How long will the VR gimmick last? Will it last longer that 3d tv?

How long will the VR gimmick last? Will it last longer that 3d tv?

Well, first off, the fad for this, unfortunately, hasn't actually STARTED yet. It will probably take until the PSVR for us to get properly started with the fad where people start pretending VR is the future.

From then, it should last us about 6 years of VR bullshit, but don't worry, it's gonna be much like the Wii: Developers will have to choose between making games for normal platforms or VR and most audiences will realize VR isn't worth the hassle and they'd just rather play a normal game, meaning VR will never be supported to the extent the VR autists want, because it isn't worth it.

In other words, even when the gimmick is at its highest point, it shouldn't affect us too hard. We're gonna miss on like 4 VR exclusives worth a shit (2 of which will get ported to normal platforms later) and we're gonna cringe every time they bring up the VR shit on press conferences. But video game will move past it, like it has moved past every gimmick.

And then the Jews will think of something else to market to you and the cycle starts all over again.

vr has always been the end goal. vr's reign hasn't even really started.


I think its a outstanding idea but so fucking expensive.

I wish i had the money for one of them.

Track or, face track and all other stuff not needet.
Monitors are a thing of the past.

are there any actual games yet?
Not tech demos, games.

we seem to be prioritising hardware over software which is as silly as buying a bluray player with nothing to watch





Until they start the paid mod shit up again.

dead and gone by 2019

I mean fuck it.

Think about the military aplication.

Infantrie not siting infront of monitors but beingoutside shooting with there rifels virtual targets.
Next to apcs ifvv and tanks and so on.combine it with MILES or somthing better.

This is the training tool of the future.

Kill house with wooden targets being static or projectet on walls? A thing of the past!

It has such huge potential!

Probably has more application outside of vidya
Facebook was smart to take an interest, but probably misjudged their own demographic in terms of convenience and cost

>Social Justice classes
>"Life in the day of a minority"
>footage of a black transexual with a gopro taped to her face walking through New York
it's the future


It's DOA. Middle America is not paying $1000 a head for a device that makes people look like perverts in their own living room.

I knew going into it that it was going to be too expensive going into this, but as someone who loves gaming as much as I do, I had to try.

I got the Vive. It is unbelievably awesome. Despite the lack of software, it has pretty much replaced normal gaming for me. However, it's not ready to become the mainstream yet. It needs to get cheaper and it needs more games.

Anyone calling it a gimmick or a fad is just wrong. Either they haven't tried it, don't have the imagination to see the amazing potential, or are a fat lazy pile of shit that hates moving for more than five minutes.

You can't play it like a hardcore gamer yet, either. If you play more than four hours a day, you're gonna run out of stuff to do.The market is still very new and developers need time to put out more full, polished experiences.

The only way I see VR going away is if they can't get enough developer backing. A platform, even one as amazing as the Vive, is only as good as it's games. I really wish Valve had backed it with something great, instead of chucking out a bunch of tech demos stitched together. Oh well.

Won't start until the Vive releases.

I don't know if it will even start you got to have a pretty bitchin pc and then lay down the buckaroos for the device. It's such a high cost to get such shallow games.

Serious issues with it:
>Lots of people thinking its a gimmick so they are waiting it out. (Companies included)
>Expensive AF
>Tons of competition (why did everyone suddenly go for it at the same time...?)
>Community going to be divided amongst said devices
>Companies are going to have to take a big risk to start making VR games (and hope it picks up), most companies prefer to play it safe.

I think it will fail.

It's already dead

I like to use VR for google streetview. Google doesnt have an official app for it on Gear VR so I have to use a third party one.

It's already dead.

VIVE is the shit. If you're too poor to get one, that's too bad.

I have yet to hear any complaints about the device itself from those who own one, only heaps of praise. The games will come and the price will fall.
The only people bitching in here are poor or oldfags who wish they got to properly experience it in the 80s when they were young.

>Vive gets here Tuesday

Masterrace of the masterrace. Feels gud

>How long will the VR gimmick last?
The entire VR gimmick gets a system selling game in the next 6 months or you can pretty much call it dead for another generation.

This shit's been in the works for YEARS and no one thought that maybe it should release with a single compelling launch title?

The "big" VR titles all look like amateur unity games and mobile games people tacked motion controls onto. It's embarrassing.

Fuck off

The Vive is amazing, but there needs to be more content. Everyone who's tried it has only had praise. My main concern is what intuitive way there is to do full scale games that require a lot of movement. Teleporting everywhere isn't ideal and regular movement is discomforting, so it'll be interesting to see how fast this challenge is overcome

If you ever need to relax, painting in Tilt Brush is a great way to spend some time.