Would a 3D GTA game set in London work?
Would a 3D GTA game set in London work?
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Yes. I want it so bad
Besides, GTA is basically a parody of American culture so it's pretty much stuck there now.
Definitely not modern london. Too much gun control, too much chance of offending minorities.
Also since Leslie Benzies got cucked out of Rockstar, the company is probably never going to be the same.
Why is England so pathetic?
This is the best you're gonna get famos.
>live in a forest area
>lliterally have sticks everywhere
Sleeping Dogs worked well despite how rare guns are in Chinaland, so I don't see why not. They'd just need to put some effort into melee combat.
Would love to see it, there's a lot of fucking sub cultures they could use as different factions 'n' shit. Doubt'd work though
i wouldn't take any risks in today's london
Yes. Not in the blatant in-you-face american cultural critique the later games have but in a bit of a drier humor organized crime atmosphere in the vein of Lock Stock, Snatch, RocknRolla, the Bank Job and Layer Cake.
yeah it would work
no rockstar would never do it
>take the tube home to my government provided flat
>TV license van is parked in front
>oh shit, you forgot to make your quarterly payment
>start to run away
>CCTV camera picks you up
>instant 5 stars
>unarmed coppers on bicycles begin chasing you
>able to make it to your mosque, so cops break off the chase rather than anger local Sharia Council
Just think: Snatch/Lock stock and two smoking barrels: the video game. Shit would be cash.
>GTA Clacton
>Literally everyone is a criminal
Hot Fuzz was one of the worst movies I've ever seen
Makes wonder what kind of environment they live in that sticks are distinct enough to be considered weapons.
The animation in that gif looks disgusting [/spoiler
>strict gun control makes a country pathetic
So what is there an international dick showing competition? They're pathetic for not having more severe murders?
>That feel when you failed your TV license 5 times in a row but still own a TV
I think the coppers have been following me for days now. Wont be long until I get nicked.
>more severe murders
Sorry mate, cant remember the last time someone was beheaded in the middle of the street by some angry muslims in the USA.
>Tv licence man comes round
>"Do you have a tv?"
>"can I come in and look?"
>"okay bye"
see him again in another year
Don't take the views of some autistic American from Sup Forums seriously. Hell, don't take the views of anyone on Sup Forums seriously
But you have annual school shootings brah
But i do remember when someone shot up a school in America.
you're right, they massacred people with guns instead
Do police there really have so little to do they pick up trash and say they found a weapon?
GTA: North Weezy
follows the beef between CR and south kilburn
involves throwing fireworks at mans yard then the final boss pulls out a skeng
School shootings on the other hand happen every month
Sorry mate, can't remember the last time innocent schoolchildren were shot in a hail of tears and blood in England.
pretty sure that happens in Europe too
Brussels was the last even i can think of, and even then that wasn't guns, that was explosives snuk onto to a train, also equating a continent that contains one of the largest countries on earth to America is a bit unfair.
not in the uk
mainland europe is fullagunz
I hate to ruin your guys fun, but they do at least carry tasers, and will bring firearms in the event of grave danger.
The difference is that our cops know how to deescalate scenarios and restrain people correctly, so our "killed by cops" numbers are single digits.
We had armed police around here once. Was a bunch of fucking Polish cunts with a fake gun trying to rob someones house. Armed police were swarming the area in like 5 minutes.
I think that is the first time in my life I've ever seen a real gun.
But our coppers don't bang bang the evil criminals in the head and make their brains go boom.
Shit police force, to be honest family.
You have a shit memory, burgerbrain
Also, nice job having a homicide rate nearly four times ours
I don't remember the last time one of our reporters was shot live on air along with their camera man either.
Benzies the kike who came up with GTAO so good fucking riddance.
He left the company because he didnt get enough money for coming up with it. Fuck him, the Houser twins are responsible for everything you know and love about GTA.
>being shot and dying is more severe than having your head cut off with a kitchen knife
>GTA: London
>play as a paki
>basically san andreas reskin
Amerifats always gotta bring up the gun control, ya'll motherfuckers are fucking insecure.
Yes it happens in Europe. But it's very rare, and never as severe. Like, come on dude, everyone expects it to happen like more than once a fucking year in the USA. It's a massive fucking problem, and that's not true for Europe. The US even has a huge list of them on Wikipedia.
Now I'm not American and it's honestly not my problem, but it is still a problem for you guys.
You have the chance to outrun a knife, can't outrun bullets mate.
Reminder that American cops have been taking training classes from Scottish cops to try and teach them to stop shooting people.
>having a kid/teen carry a weapon to school and shoot like ten people is comparable to a decapitation
I'm a fit young man, I can outrun a mudskin carrying a machete. I can't outrun a bullet.
>massive problem
it probably kills as many children per year as razor scooters
>can't outrun bullets mate
Youre not trying hard enough.
That was an isolated incident. People don't get their heads cut off in London every day. School shootings on the other hand can happen any day.
you cunts realise they can come up with any funny excuse for GTA VI: Bong to have lots of guns for the player, cops, chavs, whoever yeah? they could even cram in more american humour! blame the states for the importation of guns!
I would say that the end result of being dead makes them both as equally severe.
The difference is that one of those scenarios is far more frequent than the other.
I've gotta think like the bullet, be the bullet.
What... what happens if you don't pick up the can?
If someone tries to shoot you, just teleport behind them! I read it on the internet so you know it's possible.
>I can outrun a mudskin carrying a machete
Bet you can't.
>also equating a continent that contains one of the largest countries on earth to America is a bit unfair.
Isnt this what you yurofags do in every debate here? Also lmfao en.wikipedia.org
>5 attacks in less than a year
And its only going to get worse. Thanks Merkel!
£2500 fine, which is like $4000 or so.
They ask you nicely to pick it up again.
In many countries within the EU its perfectly legal to own firearms with no licence. That brevik guy that shot the kids in norway bought his gun in the czech republic.
My ex-gf was from Marseilles and she saw a bank robbery go down where the guy had an AK-47. It's super easy to get hold of guns on the mainland, you don't even need a black market contact
£50 fine on the spot
Interesting, because GTA III was the first game he produced and it was the reason the series is worth billions today.
Also, despite the hackers, what's wrong with GTA Online and why is it Benzies to blame?
You might not want to admit that over the internet
I'm holding a stick RIGHT NOW.
>forget to pay TV license
>cop kills me
Well they can't catch any real criminal because that would offend the mudslimes and african immigrants.
Seriously dude?
I live near clacton... send help
v& incoming
take a guess
Yup. That's how the citizens get cucked
Hey man, i can only speak for britain, i don't pretend to speak for the entirety of europe because that's rather silly, i wouldn't speak like i know what's happening up north ethier because i don't live there and never have.
Latest one in Britain was a stabbing that injured 3 people, carried out by a lone wolf dude, i don't think i'm gonna lose any sleep.
Also mate, a school shooting literally happened a month ago, a kid got shot and died
Don't be a prick, bin that stick!
being a Britbong must be suffering
>The producer has no impact of the product's development.
Seriously dude?
>outrunning bullets
I know you ameri lards all think you are superman but come the fuck on.
The London one hardly counts. One dickhead ran around with a knife, stabbed three people without actually killing any of them, and then got tasered to the ground, cuffed, and interrogated.
If this was in America, the three people would have been shot in the head (+ maybe more), then the guy would have been shot, and then you would have to spend months begging Apple to let you access their phone.
Estates, chavs are always murdering someone on those, they're shitholes.
Do you really need a license to own a tv in Britain? That's ridiculous.
Everybody wants a GTA in their country, at least you guys got GTA London
Get good
This poster legitimately looks like the cover to a Ray Bradbury book.
Did they intend that?
I've lived on a council estate my entire life in one of the poorest parts of the UK. In my entire life we've had 2 murders. Both by immigrants.
Chavs might harass you, mug you or even burgle your house, but murder isn't something they do.
Well, sorta, you don't pay to have the tv but you do pay to fund the BBC (heheheh), which makes a bunch of nice documentaries like planet earth and stuff, also the BBC don't run any ads.
Some people think they can outsmart me...
It's because the BBC is funded by tax payers, which is why there's no adverts.
>says something retared
>gets btfo
>H-h-h-h-hhere user this png will make it seem like was a joke
Stay classy
>TV License
>Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
You can't make this shit up.