Why does everyone hate Alchemy?
Why does everyone hate Alchemy?
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without alchemy there would be no real world science
esoteric orders brought science to us through alchemy
Of all the crafting systems out there, alchemy tends to be the most bullshit.
Science stems from philosophy. Chemistry stems from alchemy
The esoterics started philosophy too. In all cities of the ancient world were temples for public worship and offering. In every community also were philosophers and mystics, deeply versed in Nature's lore. These individuals were usually banded together, forming seclusive philosophic and religious schools. The more important of these groups were known as the Mysteries. Many of the great minds of antiquity were initiated into these secret fraternities by strange and mysterious rites, some of which were extremely cruel. Alexander Wilder defines the Mysteries as "Sacred dramas performed at stated periods. The most celebrated were those of Isis, Sabazius, Cybele, and Eleusis." After being admitted, the initiates were instructed in the secret wisdom which had been preserved for ages. Plato, an initiate of one of these sacred orders, was severely criticized because in his writings he revealed to the public many of the secret philosophic principles of the Mysteries.
watch at 3 50 of this video.
esoterics pretty much brought every school of thought to human kind
The idea of it is cool but it's the most inconvenient craft in just about any game
because its psuedo magic
in games at least
>grind for drops to make items that have a 3% chance to deal 5% damage
Gee i don't know why
Because it's only done well in games that focus on it
And because these aren't really popular it gets bad reputation
Alchemy is fine, it's potions which suck in most games.
Cause it's either done incorrectly or done poorly.
Because you can't bring back the dead
alchemy is not about bringing people back from dead
alchemy is about turning lead into gold and not real lead into gold but transforming our animalistic behaviors and destroying the unwanted desires of us destroying the ego and making us about virtue and helping each other out.
Esoterics might study what happens after death as well.
Esoterics are the study of what is not seen and how to bring them into reality to help mankind.
Here are some legit esoteric videos.
The fuck are you on about?
Alchemy isn't about hippy love bullshit.
It's proto-chemistry.
literally alchemy is the melding of your mind to get rid of animalistic behaviors
Much to his astonishment, C. G. Jung discovered that the ancient art of alchemy was describing, in symbolic language, the journey that all of us must take towards embodying our own intrinsic wholeness, what he called the process of “individuation.”
There is the process of lab work as well but there is this activity that most people do not talk about which is re birthing yourself.
The ancient art of alchemy was chiefly concerned with changing something of seemingly little value into something precious, of transforming lead into gold, thereby creating the “philosophers’ stone” (the “lapis philosophorum”). The “stone,” or “lapis,” is not a material substance, however, but is an awakened consciousness
Alchemy is generally the most booming profession, especially in MMOs where as stat boosting consumables they are a necessity.
/x/ is leaking, it's best to just pretend it's not there.
Is this why alchemy is associated with symbols? Or is this merely shit anime like full metal alchemist ripped from other culturally inspired magic?
It's actually bunch of things but chemistry was a big one
Reading about how they discovered stuff is pretty fun
The not fun part is finding books that talk about it and aren't boring shite
*it is bad to talk about secret sciences*
Alchemists were sponsored by lords to do their research and this was a time when a lot of people weren't very literate. But to keep the knowledge at the advantage of the liege that was paying your bills they wrote in code and symbols so people couldn't run off with the benefits of the research.
The problem is that for some unfathomable reason this dude is talking about original meaning that got scrapped after less than century
What's the deal with circular sigils and stuff?
Most of the entertainment does not understand that though only a few entertainment pieces understands it stands for a personal growth.
Other entertainment make people confused by just making it about potions without even explaining to individuals what alchemy is.
Both happened and both had a major impact within society I think alchemy is making a impact in modern society without us even knowing it.
The original meaning, in terms of what?
Alchemy came from the Islamic world, during the incredibly brief period where Muslims weren't shitty.
study the esoterics if you want to understand nature
or watch this.
>the esoterics still exist it is just that top leaders are part of the orders so alchemy is still being practiced in secret.
the whole world right now is going through an alchemical transformation with the destruction of religion and destroying what is bad from our current society.
I don't want to be that guy but,
Is this from Derpibooru/MLP?
I mean this is a nice thread, and I don't want to derail it, but be honest with me.
woah now, Ain't know way that they are "Destroying what is bad" from our current society.
All that they are destroying is national sovereignty, the family unit, and self sufficiency.
The Alchemical transformation is destroying everything good about our society.
No, shitboot, it's from Skyrim.
But I love alchemy.
because in 90% of games, it's
>Go collect 40 bling blongs and 28 zippidoos
>spend 15 minutes crafting
>get a potion of +0.042% chance to critical hit when health max that last for 8 picoseconds
why anyone would use alchemy in any game is beyond me
Did you use wheat with a Giant's toe to level up?
What is Alistair Crowley's deal?
All I know him for is a degenerate who took lots of Drugs.
But what is your opinion of him?
Skip ahead to the actual Alchemy making
To see what positive shit they are doing you gotta dig deep. to see what they are going to to do you gotta understand what they think.
This whole era is about making arabian and african as much freedom as western countries while touching up on asian countries.
watch this
and then think about the middle east
What is unfolding is for the first time in history women are not wearing burqas and their religious clothing just to spite isis and to piss them off thusly making them as free as western countries.
Whole militaries are being made for women for the first time in history for this whole thing.
He is just was an eccentric esoteric teacher who was rebellious and pushed himself to his absolute extreme.
There is still similar people who exist today but are not as well spoken as him.
I think it is kinda interesting though
He was channeling to supposedly aliens and then roswell happened and a few years later he passed away.
Now we have crazy ass technology. Crowley might have helped us more then we realize it.
What the fuck is going on in this thread?
Some dude that has read an book on alchemy and visited a few threads on /x/ thinking he's expert on the stuff
2 things
talking about how shit alchemy is in video games
and someone who is talking about real alchemy being practiced in secret and about weird shit i do not know about
Hey dudes I just want to find out all I can in this life why are you guys punishing me for wanting to know knowledge and bringing it to thread.