Yeah, sorry, nuDoom sucks and don't know why no one has mentions any of the following:
- no save games - HUD doesn't show how much ammo each weapon always has (important since ammo is sparse) - no coop in single player - multiplayer should be launched form Steam menu before starting game since game restarts when launching it in-game - menus annoying to navigate (mouse right-click should make you go back in menus instead of having to press Esc) - automap doesn't remember what angle/zoom it was turned to when last checked it - no text chat in lobby between matches - chaingun shots too loud - can't rebind map key
Im playing original doom right noe and I can day for a fact that D44m beats it in every way. >Can't look up or down >mazes everywhere >all weapons are shit except the shotgun
Jaxon Johnson
>That link
How retarded is this player?
This is bait, right?
Noah Howard
Please learn to spell.
Kevin Torres
I know its bait but im very bored >- no save games ????????? >- HUD doesn't show how much ammo each weapon always has (important since ammo is sparse) Except it fucking does >- no coop in single player Granted >- multiplayer should be launched form Steam menu before starting game since game restarts when launching it in-game Hardly a sale breaker, if anything a nitpick if you can't wait 5 seconds to play a lackluster MP >- menus annoying to navigate (mouse right-click should make you go back in menus instead of having to press Esc) Again nitpicking over something that has literally no affect on your enjoyment of the gameplay. >- automap doesn't remember what angle/zoom it was turned to when last checked it Granted >- no text chat in lobby between matches No one playes MP seriously enough to warrant this shit >- chaingun shots too loud >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >- can't rebind map key just ebin
Kayden Campbell
>please yes sir!
Isaiah Wood
How's this?
>bad level design >skyrim meme
Andrew Turner
maybe if you got anything more boyish, that's just girl with a bulge tier
Jason Jenkins
>mouse right-click should make you go back in menus instead of having to press Esc
What game does this? I can't think of a single time I have used right click to go back.
Landon Peterson
found this doujin the other day, thought it was some really strange & funky shit trigger warning: futa
Oliver Gray
>bad level design How so? The levels aren't as linear as 95% of other modern FPS's out right now and they have the right amount of verticality to them i feel.
>skyrim meme Hardly a gamebreaker there mate. Maybe formulate a good point next time
Owen Reyes
the fuck is that thing kill it
Xavier Harris
Now that's some bait that'll get people riled up. The skyrim meme is shitty though. The Keen one is solid.
Hunter Rodriguez
>easter egg >meme
Nolan King
It's truth. Otherwise prove it wrong.
Xavier Cooper
>skyrim meme
I forget which back-in-the-day FPS littered its stages with the brutalized corpses of other vidya protagonists. I don't see how this is different from that.
Carter Lewis
This is the bait thread.
Henry Davis
>arrow to the knee is not a meme >being this new
Camden Reed
are you joking or just deliberately ignoring the context of the easteregg to suit your argument?
Dylan Price
here are some other problems:
maps are 90% 'survive the wave of monsters', no intelligent placement, just watch em spawn in and have fun! :DDDDDD
most of the monsters look bland as hell
the checkpoint system is complete shit, would have been better with a manual save system
music is complete shit
Isaac Wilson
do you work at polygon by chance?
Jayden Peterson
The context is that your precious vidya hero is a goddamn pussy unable to survive Hell.
Cooper Davis
like dis?
Samuel Hernandez
These are nothing but nitpicks. I agree with you about co-op, though.
Jordan Ross
>too autistic/poor to get a mic
lol opinion discarded
Gavin Martin
Yes, the video lies, there is actual a way to save in the game. Yeah, fuck off. At least you can save in the original if you get lost and not load a checkpoint blindly.
>- no save games >????????? Proof of this generation, who accepts the dumb decisions of current games because they don't know how much better they could be. >Except it fucking does It fucking doesn't, where does it show all the weapon's ammo so that I know which gun to switch to? >just ebin whatever that is Thanks for acknowledging the other points though which is proof this isn't bait but how things actually are.
Nolan Wood
OP is butthurt he sucks at real FPS games. /thread
Caleb Clark
>no Savegame >nitpick I swear, I don't know how you play this game but have you not wanted to explore, go left instead of right without back tracking after finding nothing there. Die after making some dumb bad jump or die to second wave of monsters and now have to fight the first wave that you beat half an hour ago but then went off exploring and the game didn't auto-save because you didn't touch some invisible save spot?! How the fuck is that okay?!
Charles Jones
>maps are 90% 'survive the wave of monsters', no intelligent placement, just watch em spawn in and have fun! :DDDDDD The intelligent design comes in how demons are spawned; how they group together, rather than how they're placed. It works better than static placement given how key movement is to the game. There are one or two aspects of good placement (soldiers behind the shield possessed in a straight hallway) but none too impressive. >most of the monsters look bland as hell Most of them are just redesigns of classic DOOM enemies. >the checkpoint system is complete shit, would have been better with a manual save system I wouldn't have minded manual saves with autosaves; best of both worlds. At least challenges carry over between checkpoint reloads. >music is complete shit Yeah, what the fuck Mick? The E1M1 remix from the leaked trailer was worlds better than what we got.
Luke Adams
Nitpicking, the thread
Bentley Russell
>save games i assume now you are talking about manual saves whereas i first thought you was going on about the game having only 1 save slot ala dragons dogma. I'll give you that as exploring becomes a bit of a chore in some levels with the weird checkpoints.
>ammo count just hold q yeah, i know its a weapon wheel and not part of the main hud, but with the layout of the main hud, there isn't really anywhere to fit in all the ammo+gun icons/names without it looking cluttered to shit. Holding Q for a second or two is barely an inconvenience.
>just ebin The map thing is just a nitpick. Just press tab.
Ian Peterson
Q. Hold Q for a second to check without pausing, hold longer to pause time. It's in the fucking tutorial you cunt. Plus what's the problem? You literally never run out of ammo, even on the hardest difficulty, seeing as you only have four ammo types and chainsawing any 1 gas enemy will give you more than enough ammo for ALL your guns.
Angel Perry
Jace Cruz
It's not about being good, idiot. You're fucking retarded or just being contrarian. Enjoy your backtracking and discouraging of exploration because you literally have no idea when the game last auto-saved. Don't know how you can actually be okay with this.
Angel Long
Not him, but >Proof of this generation, who accepts the dumb decisions of current games because they don't know how much better they could be. You have a valid point about savegames. >It fucking doesn't, where does it show all the weapon's ammo so that I know which gun to switch to? Check the weapon wheel if you really need to know how much ammo every weapon has, faggot, no need to clutter up the HUD. >Thanks for acknowledging the other points though which is proof this isn't bait but how things actually are. You're the only one baiting here with le ebin tired vintage gamurr routine.
Juan Cooper
>savescumming is now something to be entitled to instead of something to abhor
Dominic Campbell
>no save games Good >HUD doesn't show how much ammo each weapon always has (important since ammo is sparse) Who cares - no coop Who cares? in single player >multiplayer should be launched form Steam menu before starting game since game restarts when launching it in-game LOL > menus annoying to navigate (mouse right-click should make you go back in menus instead of having to press Esc) You're just retarded. >automap doesn't remember what angle/zoom it was turned to when last checked it Who cares? >no text chat in lobby between matches Who cares? >chaingun shots too loud Who cares? >can't rebind map key Who cares?
Hunter James
t. meme expert
William Green
Don't worry Jamal, BF1 is coming out soon, it will have plenty of game saves to please casual plebs like you.
Dominic Gonzalez
>At least challenges carry over between checkpoint reloads. This is what screws me up on how the saves work. It's like some aspects are saved, some aren't. You pickup a chainsaw but die, but after loading, you magically already have the chainsaw that you technically haven't even found yet?! The fuck kind of save system even is this?!
Jason Clark
The chaingun and the plasma gun are great in the original Doom, though. Also, the levels aren't that hard to navigate. The map makes it easy
Nathan Young
there's no map in the original doom
Gabriel Lopez
>I'm retarded
Are you "I don't know about Q or chainsawing enemies giving ammo" guy? Cos that would make sense.
Joseph Watson
Gabriel Wood
>no auto saves so you can safely explore >safely
PCucks confirmed afraid of videogames
Robert Evans
James Fisher
I JUST pressed q, welp.
Connor Hall
Jason Myers
How was I supposed to know? the tutorial didn't explain that
Jose Nguyen
>Enjoy your backtracking
D44M doesn't usually let you though :^) I'm serious, I was rused so fucking hard after like the first level I realised you can backtrack 100% of the level to get all the secrets in one playthrough, like original Doom. And then almost EVERY level after that there are one-way doors/vents/drops etc, so good luck if you missed something.
Unless you're a dumbass who invested chips into the fucking secret detecting shit instead of stuff like immunity to explosive barrels.
Charles Jackson
>no need to clutter up the HUD Exactly, that's why the game lets you turn it off if you don't like it. Original Doom has a constant ammo list on screen which they could make turn off-able. Stop refusing features just because you don't use them, especially when they're such a minor thing that would cause you no inconvenience.
Because savescuming is such a great evil that we must refuse the right to save at any time because some people may abuse it. Fuck off.
Yeah, saves in a BF game, okay there.
Elijah Walker
Since there were no tutorials back in the day, the manual and looking up the options screen.
Matthew Roberts
>tutorials Just look at what all the buttons/keys do in the options, sheesh
Juan King
hurr hurr hurrrrrrrrrr
Xavier Gomez
>And then almost EVERY level after that there are one-way doors/vents/drops etc I've beaten the first hell level so far, and the only level that does that is the Argent Tower
Noah Watson
By playing the fucking game.
Jeremiah King
>Unless you're a dumbass who invested chips into the fucking secret detecting shit instead of stuff like immunity to explosive barrels. Well, I wouldn't call it a dumb decision seeing as how helpful secrets are and how easily-avoidable explosive barrels are. Hell, environment damage is practically nonexistent. More secrets = more weapons/mods/chips/everything. I'm glad there's still a challenge to finding them, though, even if you know where they are. At least in later levels.
William Howard
Brutal Doom doesn't have an ammo counter, and increasing the screen size by 1 in original doom removed it as well. Because here's the thing, you never actually needed to know even in original doom because you always have plenty. You can blow all your rockets if you feel like and then go on shotty, or the reverse. The thing is in original doom you used guns for the right enemies/situations, and always will have enough ammo for it.
In D44M they all do relatively the same damage except the plasma rifle and rifle (without max scope upgrade) and match all of the conditions because enemies are bullet spongy or never a real threat (except Nightmare where even an imp fireball takes off half your health, getting punted by a Pinky takes over 90+ health damage, etc) because artificial difficulty is hardcore, unlike original Doom.
Even the SSG reloads a hell of a lot faster than original and is more overpowered for it to the point combat shotgun is worthless.
Christopher Long
>By playing the fucking game
Im on E3 M2. I clearly am you fucking idiot
Gabriel Ortiz
>no save games >Good How is it good that you can't explore the map, that you don't know when or where your last save was? >weapon always has (important since ammo is sparse) >Who cares People who are annoyed when they switch to a gun by number pressing and find it has no ammo. >- no coop >Who cares? People who enjoy coop in other such games as well as there being no reason for there not to be coop. >multiplayer should be launched form Steam menu before starting game since game restarts when launching it in-game >LOL How is that funny? > menus annoying to navigate (mouse right-click should make you go back in menus instead of having to press Esc) >You're just retarded. No I'm not, I just want to limit minor annoyances. >automap doesn't remember what angle/zoom it was turned to when last checked it >Who cares? People who are annoyed that you can't see map while moving, so when checking map, trying to see under some 3D areas by always rotating map every time is annoying. >no text chat in lobby between matches >Who cares? People who don't want to use a mic or don't have one, why is there text chat in the match but not out of it? >chaingun shots too loud >Who cares? People who are annoyed that it's louder than everything else in the game. >can't rebind map key >Who cares? People who want to use another key.
Fuck, I swear, I hate fuckers like this! If they're alright with something then others wanting a change must be idiots, right?
Brody Morris
Yeah, on "I'm Too Young To Die"
Cooper Murphy
>nu- Stop this.
Justin Parker
I like the grenade launcher function of the combat shotgun, so I still use it a lot
Isaac Hill
To be fair the SSG invalidated the OG shotgun due to the average ranges of fighting and doing more than double damage than the regular shotgun. And if you wanted to go longrange, you could just chaingun tapfire with your bullets you never use.
Charles Williams
Nope. on hard mode.
Gavin Parker
Argent Facility (Destroyed) did it with a big drop off after the starting area, and I realised I had to replay the level to get the classic level secret.
Most of the Hell levels are guilty of this as well, with fucking gates closing for no reason.
Remember in original doom when you could open EVERY door and the only ones you couldn't were decorative or key doors? WELL FUCK THAT NONSENSE, KEYS ARE JUST QUEST MARKERS NOW.
Nolan Wood
>Even the SSG reloads a hell of a lot faster than original and is more overpowered for it to the point combat shotgun is worthless. It's good for a couple circumstances, like setting up glory kills for Imps/Possessed Soldiers, splash damage from explosive shots, and you can even stunlock pinkies with the triple burst which is otherwise useless.
Alexander Brooks
Saverscummers are a fucking cancer. If you didn't beat Doom at ultra violence, using only the saves at the beginning of each stage, you didn't actually beat the game
Caleb Rogers
Enjoy falling off ledges then having to fight some wave of monsters again because you wanted to check what was under some ridge and couldn't save before-hand.
Ethan Scott
>brutal doom don't be a nigger
John Taylor
>don't know why no one has mentions any of the following Because literally all of this are nitpicks that have nearly no impact on the core experience.
Brayden Clark
>hard mode :^)
Landon Garcia
Brutal Doom is obviously the actual spiritual predecessor of D44M though, since they essentially just took arena based WADs and BD. Otherwise you'd have no rewards for glory kills except +1 health.
Brayden Baker
The one before the hardest mode.
Cooper Taylor
the hud should look like this
Camden Turner
Of course you are.
Nicholas Davis
Call the game Doom 4 then! When will companies stop this reusing old names crap?!
Levi Bailey
>the hud should be le retro because that's what I grew up with :DDDDDD
Julian Martin
The only one I can agree with is save game I don't give a fuck about other shit
Kevin Russell
Pls no bully
Jacob Cook
Holy shit you can play the new doom game in 4:3 without letterboxing?
Cameron Hall
Why don't you just remember how much ammo you have? There's a lot of ammo scattered throughout the game, so I don't know why anyone would be thinking about it much.
>No I'm not, I just want to limit minor annoyances.
If you're willing to admit that they are minor annoyances, then why are you acting majorly annoyed by them?
Jack Cooper
well it should and show you character but not exactly the same as the pic
Matthew Brooks
Honestly don't know why they didn't make that an option as a means of fan serivce as an optional HUD design just for fun if it's too much for some people.
Ayden Wood
Well, you can chose 5:4 in the Video menu.
Christopher Davis
I honestly don know why they didn't keep the visor look from the first few second you put on your helmet
Connor Jenkins
>hard mode Nightmare or Ultra-Violence?
Leo Torres
Because I like the game but I want it to be better and there's no reason why these things were excluded when most of them where in a game made decades ago.
Anthony Howard
There's also the fact that the weapon wheel does show how much ammo you have for each gun.
John Hernandez
Ultra-violence is perfectly acceptable.
Austin Wright
Only thing I'd like is to be able to do is remap the weapon keys to match old Doom. I want to put both shotguns b to 3, both machine guns to 4, and plasma to 6. Haven't even used the rail gun.
Christopher Rivera
>legit complaint >nitpick and more nitpick >chaingun shots too loud >not even a nitpick just outright whining >map key mapped properly by default