ITT characters who did nothing wrong
ITT characters who did nothing wrong
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She did everything wrong but it's ok since she's cute.
Name one thing she didnt do wrong.
She decided not to wear a tampon which might hinder her in a survival situation.
I sure hope you guys don't think reimu did anything wrong
She di everything wrong.
damn extremists
Fuck off Metzen.
Name one thing Thrall did wrong.
He can't be responsible for every green swinging dick.
Hmm Garrosh maybe
Literally ruined the game.
>cute chink girls did nothing wrong because my penis said so
Why even bother posting? Just fap to them without pretending that you care about them beyond being cute anime schoolgrils.
Why would I fap to worst girl?
>Ayumi defeats the ancient evil by trapping it inside her body
>side effect is everyone forgets about her except Yoshiki who stood by her side in the end as she slowly turns braindead
Ayumi got exactly what she deserved
Fuck, Corpse Party is such a shit game. Since the thread is dead anyway I don't care about angering the weebs.
I enjoyed the first 2 a lot (Blood Drive is disappointing though). What did you dislike about it?
I disliked the generic anime characters. For a long time now I hate how anime handles characters who lost or begin to lose their mind. It's so overplayed and retarded and the game is full of those moments. I hate RPGmaker stuff and Corpse Party looks like it was made in RPGmaker. I hate how I needed to go to work and saved at some point only to come back and see that I was stuck right before a scene where immediate death awaited me because I went the wrong way before this part and the game didn't bother to just checkpoint right before fucking you up.
Broshiki didn't, though.
Poor guy.
Was he an asshole, yes. Did he deserve to be gender swapped and stripped of all the abilities he worked years to master with no chance of turning back, no.
Sounds to me like you're bad at game. Maybe consider sewing as your hobby instead.
Radovid the Radical just wanted to make the North great again.
As if sewing doesn't take more skill than video games.
being gay is wrong
The only thing he did wrong was get cucked forbthe water adapt position by pier
I don't blame him for killing his entire army made out of loyal soldiers that all came out to save his ass but I blame him for getting emotional like a little faggot and fucking the princess because of it.
Fucker did everything wrong
the virginity of this post
He SAID nothing wrong.
Do I have to say it?
What did he do wrong, then?
Literally this
Nothing wrong, he basically had humanity's best interests, but said they were his.
That's like saying if I drop someone off on a random street in Detroit, I'm a murderer.
Well he atleast attempted rape if nothing else. Which I would consider a wrong thing to do.
Sigma too, obviously.
Hopeman did no wrong.
She did some things wrong. But a lot of it was due to being misled and ultra-susceptible to ghost possessions and shit.
Naho did everything wrong.
except for get best girl killed
This dumbass did absolutely everything wrong, Snafu's a fucking retard and you should deal with it.
She is the game.
If you don't feel sorry for Naomi (especially in the intro for BOS) you have no soul.
Literally did nothing wrong. And no, that thing she did wasn't her fault and you know it.
she drove her friend to an early grave