, to the point where I seriously believe that they may have been planning to release this as an MMO since I kept getting FFXI flashbacks, and playing with friends doesn't help much since adding more players just to the amount of enemies that pour in to kill you. If you can get friends together for it, I guess you may have fun, but make sure they are very patient and are willing to sink in time for it, otherwise, you'll save yourself a bunch of stress by playing solo.

I used an emulator with cheats enabled for this game, and saw the end game stuff. There's no way anyone could've beaten this game legitimately without committing hundreds of hours, maybe even thousands.


Halo 2 legendary

>step out from corner
>instantly have 7 holes shot through your head by 1kho beam rifle shots

This game was hard as hell
I never beat it and my friends couldn't either

Just stab the knees

I could never beat that game, OP. The endless rare hunters on the train section was insane.

I got his on a two in one cart that also had forbidden memories

And boy am I glad of that because I never got more than 20 minutes into reshef