Genkai Tokki: Seven Pirates

Why no one is talking about this awesome game?

i'll wait for the asian release with duwang-tier english

>compile heart
lol how bout no

This one is good, user.

Cause there's no subs confirmed for the Asian version yet.

Any of the Genkai Tokki games were localized in the West? I found this trailer and loved it.

That's what you fags say every time.

We're not responsible for your taste in games.

says the poof getting hyped for a compile heart """"""""""game""""""""""

Says the tool that knows nothing about me
Go on. Keep telling me stuff about myself. You're 0/2 so far.

It's a fucking pirate loli/monstergirl JRPG game, it's impossible to be bad.


Lol no

The previous games were dungeon crawlers called moe crystal and chronicle both were translated to English for Asian releases. So no official localizations but you can import.

>another vita game for anime perverts
And the sky is fucking blue, why should we be surprised?

Sup Forums hates it since it will never be released in the west which means there will NEVER EVER be a PC version. Otherwise they would all be circle jerking over it

>Compile Heart

Not even when they cater to my fetishes. I wouldn't even buy their games with my dick.

I missed the old Compile

>traditional turn based combat
>overworld exploration
>3D breast fondling

Mein kock

More like Cumpile Fart

>moe crystal
I heard of an planned on buying chronicles, but I have never heard of crystal. Am I supposed to play it before? It's so expensive on play-asia, it's almost 3x times chronicles.

>complaining about weeb games on a handheld

What the fuck were you expecting?


>"This just looks like Neptunia with a breast rubbing mini-game. Who is this by?"
>Compile Heart
Well, that figures. They are really liking this rubbing mechanic that they introduced with Monster Monpiece.

looks good but
>compile heart
i'll pass

Compile heart games are all good on paper, that's the reason they sell so well even though they are shit.

Crysta is the sequel to Chronicle

you're a pussyhole, boom 3/3 correct
People said the same about shit like senran kagura and demon gaze