What type of character are you gonna make in Xenoverse 2? I think I'm gonna make a Buu.
What type of character are you gonna make in Xenoverse 2? I think I'm gonna make a Buu
Other urls found in this thread:
Your next line will be "So OP's a faggot thread?"
Something as close to Champa as possible.
>game allows you to make a waifu
>choose not to
shiggery diggery doo
The funny thing is, without you here, nobody would know the source. Nothing about the image itself is traceable back to that without prior knowledge of what to look for.
Regardless, thanks for the free bumps. We can have a good Xenoverse thread now.
i'll make a qt brown saiyan
Buu first always
I did that I fucking love her
Sorry, too busy talking about videogames to care.
I just did a google image search and it came up with MLP:FIM stuff.
Wow, so fucking hard. Jesus Christ. This shit is so easy to spot.
Go rape a neice you pony fucking faggot
why is there a sequel already
I heard nothing about xenoverse 1 last year just how shit was it and why should I want this
I fucking hate the fighting.
Why couldn't they just make a simple fighter instead of relying on the 3d bullshit flying system?
Seems like a good idea.
Im not going to make a character because that game is going so im not going to buy it. Despite the show being based and easily translatable into a good game, we havent had a good DBZ game since the PS2.
Gonna make my son since it's confirmed XV2 has a save import feature.
>Barneyfag's posts deleted
>Thread's still up
Looks like the winner is clear, isn't that right barneyfag?
I agree no Dragonball game has even come close to the enjoyment of the budokai and burst limit games
First I'll try to make Note, then I'll notice that her hairstyle is not in the game so then I'll just make a Saiyan as cute as possible.
She is too good for this world, user.
Android or no buy
See, right fucking there.
Fucking knew it this whole time.
Nah, OP's still a Barneyfag that needs to be executed for their shit.
It's an image of Goku.
It is not from MLP.
It has never been in MLP.
Kill yourself.
>Making anything but a Saiyan
Like I say, when they die, then we can all be free from degeneracy.
either a fridge (pic related if i get lazy) or an Aryan dude that looks like he belongs in an arcade beat 'em up as the main character.
It's still MLP bullshit regardless and OP is a Barneyfag.
I'm not a ponyfag. I made the thread just to see you squirm. Never seen an episode, and I found the image by going through the archives.
Dude, why are you obsessed about a fucking rule on Sup Forums? I dont get it...OP is on Topic, is just a gif of Goku and people are talking about the topic. So, who cares except you?
OP just wanted to shill Barneyshit, you know.
Shut up.