Double XP until Wednesday

>double XP until Wednesday
>New character dropping on the 24th
>Leveling up
>thousands of gear, weapon, and abilities selections
>great art direction and humor
>all for $40 from a bro-tier dev

Why aren't you playing Battleborn RIGHT NOW?

Other urls found in this thread:

> price drop 2 weeks after release


Didn't your mother tell you if you have nothing good to say then don't say anything at all?

It is the company's fault for poor marketing and releasing a game similar to Overwatch at almost the same time.

Shill more.

Gearbox deserves all the shit it can get and then some. Scum of the earth.

battleborn dev pls go

When is hiroshima-chan gonna crack down on all the obvious marketing posts on Sup Forums?

Let's start with a story. Battleborn was announced, and being Gearbox (I forgot and forgave for it's indiscretions, and hey I didn't mind Pre-Sequel) I was delighted. Then no more than a week, Blizzard announced Overwatch. Much to my chagrin, I ended up forgetting that Battleborn existed until Blizzard's marketing took a slow. Overwatch ended up being the TF2 clone I was expecting. This isn't a story to bash Blizzard, though I rather would like to.

So it came time to pick of the two, and having watched enough Overwatch and having participated in the Open Beta, I wasn't impressed enough to want to spend the money. Then came around the release of Battleborn, and was the time to watch streams of it's release. I fell in love instantly.

I spent the money for the Digital Deluxe, and over the past 31 hours I've logged, this game has never failed to make me laugh at every turn. The dialogue though it can get repetitive is always funny, hearing characters taunt one another (Get a Benedict vs. Toby. Trust me.) gets better and better, and just the general things that characters say seem to get funnier each time. Borderlands flourished on it's humor, and Battleborn has only taken that humor and ran far with it.

So thank you Gearbox, thank you for making a genuinely funny game with a genuinely enjoyable gameplay experience. Yeah the game might have it's flaws right now, but absolutely nothing is perfect at launch. And besides, you tell me you don't laugh when Marquis kills Phoebe and says: "Oh, I am so fired."

I dare you.


Hmmm, I wonder if there are any other games coming out soon that cost $40 that this is trying to compete with
its dead

>double XP
>price drop

sounds desperate

too bad I already bought Overwatch for 40$

i'd rather flay off my own skin with a rusty knife than play Battleborn

i'd rather castrate myself with a spoon than play Battleborn

i'd rather stick a needle through my eye reeeeaally slowly than play Battleborn

i'd rather put toothpicks underneath all my toenails and kick the closest wall with all the force i can muster than play Battleborn

i'd rather have a stillborn baby than play Battleborn

Battleborn is dead, bury it, consider this Mercy.


>Great art direction and humor

Sorry, I think you misheard, they said it might be a TUMOR

>Gearbox is already sinking so low they have to advertise on nepalese yak-hearding forums

>Sup Forums likes casual shooters where you have everything unlocked instead of in depth hardcore shooters where you need to unlock stuff and level up

What the fuck?

Overwatch? A new Blizzard fps game.

>JUST: The Game

>Price drop not even a month after launch

Even Rainbow6 Siege didn't die this quickly.

why´is he a drumstick?

holy fuck, a price drop literally right away? did the game shit the bed that hard? after all the threads saying 'battleborn is way better!!!!!!', it was honestly confusing to see the numbers of people playing, and now this

price matching overwatch is just hilarious though

>inb4 Randy starts making shit up about how gets praise for this game every week like he did with Colonial Marines

Doesn't that count as price gouging, which is quite fucking illegal


T O R T A N I C 2


Because the gameplay is boring and the characters look like ass (pic related).

Monday Night Combat was way better as a FPS MOBA.


who is ghalt

>Paying $40 for a shitty Overwatch ripoff

Can't tell if serious or not

Friendly reminder that Gearbox actually employed this man

second reminder: No matter how shit your life is, alteast you're anthony burch

>bro-tier dev

You're fucking retarded, price gouging is RAISING the price when you know you can get away with it, mostly in circumstances where people have no other option (sole ISP in an area, a grocery store before a storm, etc)

Is this how cuck'd battleborn is ?

because combat is a clusterfuck of explosions and shitty effects which blind me from everything.

If I were to play might as well just play with the monitor off



Nice joke

>people up their own asses about inclusiveness
>make a black character with a tiny cranium, huge nose and lips



Stop comparing Battleborn to Overwatch. They're completely different games.

haven't play both battleborn or overwatch yet but I like battleborn nigga better, overwatch one is just to racist/stereo type(not even sure what it calls but I just hate it) for me.

>bro-tier dev
lol. Sorry, they decided to pander to a different audience. I'm not an SJW so instead of crying that I'm not the target audience I simply don't buy their games anymore.

The niggest nig to ever nig, also a sheriff.

Yeah, you thought it'd be witty to make a bait thread about a failing video game in hopes of encouraging the forced Overwatch vs Battleborn meme. Good on you, kid.

This board is fucking hopeless.

>stereo type

How many time you're gonna paste it ?

>dev touts that he is anti-white
>gloats about it
>people are shocked the game is shit

Shut up.

Anthony was a great writer that helped make Borderlands as successful as it was. Sadly, he no longer works at our company since he left to work on television shows.

>bro-tier dev

>a bro-tier dev
Does anyone else remember that time when Gearbox killed and raped a girl in 1993?

Why aren't you OP?

I watch a gameplay trailer and could not finish it. This game tries to hard to be funny with its gamer memes

Because Overwatch comes out in 2 days.

>alteast you're anthony burch

>where you have everything unlocked instead of in depth hardcore shooters where you need to unlock stuff and level up
Are you saying that CoD 4 is more hardcore than Rainbow Six 3, you little shit? Fuck you for thinking every goddamn game has to have some RPG element that locks the content of the game away.

Chill out
What's the name of the con where you sell something for a set price and then immediately lower the price, effectively duping anyone that bought in early

>you're anthony burch

cereal mascot inbound!

is that the nigger from gen zed?

>you're anthony burch
But Sup Forums proved they aren't on april 1st.


Since when did Sup Forums complain about memes?

>muh cultural appropriation

There really needs to be a second holocaust. Faggots like you should be gassed.

if only it came out 6 months sooner or later, maybe it would have been able to eek out a niche somewhere instead of dying on the vine

>people can't seem to accept that BOTH battleborn and Overwatch are shit


10/10 design vs something that looks like it was designed by Brianna Wu

what the freak?

>there are less people streaming battleborn than there are people replaying VODs of overwatch

Stillborn can't unJUST itself now.

The game price has dropped in general though. I saw the physical copy the other day for like 35 euro

Who was in charge of designing and ok'ing those awful character models for Battleborn?

Nice Soldier 76 ripoff.

What's wrong with Brianna Wu? She's an awesome dev!

So when will Oujo molest Galko and Ota-ko and abduct them?

What I'm trying to say is overwatch nigga is a try hard to be cool but battleborn one is more of down to earth guy with big guns.

I have doomed us, forgive me

Man, this is really amazing. What a disaster. And it couldn't happen to a more deserving dev.

this i expect it to be in the credits

Flying spaghetti monster, you people are idiots!

>Battleborn gets support from that...thing
Whew, there go the last lingering thoughts about checking this game out!

How could you go wrong with a promotional song like this

At least try to put some effort in your bait

>bro-tier dev

Where does this come from? Duke or Aliens? Gearbox isn't your friend. Are they going to give everyone who bought it on release two weeks ago a $20 refund?

I had hopes for this but I decided to wait to see how it performed, a price drop this early does not speak too well. So I guess that's why. Can someone change my mind? I like videogames.

>nepalese yak-hearding
how did we even get here

reeason enough not to buy it.

did "she" change "her" profile pic. he looks like an actual female in it. should of used this instead

Gearbox crashing and burning this hard with their abortion of a game proves that there is indeed justice in the world

>beaten by age of empires 2, a game that's at least 15 years old


>>all for $40 from a bro-tier dev
What about people who already paid $60? topkek how were they allowed to keep developing games after Counter Strike Condition Zero?

>completely sane

The characters are just so god damn shit. Not a single attractive female. Is like they wanted go with this ''strong not sexualied woman'' because they thought this was selling and completely fucked it up. I am happy is flopping to be honest.


What the fudge

I know there's a 99% chance that the shill in this thread is just b8ing, but there's a part of me that hopes it really is just a Gearbox shill trying his hardest.

for real, what did she do

the only charcater design I liked was the falcon guy.

But he had to be unlocked so I never got to play as him. played as the elf girl with the bow and arrows. she was aright.

she felt underpowered as fuck and I never felt like I was playing with other people as a team, just fighting random bots over and over again.
just wasn't fun for me. is this what mobas are about? a bot match?

kind of a shitty acronym since online battle arenas is every competitive multiplayer game

The fun part is that Overwatch is actually the remnants of Project Titan, an MMO that's been rumored since before BL2, as I recall. And it STILL looks better.

>mfw they fell for the $40 meme

It went on sale for $40 on the fucking Xbone only. This happens all the time for that console because the games sell like shit.
