Can we talk about the game grumps...

Can we talk about the game grumps? I know everyone hates them here but I just wanna talk about their recent episodes with some pretty big time celebrities and not just other big youtubers.

What are your thoughts about that? Is it just me or does having a full on celebrity on a game playing youtube channel blow your mind and change the way you look at the grumps?

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fuk off not vidya

is the leftmost person supposed to be Suzy or Shingo

fuck off arin

What celebrities?

rightmost* woops

Literally who

They have had Steve-O, Rob schiender, and Riley richie?? Tv Actor from Game of thrones.

>mfw he gave up and i should too

Didn't they finally play Ocarina of Time? Did Arin fuck up every episode like everyone thought he would?