This game will change everything

This game will change everything

Other urls found in this thread:

Is that a expansion for Chivalry?

essentially chiv 2 but made by competent devs

Mirage: Arcane Warfare looks more interesting. Enjoy your autistic rip of Chiv, though.

clearly a casual to the genre if you think mirage will even stand at chivs level let alone mordhau

wish TB the best in mirage as the scene needs more first person melee titles but really disappointed in their emphasis on ranged combat, will be a deadliest warrior 2 rather than a chiv successor

unless they fix the 360 kiting and high sensitivity shittery that the first chiv turned into I won't be buying it

I came for medieval warfare, not "who can have the biggest fit and drag the longest shot to win"

chiv has a turn cap so sensitivity was never an issue, but reverses don't exist in mordhau


kickstarter coming within a couple of months actually, will get funded within a few hours

Weapon swing isn't affected by mouse sensitivity.

I fucking swear, it's like all the people who shit on chiv aren't even familiar with its most basic game mechanics.

>I came for medieval warfare

You don't even know what that even entails, but to answer your question, no, mordhau won't be realistic, because making a realistic game about armoured combat is pretty much impossible.

joes will be joes

>I shouldn't have changed everything.

in that case I won't buy your equally buggy car crash of a game then

men trying to out do each other by breaking their backs, doing 360 bunnyhops and sword drags makes a joke of the term medieval warfare.

>this game changing anything

not if it has the same terrible fanbase chivalry had

>f-f-f-fucking ARCHERS MAN!
>swings massive 2h sword that one hits lighter classes like a fucking mong, exploiting as many bugs as he can

typical retard joe, already told you reverses aren't in mordhau, stay small son lmfao

archers on vanilla are objectivly broken, if the fastest firing crossbow can one shot the 2nd most heavily armoured class then you know you have a problem

I remember a couple of years someone here starting a thread about that game.
There was a trailer for it on the 3rd or 4th post, and I got pretty hyped to try it out, because the trailer seemed quite good.

But since I'm not a retard, I took care to type "Chivalry Gameplay" on youtube.
I gotta admit, I have some good laughs for a couple of minutes and promptly dismissed the idea of playing it.
At the time, someone was posting "this back breaking shit will kill the game" and several anons were "no, it's skill like bunnyhopping, it will create a whole community behind it".

I wouldn't have betted money on either side, but a couple years later, here we are and we know the result.

>and several anons were "no, it's skill like bunnyhopping, it will create a whole community behind it".

But that's exactly what happened, there's still monthly tournaments for chiv despite being a indie game released in 2012, there's literally the only game of its genre on the market right now so of course the community will still exist

you just needed to git gud haha

the result is a pretty empty game with a few die hard communities trying their very best to gain new blood by posting shitty threads like this

every time I download chiv I see a ton of players in the new player servers trying to aoid the "skilled" bunnyhoppers and then maybe 1 and a half filled servers of jumping stupidity.

The devs killed the game, and now a few autists screaming skill and insulting anyone who criticises them just makes the situation even more depressing.

How is thread an attempt to gain new blood for chiv when the original post is clearly about Mordhau? A game which does away with all the 360 combat aspects of chiv.

The devs killed the game? How? Drags and swing manipulation is what made the game and was included from the very start. The fact that there is still a competitive scene and many pub servers still occupied any time of day is a testament to how engaging the real time weapon control is

joes like yourself get insulted when your criticisms are focused on shit that blatantly isn't even remotely true, e.g. "high sensitivity spinners" or "glitch based combat", just pure lack of understanding

stop being so antisemitic jesus christ

>the term medieval warfare

You don't know a fucking thing what plate armour combat even consists of, it wouldn't translate very well into a fast paced game.

There are probably more populated servers today than there were at launch, but whatever, I guess if a game doesn't have the playerbase of some blockbuster AAA multiplayer title I guess it's dead.

>there's still monthly tournaments for chiv
>there's literally the only game of its genre on the market
That's because the "community" made sure that the game can only be played one way, and one way only. They made their own genre.
On Source games, fans of bunnyhopping made their own maps, and have their own comunity.

On this game, you faggots occupy pretty much all the server. And when you get tired of playing on 4 player server, you jump on the only 16 player one where the new guys are, wreck shit because you're doing something NOONE wants to do but confers you a huge advantage and get surprised when it takes 15 minutes for the whole server to disband for a couple of hours.

Unlike surf maps and bunnyhopping, Chivalry suffers from inbreeding within it's comunity, and is destined to never have more 100 players online because of it.

A similar fate happened to Haven&Hearth for instance. That game could have thousands of players at the same time.
But due to a small band of russians powergaming for the purpose of wrecking everyone else, the game never got more than 1000 players online at the same time.

medieval warfare certainly doesn't mean men in full plate sprinting facing directly into the sky with their back at at 90 degree angle jumping 5 times in a row now does it?

if you want proof of how bad the chiv community is, just check the community hub on steam

>"vanguard OP"
>"git gud"
>"vanguard has all the best stuff, health and weapons but it's all about player skill =D"
>"this is bait"

the game is a joke, the community is cancerous and the playerbase is dwindling, thus these semi tri-monthly threads

Chiv is the shit, cant wait to play Mordhau tho.

are you retarded? how many times do I need to tell you that the thread is about mordhau WHICH DOESN'T HAVE REVERSES

read it 3 more times so I don't need to reiterate myself in another post

pretty sure chivalry has had player counts well into the thousands, and the truly good players don't even bother playing pubs let alone low rank shitter servers

I remember playing chiv on release

>battle were prolonged affairs of block, dodge, swing. Stamina was hella important and reaction speed was all. It felt like actually a medieval battle and players on big servers would usually duel on the battlefield for quite some time.

now it's
>one guy springing around stabbing people in the back wile 360 jumping and sprinting off
>duels becoming a joke f back breaking bends and unblock able overhead stabs
>no prolonged battles, no decent duels, just retarded gameplay
>battles become spam fests and lost the charm they initially had

this game is the literal definition of a game killed by its community

oh, no reverses, what about the drag shots, 360 spin kiting and bunny hops?

oh, and nice elitism, that's probably why you have to come on this board to scrape up more "pubs" to beat down on to stroke your e-peen

Sorry to burst your bubble but Arcane looks really bad. I hate the colour scheme. Might be your thing though.

Moving on, Chivalry is cancer. The community is toxic and cancerous, the developers are incredibly fucking incompetent and ungrateful for all the people playing their shitty one-shot lucky game. The only fucking thing good about Chivalry is that we can get games like le Mordhau haffsword XDD, renamed from Slasher, which LOOKS better. But it might not play as good as it looks. After all, there'll be crossbows and cunting archery as per fucking usual.

>battle were prolonged affairs of block, dodge, swing. Stamina was hella important and reaction speed was all.

Oh so like the combat in this video?

dragging is an intended real time swing mechanic so yes that's still going to be in the game, would you rather just have a static minecraft arm rotation? 360 spin = reverse and bunny hopping was a complaint as well?

I only play vs other comp guys

>just check the community hub on steam
>actually going to steam forums

Steam forums are literally yt- tier, I don't understand what kind of argument you're trying to make there.

I'm not even a "so hardcore" competitive faggot you constructed in your deluded mind, never played in clan or anything, and I genuinely enjoyed the game . Clocked in 400 hours just playing pubs.

You strike me as the kind of guy that would complain about rocket jumping in quake or rushing in an RTS because it looks ridiculous, it's a fucking game and chiv was never striving for realism.

When I first starting seeing people acting like spastics I dropped the game, thank god warband got rid of their spinning fuckery engine-side, otherwise I would have stopped that too.

>Chivalry MLG 1337 players increase their FOV to 120º so they don't get surprised/can aim their 360º back breaking spins

Get fucked mate. You might fool a retard or two into playing it, but most everyone here already did, and knows it's Beyblade: King of England edition.

>he drags shots, overhead unblockable shots, then bunnyhops
>blocking, parrying and stabbing
>he has his field of view turned so far up his arms have glitched

this is fucking bait, he is using every glitch in the book to try hard and win, and the people he's playing against don't have a chance

you are why this game is dead



Warband might be a very good alternative to this game.
>Managing to get 10 of your friends to play the game
>you all coordinate a cavalry charge
Absolutely beautifull.
Also managed to do that Khergit Khanate thing were you rotate around a target with your horses shooting arrows inside the circle. The hardest part is moving the circle around to prevent them from getting away.

people who say archers are OP in chivalry are bonafide shitters and probably vanguardbabbies who never learned how to duck

>increasing your FOV is glitching


>it's either Chiv-tier or Minecraft tier
so fucking shite or even worse shit? Seriously, what kind of fucking argument is this, are you implying Chiv's combat system is the best we can do? It's fucking horrible. Real-time swings were never intended to be this distorted, and it's so goddamn broken with the horrible, amateur-tier, jittery cunting animations Torn Banner made.

mount and blade warband is intuitive combat done right
>a limit on input preventing one player having an unfair advantage
>mechanics everyone can learn and with each having a decent counter
>limited movement prevents kiting and stupidity, making battle drawn out, visceral and fair
>winning is based off reaction, skill and simply being faster on the counters then the enemy, not undodgeable shots, spastic jumping or overextending your sensitivity

warband is melee done right, chivalry is everything done wrong

sorry, allow me to correct my statement:

every tryhard, metaish setting and every glitch manoeuvre he can to win (don't tell me unblockable backwards 180 bunnyhop overheads are "working as intended" mechanics)

this thread has inspired me to create a thread titled "games ruined by their communities"

Exactly, game aimed to make film-like combat which it does very well

if you dont move your block to meet the weapon a jump strike will go over an opponents block -- wouldnt expect a joe to know a thing about how to play though

you gunna ignore the double feint read at 0:49 though?

>it's either Chiv-tier or Minecraft tier

no it's mordhau tier, go watch the combat trailer if you want to see how it looks retard

it's also based on jumping around spamming feints with the low footspeed making the game feel sluggish with no weight to the blows you make

I'm genuinely impressed, that video is literally why Chivalry is shit and why it is now a pretty much dead game but the few coop maps.
Thanks, user.

>play TF2
>increased FOV to 360
>no spies can backstab me
Does that mean I'm a better player by turning the FOV that high?
No, it means I used an unconventional method to gain an advantage over another player.

It's not player skill, it's absuing game mechanics. And the worst part is that if the other players want to be on equal footing as you, they gotta warp their FOV aswell and play with buggy arms or suffer because they simply don't get the same ammount of information that you do.

Can't you both see what's wrong here?
You're forcing newer players to either play at a disavantage 100% of time, or fuck up the rendering of the game.
Are you still wondering why the game is pretty much dead.

For fuck sake, BRINK of all things has more active players than Chivalry.
Fucking Brink.

For Hono(u)r looks good.

Warband has the same spinny backbreaking shit but for damage bonus on your swing

check out any server with people who know what they're doing - its the same shitfest with an older coat of paint. Still a good singleplayer game which lasted me a good few hundred hours.

that's what they get for picking the one class with no shield and not being able to play tactically

people are defending the nerfs of what might just be the worst ranged class in recent multiplayer history...wew


>warband combat based off jumping around
>jump, cant block or attack, get killed

just stop embarrassing yourself

>the video he shows is literally every broken mechanic: the video

I would laugh if I wasn't so depressed knowing that maybe a few people fell for his bullshit

>wouldnt expect a joe to know a thing about how to play though
I'll take a minute here to laugh at the "joe" thing.
You're starting to sound like Sup Forums when they go out in public and start calling everything "cucks" and get surprised when people make confused faces.

I know "joe" is a typical insult in-game, but you're using it on a board where most people either don't play the game or played it long ago and don't remember the lingo either.

But keep trying your dead memes around like they add anything to the discussion.

>>it's either Chiv-tier or Minecraft tier

>no it's mordhau tier,
I can't stop laughing at your posts.

Goat trailer. Really pissed people off. It had women in it AND it had samurai killing Knights.

Nobody bothered to read it was set in an alt universe where Samurai were desert nomads with high quality steel fighting Vikings with the Knights in the middle.

You've never seen how competitive M:B even looks like , have you?

It's even more spastic than chiv because you can constantly feint as there is no stamina system.

skip to 1:40

>there are people ITT actually defending Chivalry's combat

It's not nearly as bad as Chivalry. In Warband you know why you were killed meanwhile in Chivalry it's about exploting hitboxes and jittery animations. There's no real comparison, Warband works and Chivalry doesn't.

This fucking video. Holy fuck I'm glad I stopped playing this cunting shit.

>implying i don't have 500 hours clocked in Chivalry
>implying i haven't played since release
>implying i haven't seen the downfall of this game since the beginning
Please, user.
Chivalry is dead, and so is the "muhlayy gaymzz" genre.

these games are literally the apex of retardation

>competitive M:B
Now I've heard everything.
Do they have MMR too?
Leagues? Ranking?
Where do the MLG M:B players meet?
Can you buy kinfe skins for 300$?

Fucking competitive faggots.

Its not THAT bad. Just meant that it looked pretty ridiculous too
bannerlord when

I saw the downfall as well

it broke my heart

going from 32 player battlefield duels and skirmishes to barely 8 player spam glitching broke my heart

>4 players per team
>the rest are AI controlled mooks
>made by ubisoft

It's gonna be shit.

All I see is combat working well and not constant 360 FOV 360 spin2win unblockable overheads.

It was supposed to happen, user.
The devs weren't exactly clever about all of this bullshit, since they pretty much allowed it in first place.
I find that game fun once in a while with my buddies in the horde maps, the versus mode is now literally retarded in every single possible way.

someone hasn't played against J-P lmao

>people jump vs me when I play it, looking at this "high level" combat made me puke in my mouth a little, despite being so sluggish it still looks retarded


Can you link me where I said that? Because I don't remember saying that

Oh wow a retard is laughing for no reason, ok

just garb arguments to go with your joe strawmen

Probably user, but I liked what I saw. As usual, I wait for reviews and Let's Streams and such.


To this day i still secretely wish for a horde mode for deadliest warrior, which was very fun to play.

>it's about exploting hitboxes and jittery animations

you not watching those comp M&B vids? the switching between attack types looks like a 2 frame animation making the entire duel play out in Microsoft powerpoint

It looks like unreadable bullshit just like that other chiv video, if you're gonna shit on chiv shit on M:B too. I mean you're literally ignoring that in mount and blade a completely viable tactic is to completely strip naked, get a two hander and just feint everyone to death.

>ip count didn't go up

Wow, you really hate this game with an autistic passion, don't you? Just how salty does a man have to be, jesus christ.

Oh Wow a retard is spouting an expression noone but him understands, ok

Just saying man, you're like the kids who start using RPG expressions in everyday life, even in front of people who don't play RPG's.
You're cringy as shit, that's what you are.
Kindly stop.

at least I can find a mount and blade server where that shits at a minimum

you can't go into a single chiv server without some exploit fag beating the shit out of you

>using chiv expressions in a thread with lots of chiv players

no user you are the retard

Chivalry is shit, warband is better

>some exploit fag beating the shit out of you
>being so fucking salty you can only cry exploits the moment someone beats your ass at a game

never change, Sup Forums

warband isn't even a first person melee title considering everyone plays in third at a competitive level whilst the opposite is true for chiv, their isn't even a discussion to be had here for the better first person slasher title

>monitoring the IP count
kek, you're at the point you care more about the thread than the game itself.
I already suspected you were here because you're fishing for players for your dead game, but now I'm sure.

For anyone lurking, if you want your fix of Medieval combat, Kingdom Comes, deliverance is coming.
Let that arrive, wait a couple of months for the mellee of that to standardize the industry and bring back first person melle fighting a la Dark Messiah, and shit will be great.
Until then, we get Knights-Merry-go-Round for gameplay.

What are you basing that on? I think you're just upset that warband is better

>better first person slasher title
That's Dark Messiah. Period.

Am I wrong in thinking Mount and Blade was the first game with this type of gameplay?

Are there any games that pre-date it?

>Kingdom Comes, deliverance

lmfao you think a single player game will have any effect on competitive multiplayer melee titles? let alone in two months? christ you're retarded

why are you still referencing 360 combat when the chiv successor wont feature it? how come your reading comprehension is that of an 8 year olds?

I'm basing it on every competitive warband video I've watched - it's all in third person

are you denying that? what's your point here?

I'm just calling out your samefagging, is all, m8.

And kingdom come isn't even multiplayer, anyway.

Age of Chivalry

I've played it, had fun kicking shit in single player but the combat is like a puddle compared to chivs ocean

Another game made by HEMA LARP retards who know nothing about fighting.


That Warband's better? Being able to play chivalry in first person doesn't change that warband is a better game lol

...except they've said numerous times that the game isn't based on HEMA techniques because it wouldn't make for fluid and entertaining in game combat

I can only hope this will be fixed chivalry, but they better get some good fucking warcrys in there

Meanwhile torn banner is making some chivalry: magic edition that not even the players who stuck with chivalry want

>the chiv successor wont feature it?
You seem to know an awfull lot about the new title.
Does your dad work at Nintendo?
Are they atleast paying you well for this user?

>the combat is like a puddle compared to chivs ocean
I'll take a puddle of water over an ocean of piss.
Just because something is more complex and intricate does not mean it's automatically better.
For one, Dark Messiah Multiplayer was a lot more fun. More unpreditacble too.

>Age of Chivalry
By "this type of gameplay" I meant weapons being aimed, swung, and then some type of collisions detection.
Isn't age of chivalry's gameplay similar to Oblivion's? Swing, hit.

>their isn't even a discussion to be had here for the better first person slasher title

>first person slasher

warband isn't even in the same discussion here, as it isn't first person

please learn to read joe

This was cancerous to watch. I'm glad I stopped playing this game.

800 hours here, never heard joe until now but then again I never visited the autism duelers club

>if you're gonna shit on chiv shit on M:B too
I've played both games. M&B has some bullshit but Chivalry beats it so far out on its ass in terms of sheer bullshit. Chivalry is fucking broken. Have they even fixed the claymore?

Deus Ex, Dragon Tooth sword :^)
Irony aside, if you want to really really go back in time to find the first instance of "first person, you aim your mellee weapons" it might be something just after Might and Magic 6, or some wizardy or ultima title.
That was about the time first person games were actually gaining traction, and real-time was also starting to become a possiblity thanks to faster processors.

So, start looking in game from 1998 to 2000.

>unpredictability is a good thing now

if the combat is just random explosions then there's no room for a skill ceiling or competition

I know as much as anyone does about Mordhau

maybe you should watch the above before making another uninformed post

AoC had real time swings, joe

Lol, I never said it was a better first person game, just a better game overall. First person is a retarded and irrelevant distinction that you brought up to try to avoid the fact that chivalry isn't as good as warband. Stop trying to argue against something I never said you autistic shitter.

People play warband 3rd person because of a tight FOV, you don't need to do that in Chivalry because it has an FOV slider. You're retarded for thinking this is a meaningful difference in games where the central focus is melee fighting.

>actually having issues with the claymore

Just how shit do you have to be? I don't remember when was the last time I've seen a vanguard even use it, everyone just runs around with halberds and zweihanders.

You do realize that guys like you are the reason why the playerbase has gone to shit?

>First person is a retarded and irrelevant distinction that you brought up

this thread is about first person melee titles, hence the picture of mordhau in OP's post

please leave you retarded child and take your third person trash discussion with you

Lol no you fagot, the thread is about melee games, warband's a better melee title and you're stupid. I'm staying.

At least post game play of Mordhau fucker.

players like me are the reason this game HAS a player base... because we still actually play the game

fuck off with your poo boy arguments crying about how you're not good enough to meet steel to steel with the best

maybe play some M&B I hear it's suited more for the casual player lmfao

If you're able to play a game with 360 FOV (I'm pretty sure that's not even possible to achieve in TF2) then that's a feat in itself.

>predictability is a good thing now
Predictability is the hallmark of ASSFAGGOTS.

>he picked this character, he went that way
>that means he's gonna do this, this and then that
>I'll respond by doing X, Y and Z
Literally not thinking, just Meta-memorizing.

Unpredictability is not something you want in competeitive games. That's true.
But it's something you want in fun-games.
>exiting through door
>ice on the floor, slip
>about to fall
>get fireballed from bellow, explosion knocks be back on to the floor I was
>slip again back inside the door
3 seconds of "WHAT THE FUCK" that I still remember after nearly 5 or 6 years.
And plenty more like that. Pure and simple fun.
But something like this happens in a "competitive" environment, and you get the MLG crowd screaming "NERF THIS, REMOVE THAT"