Which game are you more hyped for, Sup Forums.
And why?
Which game are you more hyped for, Sup Forums.
And why?
FFXV, because I have a sinking feeling that the FFVII remake is going be all sorts of fucked up.
FFXV because I already played FFVII.
FFVII because it features a varied cast that isn't homogenized fujoshit pandering like every other JRPG to release in the past five years.
VIIR is going to be complete trash so definitely XV.
XV reminds me of XII so can't wait. Waiting to see how they SJW Tifa in VII remake
One with playable girls
FFXV because I already know VII story so it will just be for nostalgia and Tifa boobies
None. They are both shallow trash
VII doesn't need a remake and it will probably just end up spoiling my memories of the original, making changes that don't need to be made. I don't really care that they're changing the combat though.
The FFVII remake because I want to see if they have the first scene uncensored.
>main character is literally participating in a terrorist attack
VII because I always held off on playing it because of the ugly graphics.
I'm glad that my first experience with VII will be with the definitive edition of the game.
Neither, they're both fujoshi bait. VII to a lesser extent.
I'm not even hype for XV. Looks like anime dragon ball z shit that has nothing to do with FF
Looking forward to FFVII episode 1: AVALANCHE
This. I don't have a lot of nostalgia for VII but the remake will more likely than not add things that don't need to be added no I'm not talking about Genesis since that would involve retconning both CC and DoC which I don't see happening.
The Last Guardian. I've been waiting for this game since I played Sotc
Dragon Quest XI. Because it'll have meaningful exploration, better characters and better gameplay. And isn't afraid to use turn based combat.
Cloud looks ugly as fuck in the remake.
...And it'll never be released in the West.
I'm not really hype for either.
Not sure. Just not hyped really I still would play both however.