>le strong empowered woman who can somehow beat 2 trained men in a fight
Seriously, when is this fucking meme going to die? Why is Naughty Dog giving in to all the nu-males?
Drake alone should've knocked her out in the first encounter
>le strong empowered woman who can somehow beat 2 trained men in a fight
Seriously, when is this fucking meme going to die? Why is Naughty Dog giving in to all the nu-males?
Drake alone should've knocked her out in the first encounter
>Can't have one black woman fighting efficiently
ohhh the penis is shrinking in here!
Is this supposed to make white guys attracted to nigger women?
Drake has been out of it for years, there was no way he could even touch her.
And he didn't.
Nadine was entirely fine. Uncharted 4 has enough legitimate reasons to shitpost about, but she's not one of them.
Can you stop using the same damn image every thread? She's pretty cute with the beanie on in multiplayer. Also laura bailey is my waifu
How can white men even compete?
It's irrelevant how out of it he is, it's completely unrealistic for her to beat him so effortlessly. Shit like this shatters your suspension of disbelief, as well as be another example of pandering to SJWs
The strong woman who beats the shit out of men trope has been around for decades.
It has nothing to do with SJWs or nu-males.
>Drake has been out of it for years
still doing insane stunts and killing 100s of doods in this game
nadine is liberal power fantasy shit showing up the main villain of the story and leaving him and everyone else to die while spouting wisdom about treasure at the climax of the story
Happily reporting every thread about this because its the weakest shitpost bait in the universe.
Even the James Bond series, which is the opposite of nu-male pandering, had a few.
nah go ahead, start shit with a sassy black woman who don't need no man, and see how it goes.
>implying I've even played or have any intention to play anything from the uncharted series and know what actually happens here
you should be ashamed of your taste, if you play (watch) this garbage.
>she'll never crush the life out of you
Oh please, I never fought in my life and I'm pretty sure I can wreck Honda Rousey's ass
There's no way a female can beat a male in a fight, period And when I say male I say male not this numale bullshit
>SJWs are ruining muh vidya!
Accept it, this trope has been around for centuries now.
This is basically porn tho
They always wind up dying in the end though. Nadine in UC4 literally saves Drake's life at the end of the fucking game.
the drake brothers, while physically gifted, were still pretty fucking 'lazy' in terms of like everything else, nathan was always more about guns, not melee crap
the bullshit mostly comes on her winning a 2 on 1 fight, that's just super sloppy, but i guess since she dealt with more 1 on 1 it could work, but.. still...
the real 'bullshit' moment was when she takes like a flying superman punch right in the face from nathan who jumps from several feet above her, and then is totally fine right after
that part literally made no sense at all, that should've like broken her face and his hand
this, there where a shitload of stuf in the game that made it obvious that nadine was a pure evil person.
She kills without mercy, supports genocidal dictators, etc...
And she is the person at the end of the game with the moral high ground, really?
she should have died like the rest of her thug army, and by drake, in a fistfight.
She doesn't exactly fling him around like a ragdoll though
In the bath scene she's only really able to choke him, he is perfectly able to move around with her on him, easily managing to use his strength to put her ass on the hot fire plate thing
I don't remember the other scene in your pic, but she's hardly much above usual female strength
>It's okay for an out of shape guy to kill 100 dudes
>But someone else putting up a fight is too out there
You're just looking for reasons to hate her.
Fucking yetis in Uncharted 3.
I can't believe Naughty Dog could be such cucks that pander to the nu-Yetis.
>and I'm pretty sure I can wreck Honda Rousey's ass
You are unbelievable
People are so fucking paranoid about SJWs/numales/pol/whatever the fuck your 'enemy' is that they believe everything has been made by them/for them/to pander to them.
Why can't people just enjoy a fucking game and suspend their disbelief for a few hours?
This is the epitome of hypocrisy.
Under one breathe you said Its okay for one person to somehow kill hundreds of people and make impossible jumps but you cant suspend your disbelief that one female villain can beat you in a fight or two.
This is a fucking video game, not real life. In the real world Nathan Drake would be dead.
why is this a weird meme now? or is it just one weird obsessive dude making the same thread over and over?
I'm more mad at how she got 0 comeuppance at the end and just left everyone to die.
Still would though.
Holy fuck, you people are beyond obnoxious at this point, stop being so fucking insecure all the goddamn time.
>drakes killed thousands of people
>gets his ass kicked by afroditey
But she lays into him like a maniac and he walks it off.
i don't think you understand how big these African women can get. Almost 6 foot 2 with thunder thighs.
Nah what Drake does is bullshit but he's the protagonist and the player is controlling him as he does his bullshit. And despite that, Nadine legitimately shits all over Drake even when Drake had his brother help him fight.
>Neil Druckmann, GDC's creative director, presented Sarkeesian with the award, saying it was a moment that was long overdue and that by her work incorporating women's identity and views into the gaming world, it would become more inclusive and less divisive and angering for the female population.
>He said that the Ambassador Award aims to honor someone who "has helped the game industry advance to a better place." Few respected gaming experts would disagree that a feminist critique of the often-misogynistic portrayals of women in video games is not needed. Druckmann argued that because of Sarkeesian's efforts, the gaming world is beginning to change.
Yep nothing fishy about Nadine's character.
user that sentence made us all realize you want to get fucked by a futa. Please be more subtle.
I've never fought in my life
Then you'd lose against a 15yo girl if she's good at boxing. Trust me, if you've never fought then your hands are always in the wrong place and all the zones where it hurts to be hit are exposed.
That said, the whole premise of uncharted where the protagonist just swings and runs through bullets is ridiculous. I don't know what you autists wanna argue about if some negro woman gets a piece if plot armor
You can fuck off with them
if you play the games you'll learn drake isnt really good in a fight, hes flexible and can escape a hold but hes not super strong most of his skill points went into luck and grip. it makes perfect sense to me that arm muscles mctitties can kick my ass, when theres not even a decent parry button, my only options are to back up, try and time a o press, or just fucking hit square with no finesse or nothing.
>this thread again
>Still not a thread about The Warriors.
I like how she just adios amigos at the end.. Thanks naughty dog!
You couldn't do a better job in edit?
>15yo girl
Nah, the weight difference is too high. Some random adult user could bash her head if he landed a hit.
This meme will die when you stop giving it attention.
Are you contracted to make a certain number of threads or do you just make one a day for a certain amount of time.
I'm 6' 210lbs, I really don't think a female can hurt me even if she's well trained
I mean, I've seen that Fedor VS sumo wrestler fight and I know technique will eventually beat size, but I'm not that slow and females are definitely not Fedor.
At least he's generating content
What have you done recently to increase Sup Forums's meme rate?
>when is this fucking meme going to die?
Women and SJW are controlling the video-game industry now
Get over it
He wasn't trying, but you wouldn't know that because you have played the game shtiposter-kun.
When he does get 'serious' he fucking elbows her through a goddamn skyscraper like he's a fucking Dragonball character, and immediately following that Sam nearly blows her fucking brains out. So yeah she's a real winner.
The meme will die when you stop fucking posting about shit that you have no idea about, but we all know that will never happen.
Why don't you go test it out user? report back!
Made this into a .gif
You're not allowed to be rude to people anymore.
>it's completely unrealistic for her to beat him so effortlessly
If we're gonna throw out the realism argument then Drake should have atleast been crippled 2 games ago.
You honestly dont pop a boner with that? Are you gay?
>I really don't think a female can hurt me even if she's well trained
Yeah user, even if she punched you right in the face, you'd totally tank that shot!
>Nadine is a professionally trained, experienced and ruthless military leader who has and continues to physically endure hardships and combat with every new contract
>Drake is an untrained though experienced fighter and treasure hunter who hasn't been on an adventure let alone seen any combat in three years
>Sup Forums and reddit's virgin collective micropenis shrivels at the notion a f-female could beat NATHAN DRAKE SUPER BRO in a fist fight because SJWs treehouse jews gamergate gaming is dead and it's unrealistic in a series that is already full retard when it comes to realism
Yeah but I like Grace Jones though
>confirmed for not playing the game
If it were pandering to SJWs Nadine wouldn't be a complete failure at her job.
Huh? How so? By shutting the hatch of a burning pirate ship?
How could you spend hours shit posting?
Except that her army and integrity are now in total shambles. Yes, she walks away with a nice crate of gold, but would you want to hire the failure of a PMC that couldn't be TWO fucking guys? No. No you wouldn't.
That award was also given out before she was outed as an absolute charlatan as well.
Before you accuse ND for being nu-males you should play the game first
-Nadine has to work with a with white dude because she in a financial trouble due to failed coup
-Got hostage by Sam and humiliated in front of her men
-Her men abandoned her and later betrayed her.
-She doesn't have loyal men that would die for her cause, Marlowe does
-Made SJW a bit butthurt when ND cast a white person to be her VA
-Made Anita butthurt because Elena only joined in later chapters
Ronda Rousey got destroyed by a real boxer. She fought nothing but soccer moms in their spare time and it fucking went to her head.
She has no real training and is nothing more than a Jewish plant to get more attention to women fighters.
I've been sucker punched by a fully grown nigger and not actually lost consciousness and I'm not even particularly strong. The hole being knocked out with one blow to the head is a fucking hollywood meme.
HAVE NOT played the game shitposter-kun. Typos what are you gonna do? Nadine is clever. She attacks Nate and Sam while they are at their weakest and she still loses to them. In Scotland they fool her into having the hole level fall apart on her. Nate gives her an elbow that would kill them both if this were reality, but it isn't reality. Fuck the lactic acid would build up in Nate and Sam so fucking fast. The games would take a thousand hours to complete because of all the rest they would need and would probably still end with them being fucking dead. That isn't even counting all the bodily injuries Nathan has walked off. Including EVERYTHING that Nadine did. She's nothing to him.
Do you think you could take her?
What I like about these threads is that any kind of productive discussion is marred by bullshit on both sides
Here are two things we know
1) Drake is an unrealistic protag in the vein of John McClaine. He shouldn't survive all his crazy adventures but he does, despite the fact being a one man army is not an explicit trait of his character ala a Rambo
2) Women beating up men effortlessly is a meme. Shit does not happen in real 9/10 times a man will destroy a woman in a fight. Action chick is a fantasy, for both male and females.
So you've got two unrealistic tropes playing out so the question is does Drake getting beat up by this chick become detrimental to Drake's character or the story?
No it does not
Is this chick beating up Drake detrimental to her character
So as we see the story does not suffer so OP is a faggot
However there are cases where the "action chick" meme is detrimental with its flagrant pandering to gurl power and submissive men, so it should be called out in these cases.
I mean is she a trained fighter?
Im much bigger then her but only basic boxing technique
If she knew some sick ass mma shit shed prob whoop me though
I'm more pissed that she provided literally nothing to the story and just goes "lel, see you fuckbois later" and then nothing happens to her, whatsoever.
>the only way to keep Uncharted 4 relevant is to turn 2/3 of all Uncharted threads into race/sex bait Sup Forums threads
At least the dark souls threads are decent.
Could you imagine the shit fit people would throw if Drake beat the shit out of her
You must have been hit by a weakling. I'll give you one swift counter punch on the 'button' and you'll fold like cheap lawn furniture. A technical boxer at light weight doesn't even have to be strong to knock out a novice of larger size.
I'm the only person that has ever knocked me out. I've been in many fights and been punched multiple times in the head. Most people walked away with broken hands, because they don't understand where to hit someone on the head. If you protect your chin and are reasonably tough you won't be knocked out, unless you take a strong hook to the temple.
>t. virgin
>I'll give you one swift counter punch on the 'button' and you'll fold like cheap lawn furniture. A technical boxer at light weight doesn't even have to be strong to knock out a novice of larger size.
Because we all know the average nigger is a trained boxer who knows just where to hit someone to knock them out and can also reliably hit this mark every time, right?
Doesn't a lifetime of beating the shit out of people count as informal training?
>Drake getting beat up by this chick become detrimental to Drake's character or the story?
yes, yes it is, because it makes no sense
Thanks. Forgot to add that. I've been in a bunch of fights, and would lend a bit of understanding. If anything people should be pissed off at the prison scenes in the game. Half of those punches would fucking kill some one. Most real world non professional fights end after a few blows.
This thread is stupid, and has been the eight million times it has been put up. It's always cherry picking, and anytime any evidence is posted that proves that Nathan Drake is better than her, it is summarily ignored because it doesn't fit the narrative.
>no superior queen negro pussy gf
If you are sucker punching someone you better be aiming for the throat, nose, or button. Button if you want to knock them out. Nose if you want to make their eyes water and do more damage elsewhere. Throat if you want to collapse their trachea and kill them. It doesn't take much. No matter how much we try to train ourselves we have weaknesses that cannot be overcome. A solid elbow to the wind pipe or nose ends a fight pretty fucking fast.
>You must have been hit by a weakling
Or a girl
>Nate and Sam
They literally swing like retards, they're thieves. Nate's only good at shooting now because of three prior games, which Sam comments on his shooting in 4.
user, It doesn't even loop
>make these threads every day
>subvert the contrarian nature of Sup Forums so they end up supporting strong women in games just to spite you
>get paid minimum wage by Gawker
Easy way to settle this, I am coming in on this as an outside party so in order for me to try and rationalize this answer these three questions.
1: How many present day action sequences are there before each of the encounters with Nadine?
2: What exactly do they say about her "training" she had or is this just speculation?
3: I've heard people bitch about her living so explain what exactly happened?
Op why am I supposed to be triggered by this? I mean I am a liberal and it doesn't offend me
I suck at it
>name stuido naughty dog
>be beta sjw cucks
I liked her because I've had wild, uncontrollable jungle fever for years
I just didn't even give a shit about the obvious reasons she was created for, I just enjoyed watching her lips move when she spoke
She's pretty built for a chick and she's a highly trained merc. Meanwhile Sam and Nate are literally just average dudes that are inhumanly good at free climbing. Would you get upset if Roussey belted some average joe on the street?
while holly is a real boxer she did KO rousey with a kick:)
More like Rhonda belting Bear Grylls
>Military trained leader of a mercenary group vs middle aged man that stopped doing indiana jones shit for ten years
More like Ronda belting Patrick Cote.
You aren't going to be able to settle this, but I'll try to give you answers.
As to point one, what constitutes an 'action' sequence? Climbing? Rope swinging? Or only enemy fight encounters?
Point two. Nadine is the head of a paramilitary organization. It is the assumption that you don't mess around with her. We get most of our info about her from Sully. He says that he had a run in with their organization and barely survived. He warns Nate to stay frosty. That's pretty much all we get as to who she is. Her organization is also fairly weak after getting involved in civil wars and stretching it too thin.
Point three. Nadine is double crossed by Rafe in the end. She just wants to take the remnants of her men and leave. She finished the job that she was hired for. One of her men promptly puts a gun in her face and Rafe makes her go to the ship. Nadine gets away while leaving Sam, Nate, and Rafe to fight it out. She doesn't give a shit about any of them or the fucking treasure at that point. She just wants to leave, and she does. That's it.
This isn't a problem that logic will solve. It will just crop up again later with the same fucking image. I swear it is the new 'Joel did nothing wrong'.
Except for the fact that SJWs lost their collective mind when they found out Nadine was Laura Bailey. Watch the panel interview with Greg Miller. Druckmann shuts that shit down really quick. The casting call they sent out was for an actress that is South African or can do a South African accent. Laura Bailey blew them all out, including actual South Americans. At the time Nadine didn't have a character design. She wasn't the Nadine that we have now until well after Laura Bailey was hired.
>actual South Americans
South Africans. Shouldn't try to type while drunk.
Never seen whatever movie this is.
Something about the way she stands and walks makes me think she can't throw a good punch. Seems like I have the advantage.
Why are conservatives such whiny cunts? Always going in about libtards whining about stupid shit then they turn around and whine while making up conspiracy theories
He literally has seen more combat then Solid Snake at this point lol
With action I was referring to things set in present day there Drake is fighting enemies, bonus if during that fight there is a QTE where he is being restrained by one of them and has to fight them off.
As for the mercenary thing you don't need to be trained to be good, create, operate and be successful in one, so her having training is something that is assumed not fact.
Also judging by the double cross thing, it wouldn't surprise me if they try to make her the protagonist in a new Uncharted series or something. That is also just speculation on my part.
Solid Snake, if you play the games correctly, should've seen barely any combat compared to Nate. This is doscounting his military career before Metal Gear.
>play the games correctly
I hope you're not one of those tranq gun casual faggots user.
I fucking kill every single person in every metal gear game, it's the only way to make the gameplay interesting.
She will NEVER be a protagonist. If they ever make another Uncharted game highly doubtful, considering how the characters are all tied up perfectly at the end she won't be in it or even mentioned.
You'll have to actually play the game to get the full understanding of why she would never be a protagonist in a new story. At the end of the game she is done. Her arc is totally complete. It'd be like taking Eddy Raja and giving him a game.
Lol, his missions are black ops, you're not supposed to kill anyone but the designated targets, like a ghost. It's like Sam in Splinter Cell.
>Fisher kills a guard
Idk I liked Nadine, then again I always liked bla k girls so...